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Last active December 18, 2015 05:19
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  • Save cassiebeckley/5732127 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cassiebeckley/5732127 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test output from my WIP Haskell lexer. Each token begins on a new line and is surrounded by double quotation marks.
-- |
-- Module: Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation
-- Copyright: (c) 2011 Daniel Fischer
-- Licence: MIT
-- Maintainer: Daniel Fischer <>
-- Stability: Provisional
-- Portability: Non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Various functions related to prime factorisation.
-- Many of these functions use the prime factorisation of an 'Integer'.
-- If several of them are used on the same 'Integer', it would be inefficient
-- to recalculate the factorisation, hence there are also functions working
-- on the canonical factorisation, these require that the number be positive
-- and in the case of the Carmichael function that the list of prime factors
-- with their multiplicities is ascending.
module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation
( -- * Factorisation functions
-- $algorithm
-- ** Complete factorisation
, defaultStdGenFactorisation
, stepFactorisation
, factorise'
, defaultStdGenFactorisation'
-- *** Factor sieves
, FactorSieve
, factorSieve
, sieveFactor
-- *** Trial division
, trialDivisionTo
-- ** Partial factorisation
, smallFactors
, stdGenFactorisation
, curveFactorisation
-- *** Single curve worker
, montgomeryFactorisation
-- * Totients
, totient
, φ
, TotientSieve
, totientSieve
, sieveTotient
, totientFromCanonical
-- * Carmichael function
, carmichael
, λ
, CarmichaelSieve
, carmichaelSieve
, sieveCarmichael
, carmichaelFromCanonical
-- * Divisors
, divisors
, tau
, τ
, divisorCount
, divisorSum
, sigma
, σ
, divisorPowerSum
, divisorsFromCanonical
, tauFromCanonical
, divisorSumFromCanonical
, sigmaFromCanonical
) where
import Data.Set (Set, singleton)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.Utils
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.Montgomery
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation.TrialDivision
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve.Misc
-- $algorithm
-- Factorisation of 'Integer's by the elliptic curve algorithm after Montgomery.
-- The algorithm is explained at
-- <>
-- and
-- <>
-- The implementation is not very optimised, so it is not suitable for factorising numbers
-- with several huge prime divisors. However, factors of 20-25 digits are normally found in
-- acceptable time. The time taken depends, however, strongly on how lucky the curve-picking
-- is. With luck, even large factors can be found in seconds; on the other hand, finding small
-- factors (about 12-15 digits) can take minutes when the curve-picking is bad.
-- Given enough time, the algorithm should be able to factor numbers of 100-120 digits, but it
-- is best suited for numbers of up to 50-60 digits.
-- | Calculates the totient of a positive number @n@, i.e.
-- the number of @k@ with @1 <= k <= n@ and @'gcd' n k == 1@,
-- in other words, the order of the group of units in @&#8484;/(n)@.
totient :: Integer -> Integer
totient n
| n < 1 = error "Totient only defined for positive numbers"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = totientFromCanonical (factorise' n)
-- | Alias of 'totient' for people who prefer Greek letters.
φ :: Integer -> Integer
φ = totient
-- | Calculates the Carmichael function for a positive integer, that is,
-- the (smallest) exponent of the group of units in @&8484;/(n)@.
carmichael :: Integer -> Integer
carmichael n
| n < 1 = error "Carmichael function only defined for positive numbers"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = carmichaelFromCanonical (factorise' n)
-- | Alias of 'carmichael' for people who prefer Greek letters.
λ :: Integer -> Integer
λ = carmichael
-- | @'divisors' n@ is the set of all (positive) divisors of @n@.
-- @'divisors' 0@ is an error because we can't create the set of all 'Integer's.
divisors :: Integer -> Set Integer
divisors n
| n < 0 = divisors (-n)
| n == 0 = error "Can't create set of divisors of 0"
| n == 1 = singleton 1
| otherwise = divisorsFromCanonical (factorise' n)
-- | @'tau' n@ is the number of (positive) divisors of @n@.
-- @'tau' 0@ is an error because @0@ has infinitely many divisors.
tau :: Integer -> Integer
tau n
| n < 0 = tau (-n)
| n == 0 = error "0 has infinitely many divisors"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = tauFromCanonical (factorise' n)
-- | Alias for 'tau'.
divisorCount :: Integer -> Integer
divisorCount = tau
-- | The sum of all (positive) divisors of a positive number @n@,
-- calculated from its prime factorisation.
divisorSum :: Integer -> Integer
divisorSum n
| n < 1 = error "divisor sum only defined for positive numbers"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = divisorSumFromCanonical (factorise' n)
-- | Alias for 'sigma'.
divisorPowerSum :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
divisorPowerSum = sigma
-- | @'sigma' k n@ is the sum of the @k@-th powers of the
-- (positive) divisors of @n@. @k@ must be non-negative and @n@ positive.
-- For @k == 0@, it is the divisor count (@d^0 = 1@).
sigma :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
sigma 0 n = tau n
sigma 1 n = divisorSum n
sigma k n
| k < 0 = error "sigma: exponent must be non-negative"
| n < 1 = error "sigma: n must be positive"
| n == 1 = 1
| otherwise = sigmaFromCanonical k (factorise' n)
-- | Alias for 'sigma' for people preferring Greek letters.
