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Created October 10, 2017 22:42
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#! /Users/yuan/p/morning/env/bin/python3
from import Client
from pyowm import OWM
import requests
import json
accountSID = 'AC4101e654b8cb7e5f9a22a4676ad65bf8'
authToken = '5ac4db2c7bd0a020cff1cf92d28af926'
destinationNumbers = ['+12675910741']
TwilioNumber = '+12157743353'
location = 'Abington,us'
owmKey = 'fbd404dd3ee40fbca47887fa8d0b911a'
weatherURL = '{location}&APPID={key}'
forecastURL = '{location}&APPID={key}'
weatherDict = {
'300': 'light intensity drizzle',
'301': 'drizzle',
'302': 'heavy intensity drizzle',
'310': 'light intensity drizzle rain',
'311': 'drizzle rain',
'312': 'heavy intensity drizzle rain',
'313': 'shower rain and drizzle',
'314': 'heavy shower rain and drizzle',
'321': 'shower drizzle',
'500': 'light rain',
'501': 'moderate rain',
'502': 'heavy intensity rain',
'503': 'very heavy rain',
'504': 'extreme rain',
'511': 'freezing rain',
'520': 'light intensity shower rain',
'521': 'shower rain',
'522': 'heavy intensity shower rain',
'531': 'ragged shower rain'
def fetchWeather(location, url):
response = requests.get(url.format(location=location, key=owmKey))
data = json.loads(response.text)
weatherConditionID = data['list'][0]['weather'][0]['id']
if weatherConditionID in weatherDict:
text = '''There will be {}'''.format(weatherDict[weatherConditionID])
return text
return None
def sendSMS(msg, toNumber):
client = Client(accountSID, authToken)
message = client.messages.create(body=msg, from_=TwilioNumber, to=toNumber)
def main():
# sendSMS('test\nnewline\nanother newline', destinationNumbers[0])
text = fetchWeather(location, forecastURL)
if text:
sendSMS(text, destinationNumbers[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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