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Last active November 1, 2016 17:37
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Cloud 9 - Static Content

Cloud 9 - Static Content

Setting Up Cloud9

  • Go to and log in
  • Create a new workspace
    • Workspace name = practice-static-site
    • Clone from Git or Mercurial URL =
    • (everything else at defaults)

Look around

  • check out the contents of the files
  • While index.html is open, click Preview -> Live preview file (index.html)
  • a pane should open with your HTML page

Things To Try

  • Change the values on existing CSS properties on existing CSS classes
  • Add a new CSS class .rounded-corners and use the css property border-radius. Apply this class to the <img> tag.
  • Upload your own image "File -> Upload from Local drive" and make that show up

Move CSS to its own file

  • Create a file named my-fancy-style-file.css.
  • Cut/paste the insides of your <style>...</style> block to this new css file.
  • In your HTML file remove the remaining (now empty) <style>...</style>.
  • Where the <style>...</style> used to be, put the line <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="my-fancy-style-file.css">
  • Save the files, refresh the browser. Did it work? :)
    • If you change the name of the file (either the file itself or the line in 'index.html') do the style stop appearing?

Add jQuery & Click button

  • after the line <link rel="stylesheet"... put <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    • this will get jQuery from online and put it on your HTML page for you to use
    • if you go to your page you could use selectors like $('div') and they will work now

Alert Popup Button (using jQuery)

  • In your index.html in the <body>...</body> put
<button id='alert-1'>Important Message</button>
  • In the <head>...</head> put
  alert('Excuse me! I am an alert! I am Super Important Ok?')
  • Save/refresh. Click the button, and you should get a popup

Extract javascript to its own file

  • Create a file named my-awesome-javascript-file.js.
  • Cut/paste the insides of your <script>...</script> block to this new js file.
  • In your HTML file remove the remaining (now empty) <script>...</script>.
  • Where the <script>...</script> used to be, put the line <script type="text/javascript" src="/my-awesome-javascript-file.js"></script>
  • Save the files, refresh the browser. Did it work? :)

Put CSS and JS in their own folders

  • Make a folder css and another folder js
  • Move the file my-awesome-javascript-file.js to js/my-awesome-javascript-file.js
  • Move the file my-fancy-style-file.css to css/my-fancy-style-file.css
  • Change the references in your <head>...</head> to point to these files.
  • Save the files, refresh the browser. Did it work? :)

JS and CSS and HTML together

  • Add the tag <p> I can be highlighted too! </p> to your <body>...</body>
  • Create a new file js/active.js with the contents
  • Create a new file css/active.css with the contents
.active {
  background-color: purple;
  • Link to the new js file by putting <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/active.js"></script> in the <head>...</head>
  • Save/refresh. Try to click on paragraph tags. Does it make the background purple?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title> TAB NAME </title>
.container {
width: 80%;
margin: 50px;
background-color: gray;
background-color: pink;
background-color: orange;
<div class ='container'>
<p> Hello World! </p>
<p id='p2'> I am also a paragraph but
my background color is orange :D
<img src="bubbles.jpeg">
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