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Created November 16, 2017 07:01
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#include <cmath>
#include "ceres/ceres.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
using namespace std;
using ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction;
using ceres::CostFunction;
using ceres::Problem;
using ceres::Solver;
using ceres::Solve;
using ceres::CauchyLoss;
struct HomographyCostFunction{
HomographyCostFunction(cv::Point2d _src_point, cv::Point2d _dst_point){
src_point = _src_point;
dst_point = _dst_point;
template<typename T>
bool operator () (const T* const h, T* residual) const {
T projected_point_on_im2[3];
projected_point_on_im2[0] = h[0]*T(src_point.x) + h[1]*T(src_point.y) + h[2]*T(1.);
projected_point_on_im2[1] = h[3]*T(src_point.x) + h[4]*T(src_point.y) + h[5]*T(1.);
projected_point_on_im2[2] = h[6]*T(src_point.x) + h[7]*T(src_point.y) + 1.0*T(1.);
* projected_point_on_im2 * S = H * point_on_im1(homogenious <==> z=1)
residual[0] = projected_point_on_im2[0]/projected_point_on_im2[2] - T(dst_point.x);
residual[1] = projected_point_on_im2[1]/projected_point_on_im2[2] - T(dst_point.y);
return true;
cv::Point2d src_point, dst_point;
struct FundamentalCostFunction{
FundamentalCostFunction(cv::Point2f _src_point, cv::Point2f _dst_point){
src_point = _src_point;
dst_point = _dst_point;
template<typename T>
bool operator () (const T* const f, T* residual) const {
T line[3];
line[0] = f[0]*T(src_point.x) + f[1]*T(src_point.y) + f[2]*T(1.);
line[1] = f[3]*T(src_point.x) + f[4]*T(src_point.y) + f[5]*T(1.);
line[2] = f[6]*T(src_point.x) + f[7]*T(src_point.y) + T(1.);
* line = F * point_on_im1
* x.t() * line ---->>> 0
residual[0] = line[0]*T(dst_point.x) + line[1]*T(dst_point.y) + line[2]*T(1.);
return true;
cv::Point2f src_point, dst_point;
struct TriangulationCostFunction{
TriangulationCostFunction(cv::Point2d _src_point,
cv::Mat _pose1,
cv::Point2d _dst_point,
cv::Mat _pose2){
src_point = _src_point;
dst_point = _dst_point;
pose1 = _pose1; // == projection matric
pose2 = _pose2; // == projection matric
template<typename T>
bool operator () (const T* const p3d_homo, T* residual) const {
cv::Mat A(4, 4, CV_64F);
A.row(0) = src_point.x*pose1.row(2)-pose1.row(0);
A.row(1) = src_point.y*pose1.row(2)-pose1.row(1);
A.row(2) = dst_point.x*pose2.row(2)-pose2.row(0);
A.row(3) = dst_point.y*pose2.row(2)-pose2.row(1);
residual[0] = T(<double>(0,0))*p3d_homo[0] +
T(<double>(0,1))*p3d_homo[1] +
T(<double>(0,2))*p3d_homo[2] +
residual[1] = T(<double>(1,0))*p3d_homo[0] +
T(<double>(1,1))*p3d_homo[1] +
T(<double>(1,2))*p3d_homo[2] +
residual[2] = T(<double>(2,0))*p3d_homo[0] +
T(<double>(2,1))*p3d_homo[1] +
T(<double>(2,2))*p3d_homo[2] +
residual[3] = T(<double>(3,0))*p3d_homo[0] +
T(<double>(3,1))*p3d_homo[1] +
T(<double>(3,2))*p3d_homo[2] +
* AX => 0
return true;
cv::Mat pose1, pose2;
cv::Point2d src_point, dst_point;
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