σ :: Int -> Integer -> Integer
σ 0 = divisorCount
σ 1 = divisorSum
σ k = divisorPowerSum k
-- | Alias for 'tau' for people preferring Greek letters.
τ :: Integer -> Integer
τ = tau
"-- |
-- Module: Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Factorisation
-- Copyright: (c) 2011 Daniel Fischer
-- Licence: MIT
-- Maintainer: Daniel Fischer <>
-- Stability: Provisional
-- Portability: Non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Various functions related to prime factorisation.
-- Many of these functions use the prime factorisation of an 'Integer'.
-- If several of them are used on the same 'Integer', it would be inefficient
-- to recalculate the factorisation, hence there are also functions working
-- on the canonical factorisation, these require that the number be positive
-- and in the case of the Carmichael function that the list of prime factors
-- with their multiplicities is ascending.
" "
" -- * Factorisation functions
-- $algorithm
-- ** Complete factorisation
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- *** Factor sieves
" "
" "
" "
-- *** Trial division
" "
-- ** Partial factorisation
" "
" "
" "
-- *** Single curve worker
" "
-- * Totients
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- * Carmichael function
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- * Divisors
" "
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" "
" "
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-- $algorithm
-- Factorisation of 'Integer's by the elliptic curve algorithm after Montgomery.
-- The algorithm is explained at
-- <>
-- and
-- <>
-- The implementation is not very optimised, so it is not suitable for factorising numbers
-- with several huge prime divisors. However, factors of 20-25 digits are normally found in
-- acceptable time. The time taken depends, however, strongly on how lucky the curve-picking
-- is. With luck, even large factors can be found in seconds; on the other hand, finding small
-- factors (about 12-15 digits) can take minutes when the curve-picking is bad.
-- Given enough time, the algorithm should be able to factor numbers of 100-120 digits, but it
-- is best suited for numbers of up to 50-60 digits.
-- | Calculates the totient of a positive number @n@, i.e.
-- the number of @k@ with @1 <= k <= n@ and @'gcd' n k == 1@,
-- in other words, the order of the group of units in @&#8484;/(n)@.
" "
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""Totient only defined for positive numbers""
" "
" "
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" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | Alias of 'totient' for people who prefer Greek letters.
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | Calculates the Carmichael function for a positive integer, that is,
-- the (smallest) exponent of the group of units in @&8484;/(n)@.
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
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" "
""Carmichael function only defined for positive numbers""
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | Alias of 'carmichael' for people who prefer Greek letters.
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | @'divisors' n@ is the set of all (positive) divisors of @n@.
-- @'divisors' 0@ is an error because we can't create the set of all 'Integer's.
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""Can't create set of divisors of 0""
" "
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" "
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" "
" "
" "
-- | @'tau' n@ is the number of (positive) divisors of @n@.
-- @'tau' 0@ is an error because @0@ has infinitely many divisors.
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""0 has infinitely many divisors""
" "
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" "
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" "
-- | Alias for 'tau'.
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | The sum of all (positive) divisors of a positive number @n@,
-- calculated from its prime factorisation.
" "
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" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
""divisor sum only defined for positive numbers""
" "
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" "
-- | Alias for 'sigma'.
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
" "
-- | @'sigma' k n@ is the sum of the @k@-th powers of the
-- (positive) divisors of @n@. @k@ must be non-negative and @n@ positive.
-- For @k == 0@, it is the divisor count (@d^0 = 1@).
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""sigma: exponent must be non-negative""
" "
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""sigma: n must be positive""
" "
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-- | Alias for 'sigma' for people preferring Greek letters.
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-- | Alias for 'tau' for people preferring Greek letters.
" "
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" "
module Data.Group where
import Data.Monoid
-- |A 'Group' is a 'Monoid' plus a function, 'invert', such that:
-- @a <> invert a == mempty@
class Monoid m => Group m where
invert :: m -> m
instance Group () where
invert () = ()
instance Num a => Group (Sum a) where
invert = Sum . negate . getSum
{-# INLINE invert #-}
instance Fractional a => Group (Product a) where
invert = Product . recip . getProduct
{-# INLINE invert #-}
instance Group a => Group (Dual a) where
invert = Dual . invert . getDual
{-# INLINE invert #-}
instance (Group a, Group b) => Group (a, b) where
invert (a, b) = (invert a, invert b)
instance (Group a, Group b, Group c) => Group (a, b, c) where
invert (a, b, c) = (invert a, invert b, invert c)
instance (Group a, Group b, Group c, Group d) => Group (a, b, c, d) where
invert (a, b, c, d) = (invert a, invert b, invert c, invert d)
instance (Group a, Group b, Group c, Group d, Group e) => Group (a, b, c, d, e) where
invert (a, b, c, d, e) = (invert a, invert b, invert c, invert d, invert e)
" "
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-- |A 'Group' is a 'Monoid' plus a function, 'invert', such that:
-- @a <> invert a == mempty@
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{-# INLINE invert #-}
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{-# INLINE invert #-}
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{-# INLINE invert #-}
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