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Last active April 14, 2021 15:06
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Natural Language Processing w/ NLTK (Python3)

Natural Language Processing w/ NLTK (Python3)


(assumes a working Anaconda installation)

  1. Create an Anaconda environment for this workshop: conda create -n scraping python=3.8
  2. Activate the scraping environment: conda activate scraping
  3. Install nltk to our environment: pip install nltk
  4. Instal matplotlib to our environment: pip install matplotlib
  5. Run jupyter notebook in our environment: jupyter notebook
  6. Open a new Python 3 Notebook
  7. In a notebook cell: import nltk
  8. Download nltk book:, find and select book and hit download

Getting a Text

  1. Get a sample text! I like using Project Gutenberg for this.
  2. In the search field, search for an older book that you think might be in Project Gutenberg. For example, one could find Herman Melville's Moby Dick or Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Take a moment to find a text to work with or, if you want, you can just follow along with me to Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  3. We are looking for a .txt, or Plain Text, file. Once you have found it click on it to open it in your browser. For example: the Plain Text version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is here
  4. Next we open our Terminal and use curl to download the .txt file from the url, saving the output to a text file on our CPU: curl --output alice.txt

Preparing the Text for NLTK

  1. In Python Import nltk: import nltk

  2. Import your text file into Python:

    filename = "alice.txt"
    f = open(str(filename), 'r')
    corpus =
  3. Before moving forward let's double check to make sure the text file looks right: print(corpus)

Tokenizing the Text

  1. A text is composed of tokens: words, sentences, punctuation, etc. nltk provides a variety of pre-built functions for tokenization, but the two that you will see used most frequently are word and sentence tokenization.

    We can split our corpus into words with

    from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize

    or sentences with

    from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
  2. Run both of the tokenization processes again and store them to variables for usage later:

    from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize
    alice_sents = sent_tokenize(corpus)
    alice_words = word_tokenize(corpus)
  3. Check the contents of alice_sents and alice_words with print

    • print(alice_sents)
    • print(alice_words)

Analyzing and Cleaning the Text

Frequency Analysis

  1. nltk has a built-in funciton for analyzing the frequency words occur in a corpus: .FreqDist(). Run it on your list of words and store it to a variable called freq: freq = nltk.FreqDist(alice_words)

  2. check the output of FreqDist(): print(freq)

  3. for a more specific example of the problem here: freq.most_common(5) the code above results in the following (assuming you are using Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as input): [(',', 2574), ('the', 1686), ('“', 1118), ('”', 1114), ('.', 911)]

  4. We can modify our code a bit to try to condition, or clean, our data:

    from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    sr= stopwords.words('english')
    clean_tokens = alice_words
    for token in alice_words:
        if token in stopwords.words('english'):
            msg = ' '.join(['removed', str(token), 'from corpus'])
    freq = nltk.FreqDist(clean_tokens)
    for key,val in freq.items():
        print(str(key) + ':' + str(val))
    freq.plot(20, cumulative=False)

Even when we filter out stopwords, though, we still have a ton of symbols left over to clean out. Perhaps another approach would be better!

Parts of Speech Analysis

  1. Run the parts of speech tagger in nltk and store the output to a variable called alice_pos: alice_pos = nltk.pos_tag(alice_words)
  2. Check to make sure that the output looks sane: print(alice_pos)
  3. The parts of speech tagger outputs a tuple, an immutable (un-changeable) datatype that resembles a list. It's a lot easier to deal with lists in Python than tuples (just trust me on this) so the first step is to split the tuple into a 2-dimensional list: alice_pos = list(map(list, alice_pos))
  4. Next, we repurpose our previous example to identify every instance of a period, which we eventually want to remove, but will test first with the following:
    clean_pos = alice_pos
    for token in alice_pos:
        if token[1] == ".":
            msg = ' '.join([str(token[0]), "is a ."])
  5. The above code reliably identifies ends of sentences (apparently also includes ! and ?), so lets go ahead and remove each token that meets this criteria from clean_pos:
    clean_pos = alice_pos
    for token in alice_pos:
        if token[1] == ".":
  6. Check to make sure our output looks sane (there shouldn't be any .): clean_pos
  7. So right now we could iteratively update the symbol to look for, or we could rewrite our code slightly. In the following we have a list of symbols and check every token against that list. If a token matches anything on a symbol list we remove it from our clean_pos:
    clean_pos = alice_pos
    symbols = ['$',"''",'(',')',',','--','.',':','SYM',"``", '#']
    for token in alice_pos:
        for symbol in symbols:
            if symbol == token[1]:
  8. Check to make sure our output looks sane (there should be substantially less symbols): clean_pos
  9. And now lets remove all stopwords:
    from nltk.corpus import stopwords
    cleaner_pos = clean_pos
    for token in clean_pos:
        if token[0] in stopwords.words('english'):
            msg = ' '.join([str(token[0]), "is a stopword"])
  10. And now let's unzip our list and trying running FreqDist() again and graphing our results:
    freq = nltk.FreqDist(a)
    freq.plot(20, cumulative=False)
  11. Still getting some information in the output that we don't really want, lets try throwing out everything but nouns next:
    only_nouns = []
    nouns = [ 'NN', 'NNP', 'NNPS', 'NNS']
    for token in cleaner_pos:
        for symbol in nouns:
            if symbol == token[1]:
  12. Finally, lets graph our noun results:
    freq = nltk.FreqDist(only_nouns)
    freq.plot(20, cumulative=False)
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