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Created June 29, 2020 01:31
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Elasticsearch 5 to 6 upgrade
from decimal import Decimal
from django_elasticsearch_dsl import DocType, Index, fields
from record.templatetags.record_tags import currency
from .models import Employee, Jurisdiction
# Name of the Elasticsearch index
employee = Index('employees')
# See Elasticsearch Indices API reference for available settings
class EmployeeDocument(DocType):
# jurisdiction foreign key references
jurisdiction = fields.NestedField(properties={
'name': fields.StringField(),
'slug': fields.StringField(index='not_analyzed'),
'kind': fields.StringField(index='not_analyzed')
django_id = fields.IntegerField(attr='id')
# decimal fields
base = fields.DoubleField()
gross = fields.DoubleField()
overtime = fields.DoubleField()
benefits = fields.DoubleField()
total = fields.DoubleField()
other = fields.DoubleField()
ual = fields.DoubleField()
name = fields.TextField(
fields={'keyword': fields.KeywordField()}
title = fields.TextField(
fields={'keyword': fields.KeywordField()}
class Meta:
model = Employee # The model associated with this DocType
related_models = [Jurisdiction]
# The fields of the model you want to be indexed in Elasticsearch
fields = [
queryset_pagination = 3000
from decimal import Decimal
from django_elasticsearch_dsl import Document, Index, fields
from django_elasticsearch_dsl.registries import registry
from record.templatetags.record_tags import currency
from .models import Employee, Jurisdiction
class EmployeeDocument(Document):
class Index:
# Name of the Elasticsearch index
name = 'employees'
# See Elasticsearch Indices API reference for available settings
settings = {'number_of_shards': 1,
'number_of_replicas': 0}
# jurisdiction foreign key references
jurisdiction = fields.NestedField(properties={
'name': fields.TextField(),
'slug': fields.TextField(index='not_analyzed'),
'kind': fields.TextField(index='not_analyzed')
django_id = fields.IntegerField(attr='id')
# decimal fields
base = fields.DoubleField()
gross = fields.DoubleField()
overtime = fields.DoubleField()
benefits = fields.DoubleField()
total = fields.DoubleField()
other = fields.DoubleField()
ual = fields.DoubleField()
name = fields.TextField(
fields={'keyword': fields.KeywordField()}
title = fields.TextField(
fields={'keyword': fields.KeywordField()}
class Django:
model = Employee # The model associated with this DocType
related_models = [Jurisdiction]
# The fields of the model you want to be indexed in Elasticsearch
fields = [
queryset_pagination = 3000
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