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Last active January 21, 2016 18:09
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Swift BCZoneMonitor example
// CCZoneMonitor.swift
// SwiftExamples
// Created by Casey Billman on 1/18/16.
// Copyright © 2016 BlueCats. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import BlueCatsSDK
class CCZoneMonitor: NSObject, BCZoneMonitorDelegate {
var zoneMonitor: BCZoneMonitor!
let zoneIdentifierKeys = ["CATEGORY_ZONE_KEY", "ZONE_ID_KEY"]
Zones are defined by adding a custom value to a beacon, category, or site. The custom value key must match the key passed to the BCZoneMonitor.
Useful notes when working with zones:
* Using your beacons in Secure Mode with and setting "Uses Bluetooth LE accessories" enabled in Background Modes will improve background zone recognition.
* If using 0.7.X and above increasing the default background ranging to suit your use case. E.g.:
BCOptionMaximumDailyBackgroundUsageInMinutes : 240
BCOptionBackgroundSessionTimeIntervalInSeconds : 72000
let shortTimeFormatter = NSDateFormatter.init()
func startCCZoneMonitor() {
shortTimeFormatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterStyle.MediumStyle
self.zoneMonitor = BCZoneMonitor.init(delegate: self, queue: nil, zoneIdentifierKeys: zoneIdentifierKeys)
print("Started zone monitoring!")
func zoneMonitor(monitor: BCZoneMonitor!, didEnterZone zone: BCZone!) {
zoneEventNotification(zone, zoneEvent: "Device entered zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())) ")
print("Device entered zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())) ")
func zoneMonitor(monitor: BCZoneMonitor!, didReEnterZone zone: BCZone!) {
zoneEventNotification(zone, zoneEvent: "Device re-entered zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())) ")
print("Device re-entered zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate())) ")
func zoneMonitor(monitor: BCZoneMonitor!, didDwellInZone zone: BCZone!, forTimeInterval dwellTimeInterval: NSTimeInterval) {
zoneEventNotification(zone, zoneEvent: "Hit dwell time interval: \(dwellTimeInterval) for zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()))")
print("Hit dwell time interval: \(dwellTimeInterval) for zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()))")
func zoneMonitor(monitor: BCZoneMonitor!, didExitZone zone: BCZone!) {
zoneEventNotification(zone, zoneEvent: "Device just left zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()))")
print("Device left zone '\(zone.identifier)' at \(self.shortTimeFormatter.stringFromDate(NSDate()))")
func zoneEventNotification(zone: BCZone, zoneEvent: String) {
let uiLocalNotification = UILocalNotification()
uiLocalNotification.alertBody = zoneEvent
uiLocalNotification.alertAction = "OK!"
uiLocalNotification.soundName = UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName
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