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Created November 22, 2017 10:08
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(use 'com.rpl.specter)
;; 过滤元素
(filter odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6]) ;; (1 3 5)
(select [ALL odd?] [1 2 3 4 5 6]) ;; [1 3 5]
;; 选择奇数位的元素
(select [INDEXED-VALS (comp odd? first) LAST] [:a :b :c :d :e]) ;; [:b :d]
;; 复杂选择
;; 此示例输入是一条常见的hiccup数据,其中包含网站列表,每个网站有名称、网址、成立日期及简介内容。
;; 我们希望将此输入转换为clojure数据结构,即提取名称、网址、成立日期及简介再转换为map队列输出
(def root {:content
[{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :h3,
[{:type :element,
{:title "Permanent Link to Bcelebrated",
:rel "bookmark"},
:tag :a,
:content ["Bcelebrated"]}]}
{:type :element,
{:href "",
:name "Link to Bcelebrated"},
:tag :a,
:content [""]}
{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :p,
[{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :strong,
:content ["Founded: "]}
"July, 2009"]}
{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :p,
["Bcelebrated enables members to create a multi-media website that will become their autobiographical memorial site when the time comes."]}
{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :h3,
[{:type :element,
{:title "Permanent Link to Boxego",
:rel "bookmark"},
:tag :a,
:content ["Boxego"]}]}
{:type :element,
{:href "",
:name "Link to Boxego"},
:tag :a,
:content [""]}
{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :p,
[{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :strong,
:content ["Founded: "]}
{:type :element,
:attrs nil,
:tag :p,
["Boxego is a private journal that can be shared privately and socially, now and in the future."]}]})
;; 取标题 h3
(select [:content ALL (pred #(= :h3 (:tag %))) :content ALL :content FIRST] root) ;; ["Bcelebrated" "Boxego"]
;; 取网站链接
(select [:content ALL (pred #(= :a (:tag %))) :attrs :href] root) ;; ["" ""]
;; 取时间与文章描述
(select [:content ALL (pred #(= :p (:tag %))) :content LAST] root) ;; ["July, 2009" "Bcelebrated enables members to create a multi-media website that will become their autobiographical memorial site when the time comes." "2013" "Boxego is a private journal that can be shared privately and socially, now and in the future."]
;; 同时取上面三类内容,使用multi-path同时选择多个路径
(def paths [[(pred #(= :h3 (:tag %))) :content ALL :content FIRST]
[(pred #(= :a (:tag %))) :attrs :href]
[(pred #(= :p (:tag %))) :content LAST]])
(select [:content ALL (apply multi-path paths)] root) ;; ["Bcelebrated" "" "July, 2009" "Bcelebrated enables members to create a multi-media website that will become their autobiographical memorial site when the time comes." "Boxego" "" "2013" "Boxego is a private journal that can be shared privately and socially, now and in the future."]
;; 下面我们来看如何转换成我们期望的map集合的结构。这里要用到transform
(select [:content ALL (apply multi-path paths)] root)
(partition 3)
(transform [ALL] (fn [[title url description]] {:title title :url url :description description}))) ;; ({:title "Bcelebrated", :url "", :description "July, 2009"} {:title "Bcelebrated enables members to create a multi-media website that will become their autobiographical memorial site when the time comes.", :url "Boxego", :description ""})
;; recursion
(def tree [1 [2 [[3]] 4] [[5] 6] [7] 8 [[9]]])
(recursive-path [] p
(if-path vector?
[ALL p]
(select TREE-VALUES [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [[6]]]) ;; [1 2 3 4 5 6]
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