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Last active March 20, 2020 19:23
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How to use:
runghc test.hs
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import ExprParser (expr)
import ExprDef
import ParserLib
tests = [
"example0" ~:
runParser expr "x + y"
~?= Just (Prim2 Add (Var "x") (Var "y"))
"example" ~:
runParser expr "!(x + y)"
~?= Just (Prim1 Not (Prim2 Add (Var "x") (Var "y")))
"example2" ~:
-- WHY? addition and subtraction have the same precedence and are collectively left
-- associated
runParser expr "(x + y - z + a - b)"
~?= Just (Prim2 Sub (Prim2 Add (Prim2 Sub (Prim2 Add (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Var "z")) (Var "a")) (Var "b"))
"example2" ~:
runParser expr "(x - y - z)"
~?= Just (Prim2 Sub (Prim2 Sub (Var "x") (Var "y")) (Var "z"))
"example3" ~:
runParser expr "! - ! 5"
~?= Just (Prim1 Not (Prim1 Neg (Prim1 Not (LitNat 5))))
"example3.1" ~:
runParser expr "! ! ! 5"
~?= Just (Prim1 Not (Prim1 Not (Prim1 Not (LitNat 5))))
"example3.2" ~:
runParser expr "- - -5"
~?= Just (Prim1 Neg (Prim1 Neg (Prim1 Neg (LitNat 5))))
-- WHY? because the operator function in ParseLib reads as many '!' chars in a row as it can (it's greedy munching), so "!!" gets read at once, which is unexpected, thus crashing to Nothing, unary operators need to have spaces inbetween like the above example
"example3.5" ~:
runParser expr "!!5"
~?= Nothing
"example4" ~:
runParser expr "(x || !(5 + 3))"
~?= Just (Prim2 Or (Var "x") (Prim1 Not (Prim2 Add (LitNat 5) (LitNat 3))))
"example5" ~:
runParser expr "(5 == 6)"
~?= Just (Prim2 EqNat (LitNat 5) (LitNat 6))
"example6" ~:
runParser expr "(5 == (y - z))"
~?= Just (Prim2 EqNat (LitNat 5) (Prim2 Sub (Var "y") (Var "z")))
"example7" ~:
runParser expr "(4 == (5 == (y - z)))"
~?= Just (Prim2 EqNat (LitNat 4) (Prim2 EqNat (LitNat 5) (Prim2 Sub (Var "y") (Var "z"))))
-- WHY? the eq operator has no assocation, thus 2 in a row without parenthesis inbetween in unexpected (undefined) behaviour
"example7.5" ~:
runParser expr "(4 == 5 == (y - z))"
~?= Nothing
-- WHY? or is a reserved word and can't be a variable name
"example8" ~:
runParser expr "(or + 6)"
~?= Nothing
-- More tests when marking.
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
a:_ | Just n <- readMaybe a, 0 <= n, n < length tests ->
do c@Counts{errors=e, failures=f} <- runTestTT (tests !! n)
if e == 0 && f == 0
then return c
else exitFailure
| otherwise -> error "No such test number."
_ -> runTestTT (TestList tests)
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