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Last active March 2, 2022 22:39
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Hey Casey,
Unfortunately, we're not going to move forward with your application at this moment. Interviewing is a messy process, and we know that we'll inevitably make mistakes as we iron out our process. We also believe in giving the people we interview honest feedback.
This was a tough decision for us. We thought you coded very methodically during the interview, paying good attention to what it was doing and being carefully to test it. We really liked your overall process and approach to problem solving.
However we made the decision because we didn't see the depth of knowledge we'd need in order to move forward. While your coding process was good, it also showed your lack of experience at times. There was some slowness and awkwardness with Python (having to think for a while about row-major and column-major representations), and not enough knowledge about HTTP, databases, and binary data representation.
We really don't want to discourage you too much though. Interviews are tough and we all have days we're not at our best. We also feel that most of the issues we saw were a consequence of little experience and not ability. Your thought process was impressively strong, especially for someone fairly new to programming. We think you should finish your final semester and work on some personal projects outside of class. One idea we'd recommend would be to build a website using a web framework (rails, django, node.js). We'd suggest building a website around one of your existing geometry projects (e.g. a website where you can upload a mesh, say, and it will give you a version to 3D print). We really hope you'll do this and then reapply to us again, we would love to hear from you.
Again we know this isn't a perfect process and we'd love to hear your honest feedback on how we might have improved it. We're also happy to hear any other questions you have.
Triplebyte Team
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