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Forked from om-henners/
Created November 21, 2019 23:37
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Marshmallow serializers for turning fields into GeoJSON objects based on flask-sqlalchemy and geoalchemy2
Marshmallow wrappers to produce GeoJSON instead of a flat dictionary.
from flask_marshmallow import Marshmallow
import geoalchemy2
from geoalchemy2.shape import from_shape, to_shape
from marshmallow import fields, pre_load, post_dump, ValidationError
import marshmallow_sqlalchemy as msqla
from shapely import geometry
ma = Marshmallow()
class GeometryField(fields.Field):
Use shapely and geoalchemy2 to serialize / deserialize a point
Does make a big assumption about the data being spat back out as
JSON, but what the hey.
def _serialize(self, value, attr, obj):
if value is None:
return None
return geometry.mapping(to_shape(value))
def _deserialize(self, value, attr, data):
if value is None:
return None
return from_shape(geometry.shape(value))
msqla.ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING[geoalchemy2.Geography] = GeometryField
msqla.ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING[geoalchemy2.Geometry] = GeometryField
msqla.ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING[geoalchemy2.Raster] = fields.Raw
msqla.ModelConverter.SQLA_TYPE_MAPPING[geoalchemy2.RasterElement] = fields.Raw
class MarshmallowGeoJSON:
Base class for wrappping and unwrapping GeoJSON objects.
Reading from it
should be possible to wrap and unwrap envelopes around the GeoJSON data
as it comes in and out of the system.
__geometry_field_name__ = 'geom' # or geom, or shape, or ....
def unwrap_feature(self, data):
Unwrap an individual feature object
Pull down all the properties field, and then under the geometry
field name put in the actual geometry data
if data['type'] != 'Feature':
raise ValidationError('Expecting a Feature object')
flat = data['properties']
flat[self.__geometry_field_name__] = data['geometry']
return flat
def unwrap_envelope(self, data, many):
if 'type' not in data:
raise ValidationError('GeoJSON type could not be found')
if many and data['type'] != 'FeatureCollection':
raise ValidationError('Expecting a FeatureCollection object')
if not many:
return self.unwrap_feature(data)
return [self.unwrap_feature(feature) for feature in data['features']]
def wrap_feature(self, data):
Wrap the individual feature as a GeoJSON feature object
feature = {
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': data.pop(self.__geometry_field_name__)
feature['properties'] = data
return feature
def wrap_with_envelope(self, data, many):
if not many:
return self.wrap_feature(data)
return {
'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': [self.wrap_feature(feature) for feature in data]
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