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Last active August 1, 2020 12:44
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using GeometryBasics
x(a::Point{2, T}) where { T <: Number } = first(a)
y(a::Point{2, T}) where { T <: Number } = last(a)
Matrix(z::Vector{Point{2, T}}) where { T <: Number } = hcat( z .|> x, z .|> y )
to_points(z) = [ Point(z[:,r][:]...) for r in 1:size(z,2)]
function orientation(p::Point{2, T}, q::Point{2, T}, r::Point{2, T})::Int where {T <: Number }
val = ( y(q) - y(p) ) * ( x(r) - x(q) ) - ( x(q) - x(p) ) * ( y(r) - y(q) )
return (val == 0) ? 0 : ( (val > 0) ? 1 : 2 )
Classic Jarvis/Gift Wrapping Convex Hull
function convexhull( points::Vector{Point{2, T}} )::Vector where {T <: Number }
n = length(points)
@assert (n > 2) "Convex Hull requires at least 3 points."
hull = []
p, q = argmin( x.( points ) ), 0
init = p
while ( p != init ) || (length(hull) == 0)
push!( hull, p )
q = (( p + 1 ) % n ) + 1 #+ 1
for i in 1:n
if orientation(points[p], points[i], points[q]) == 2
q = i
p = q;
return hull
p1 = Vector(Point{2, Int}[ Point(3, 1),
Point(2, 2),
Point(1, 1),
Point(2, 1),
Point(3, 0),
Point(0, 0),
Point(3, 3)
] )
hull_inds = convexhull( p1 )
function minimum_bounding_rectangle( points, hull_idxs )
n = length(hull_idxs)
# calculate edge angles
#edges = points[ hull_idxs[ 2:end ] ] - points[ hull_idxs[ 1:(end-1) ] ]
edges = points[ hull_idxs[ 1:(end-1) ] ] .- points[ hull_idxs[ 2:end ] ]
angles = atan.( y.( edges ), x.( edges ) ) .% (pi/2)
angles = unique( abs.( angles ) )
# find rotation matrices
rot_matrices = zeros( 2, 2, length( angles ) )
rot_matrices[1,1,:] = cos.(angles)
rot_matrices[1,2,:] = -sin.(angles )
rot_matrices[2,1,:] = sin.( angles )
rot_matrices[2,2,:] = cos.( angles )
const_view = Matrix( points[ hull_idxs ] )
rot_points = [ rot_matrices[:,:,z] * const_view' for z in 1:size( rot_matrices, 3 ) ]
# find the bounding points
min_x = [ reduce( min, rp[1,:] ) for rp in rot_points]
max_x = [ reduce( max, rp[1,:] ) for rp in rot_points]
min_y = [ reduce( min, rp[2,:] ) for rp in rot_points]
max_y = [ reduce( max, rp[2,:] ) for rp in rot_points]
# find the box with the best area
smallest_box = argmin( (max_x .- min_x) .* (max_y .- min_y) )
x1,x2 = min_x[smallest_box], max_x[smallest_box]
y1,y2 = min_y[smallest_box], max_y[smallest_box]
return rot_matrices[:,:,smallest_box]' * [ x1 y1; x1 y2; x2 y2; x2 y1 ]'
p1 = Vector(Point{2, Float64}[ Point(randn(2)...),
] )
hull_inds = convexhull( p1 )
mbr = minimum_bounding_rectangle( p1, hull_inds )
using Plots
scatter( p1, color = "black", legend = false);
scatter!( p1[hull_inds], color = "purple");
scatter!(mbr |> to_points , color = "pink")
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