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Swift: Reading and writing to (possible) nested dictionaries for a given key path, using a recursive approach
// Inspired by:
import Foundation
extension Dictionary {
subscript(keyPath string: String) -> Value? {
get {
return self[keyPath: Dictionary.keyPath(for: string)]
set {
self[keyPath: Dictionary.keyPath(for: string)] = newValue
subscript(keyPath keyPath: Key...) -> Value? {
get {
return self[keyPath: keyPath]
set {
self[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue
subscript(keyPath keyPath: [Key]) -> Value? {
get {
guard !keyPath.isEmpty else { return nil }
return getValue(forKeyPath: keyPath)
set {
guard !keyPath.isEmpty else { return }
self.setValue(newValue, forKeyPath: keyPath)
if newValue == nil {
cleanUp(forKeyPath: keyPath)
static private func keyPath(for keyPathString: String) -> [Key] {
let keys = keyPathString.components(separatedBy: "/")
return keys.compactMap({ $0 as? Key })
// recursively (attempt to) access queried subdictionaries
// (keyPath will never be empty here; the explicit unwrapping is safe)
private func getValue(forKeyPath keyPath: [Key]) -> Value? {
guard let value = self[keyPath.first!] else { return nil }
return keyPath.count == 1 ? value : (value as? [Key: Value])
.flatMap { $0.getValue(forKeyPath: Array(keyPath.dropFirst())) }
// recursively access, create or overwrite the
// queried subdictionaries to finally set the "inner value"
private mutating func setValue(_ value: Value?, forKeyPath keyPath: [Key]) {
if keyPath.count == 1 {
self[keyPath.first!] = value
} else {
var subDict = self[keyPath.first!] as? [Key: Value] ?? [Key: Value]()
subDict.setValue(value, forKeyPath: Array(keyPath.dropFirst()))
self[keyPath.first!] = subDict as? Value
// recursively (attempt to) remove left over empty subdictionaries
private mutating func cleanUp(forKeyPath keyPath: [Key]) {
// Never set root to nil
guard !keyPath.isEmpty else { return }
if let value = getValue(forKeyPath: keyPath) {
guard let dict = value as? [Key: Value], dict.isEmpty else {
// This endpoint does not continue cleanUp because
// a non nil value that isn't an empty dict is found
setValue(nil, forKeyPath: keyPath)
cleanUp(forKeyPath: Array(keyPath.dropLast()))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
// example usage
var dict: [String: Any] = [
"some": [
"nested": [
"data": "Often found in json"
let a = dict[keyPath: "some/nested/data"] // "Often found in json"
let b = dict[keyPath: "some", "nested", "data"] // "Often found in json"
let c = dict[keyPath: ["some", "nested", "data"]] // "Often found in json"
dict[keyPath: "some/nested/data"] = "Replacing data"
dict[keyPath: "another/nested/path"] = "Creating new subdirectories"
print(dict as AnyObject)
another = {
nested = {
path = "Creating new subdirectories";
some = {
nested = {
data = "Replacing data";
// Clean up removes all empty subdirectories
dict[keyPath: "some/nested/data"] = nil
print(dict as AnyObject)
another = {
nested = {
path = "Creating new subdirectories";
// Warning: I opted to allow overwriting of data
dict[keyPath: "another/nested/path/new/path"] = "Overwrote path node"
print(dict as AnyObject)
another = {
nested = {
path = {
new = {
path = "Overwrote path node";
// This also means if we set a deeper node to nil
// cleanup will delete higher empty levels since
// those are overwritten
dict[keyPath: "another/nested/path/new/path/even/deeper/path"] = nil
print(dict as AnyObject)
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Amzd commented Jun 14, 2021

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