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Created March 2, 2022 22:29
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***Personal Story***
Graduated from UC Berkeley 2 years ago. Interviewed with Triplebyte around then, but didn't make it the first time. He joined Google and worked on the firebase team. Now he's looking for something different.
Has a tendency to ramble and sometimes says wrong things confidently. For example, he said that when you send a POST request you also have to specify "the parent path," which is incorrect . This kind of thing happens occasionally.
***Tic tac toe***
He completed 2 steps of tic tac toe. It was slow in large part because he spent a lot of time narrating his process instead of coding. However, he's not a bad coder and the code he puts down is well structured and decent. He made a separate AI class, and seems comfortable with Python.
Very good. His stream of consciousness narration gave insight into his process and he's good at following code and identifying bugs. He fixed 3 and almost fixed the fourth.
***Backend Web***
Backend web wasn't the best. He confused normalisation with data cleaning in a way that suggests that he's not completely sure what a database schema is. The only good answer on the database section was a name drop of "BTree" when we talked about index implementation. Http web wasn't much better, although he explained password salt + hash well.
Weak on the details of self balancing trees, struggled with the kth smallest element question, but did ok on everything else on the section.
***Low Level***
Not quite expert-level details, but a very solid section overall.
***Used Car***
Used Car needed some work. He's on the firebase team at google and instinctively suggested firebase for his backend. I probed for details and he struggled a bit. At first he couldn't fully explain his firebase solution beyond "use firebase it'll do everything". Eventually he switched to a relational database backed solution after I asked he how he'd serve a sample query. That pivot didn't improve things much. But I think he just needs to practice design a bit more, familiarise himself with more tools, and practice a bit more on his technical communication.
Despite his weaknesses in back-end web, he seems pretty strong overall. He did well on datastructures and low level and great on debug. He also doesn't seem like a bad coder either. In addition, he has a solid academic pedigree (UC Berkeley) and has worked at Google for the past 2 years. He's enthusiastic and a good culture fit.
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