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Created May 29, 2015 00:43
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RoboFile for Drupal project
* Implementation of class for Robo -
* To Install robo:
* wget -O bin/robo
* chmod +x bin/robo
* Class RoboFile
class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks {
protected $application_root;
protected $drupal_profile;
protected $drush_binary;
protected $drush_make_file;
function __construct() {
$this->application_root = "app";
$this->composer_bin = "/usr/local/bin/composer";
$this->drupal_profile = "ua";
$this->drush_binary = "bin/drush";
$this->drush_make_file = "ua.make.yml";
$this->drush_cmd = "$this->drush_binary -r $this->application_root";
$this->gulp_bin = "node_modules/.bin/gulp";
$this->mysql_query_string = "mysql://drupal:drupal@localhost/local";
$this->admin_email = "";
$this->admin_account = "admin";
$this->admin_password = "password";
$this->site_name = "Site name";
* Perform a full build on the project
function build() {
* Prepare the application root for the make
function prepareMake() {
if (is_dir($this->application_root)) {
$this->_exec("sudo chmod -R 775 $this->application_root/sites");
$this->_exec("sudo rm -fR $this->application_root");
* Install drupal ready to run site-install on
function make() {
$this->_exec("$this->drush_binary make --working-copy $this->drush_make_file $this->application_root");
->symlink("/vagrant/modules", "/vagrant/$this->application_root/modules/custom")
->symlink("/vagrant/themes", "/vagrant/$this->application_root/themes/custom")
->symlink("/vagrant/profiles", "/vagrant/$this->application_root/profiles")
$this->_exec("git -C $this->application_root/modules/ua/ua_modules remote set-url origin");
* Prepare directories and config files for site installation
function prepareInstall() {
if (is_dir("$this->application_root/sites/default")) {
$this->_exec("sudo chmod -R 775 $this->application_root/sites/default");
$this->_exec("sudo rm -fR $this->application_root/default/files");
->copy("$this->application_root/sites/default/default.settings.php", "$this->application_root/sites/default/settings.php")
->copy("$this->application_root/sites/default/", "$this->application_root/sites/default/services.yml")
->chmod("$this->application_root/sites/default/settings.php", 777)
->chmod("$this->application_root/sites/default/services.yml", 777)
* Run drush site install to build the site from the install profile
function siteInstall() {
$this->_exec("$this->drush_cmd site-install \
$this->drupal_profile -y --db-url=$this->mysql_query_string \
--account-mail=$this->admin_email --account-name=$this->admin_account \
--account-pass=$this->admin_password --site-name='$this->site_name'");
$this->_exec("$this->drush_cmd composer-manager-init");
$this->taskExec("$this->composer_bin drupal-update")
* Run gulp to generate the css etc
function generate() {
* Run gulp to watch and auto generate css etc
function generateWatch() {
$this->_exec("$this->gulp_bin watch &");
* Add the styleguide softlink
function styleguideLink() {
if (!is_link("/vagrant/". $this->application_root ."/styleguide")) {
->symlink("/vagrant/styleguide", "/vagrant/". $this->application_root ."/styleguide")
else {
$this->say("Styleguide link not created - already exists");
* Perform cache clear in the app directory
function cacheClear() {
$this->_exec("$this->drush_cmd cr");
* Install adminer
function adminer() {
$this->taskExec("wget -q -O adminer.php")
* Ask a couple of questions and then setup the initial config
function gitflowInit() {
$this->say("Initial project setup. Adds user details to gitconfig, adds project specific aliases to bashrc.");
$github_name = $this->ask("Enter your GitHub name (e.g. Bob Rocks):");
$github_email = $this->ask("Enter your GitHub email (e.g.");
$git_config = "[user]\n email = $github_email}\n name = $github_name\n";
* Remote debug enable
function xdebugEnable() {
$this->_exec("sudo php5enmod xdebug");
$this->_exec("sudo service apache2 restart");
* Remote debug disable
function xdebugDisable() {
$this->_exec("sudo php5dismod xdebug");
$this->_exec("sudo service apache2 restart");
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