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Last active March 29, 2019 03:07
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Window switching grammar for Dragonfly
"""A grammar to swap windows by saying words in their title.
Uses a natlink timer to periodically load the list of open windows into a DictList,
so they can be referenced by the "switch window" command.
"switch window <keyword>" -> switch to the window with the given word in its
title. If multiple windows have that word in
their title, then you can say more words in the
window's title to disambiguate which one you
mean. If you don't, the Natlink window will be
foregrounded instead with info on which windows
are ambiguously being matched by your keywords.
"refresh windows" -> manually reload the list of windows. Useful while
developing if you don't want to use the timer
"debug window switching" -> output debug information about which keywords can
be used on their own to switch windows and which
require multiple words.
There may be some bugs as I extracted it out from my own grammar, so I had to inline some util functions etc.
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import dragonfly
import re
open_windows_dictlist = dragonfly.DictList("open_windows")
WORD_SPLITTER = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9]+')
def lower_if_not_abbreviation(s):
if len(s) <= 4 and s.upper() == s:
return s
return s.lower()
def find_window(window_matcher_func, timeout_ms=3000):
"""Returns a dragonfly Window matching the given matcher function, or raises an error otherwise"""
steps = timeout_ms / 100
for i in range(steps):
for win in dragonfly.Window.get_all_windows():
if window_matcher_func(win):
return win
raise ValueError(
"no matching window found within {} ms".format(timeout_ms))
def refresh_open_windows_dictlist():
window_options = {}
for window in (x for x in dragonfly.Window.get_all_windows() if
x.is_valid and
x.is_enabled and
x.is_visible and
not x.executable.startswith("C:\\Windows") and
x.classname != "DgnResultsBoxWindow"):
for word in {lower_if_not_abbreviation(word)
for word
in WORD_SPLITTER.split(window.title)
if len(word)}:
if word in window_options:
window_options[word] += [window]
window_options[word] = [window]
window_options = {k: v for k,
v in window_options.iteritems() if v is not None}
def debug_window_switching():
options = open_windows_dictlist.copy()
print("*** Windows known:\n",
"\n".join(sorted({w.title for list_of_windows in options.itervalues() for w in list_of_windows})))
print("*** Single word switching options:\n", "\n".join(
"{}: '{}'".format(
k.ljust(20), "', '".join(window.title for window in options[k])
) for k in sorted(options.iterkeys()) if len(options[k]) == 1))
print("*** Ambiguous switching options:\n", "\n".join(
"{}: '{}'".format(
k.ljust(20), "', '".join(window.title for window in options[k])
) for k in sorted(options.iterkeys()) if len(options[k]) > 1))
def switch_window(windows):
matched_window_handles = {w.handle: w for w in windows[0]}
for window_options in windows[1:]:
matched_window_handles = {
w.handle: w for w in window_options if w.handle in matched_window_handles}
matched_windows = matched_window_handles.values()
if len(matched_windows) == 1:
window = matched_windows[0]
print("Switcher: switching window to", window.title)
natlink_window = find_window(
lambda w: "Messages from Python Macros V15 - " in w.title, timeout_ms=100)
if natlink_window.is_minimized:
except ValueError:
# window didn't exist, it'll be created when we write some output
print("Ambiguous switch command:\n", "\n".join(
"'{}' from {} (handle: {})".format(w.title, w.executable, w.handle) for w in matched_windows))
class SwitcherRule(dragonfly.MappingRule):
mapping = {
"switch window <windows>": dragonfly.Function(switch_window),
"refresh windows": dragonfly.Function(refresh_open_windows_dictlist),
"debug window switching": dragonfly.Function(debug_window_switching),
extras = [
dragonfly.Repetition(name="windows", min=1, max=5,
child=dragonfly.DictListRef("window_by_keyword", open_windows_dictlist))
grammar = dragonfly.Grammar('window_switcher')
timer = dragonfly.get_engine().create_timer(refresh_open_windows_dictlist, 1)
print('Switcher grammar: loaded at ' + str(
def unload():
global grammar, timer
if timer:
if grammar:
print('Switcher grammar: unloaded')
grammar = None
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