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Created March 3, 2020 19:02
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dask-geomodeling AggregateRaster example
# follow
# additionally, constrain geopandas to 0.6 (pip install geopandas==0.6)
from dask_geomodeling.geometry import GeometryFileSource, AggregateRaster, GeometryTiler
from dask_geomodeling.raster import RasterFileSource
from shapely.geometry import box
# construct the View
rs = RasterFileSource("path/to/tif")
gs = GeometryFileSource(
id_field="FID" # specify ID field if it is non-standard like this
agg = AggregateRaster(gs, rs, statistic="max")
# Build the data request using the complete raster extent in its native projection
x1, x2, y1, y2 = rs.geometry.GetEnvelope()
projection = rs.projection
request = dict(geometry=box(x1, y1, x2, y2), projection=projection)
# get the data directly
result = agg.get_data(**request)
print("Feature count:", len(result["features"]))
# tile it, get a graph and compute it remotely
tiled = GeometryTiler(agg, size=500, projection=projection)
graph, name = tiled.get_compute_graph(**request)
# -> see dask docs
# output to a file with tiling (convenience function)
agg.to_file("output2.shp", tile_size=500, **request)
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