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Created January 11, 2015 05:38
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Github programming languages colors in Hex
.ags-script-color {
background: #B9D9FF;
.antlr-color {
background: #9DC3FF;
.apl-color {
background: #8a0707;
.asp-color {
background: #6a40fd;
.ats-color {
background: #1ac620;
.actionscript-color {
background: #e3491a;
.ada-color {
background: #02f88c;
.agda-color {
background: #467C91;
.alloy-color {
background: #cc5c24;
.arc-color {
background: #ca2afe;
.arduino-color {
background: #bd79d1;
.aspectj-color {
background: #1957b0;
.assembly-color {
background: #a67219;
.autohotkey-color {
background: #6594b9;
.autoit-color {
background: #36699B;
.blitzmax-color {
background: #cd6400;
.boo-color {
background: #d4bec1;
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background: #555;
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background: #178600;
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background: #f34b7d;
.css-color {
background: #563d7c;
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background: #8dc63f;
.cirru-color {
background: #aaaaff;
.clean-color {
background: #3a81ad;
.clojure-color {
background: #db5855;
.coffeescript-color {
background: #244776;
.coldfusion-color {
background: #ed2cd6;
.coldfusion-cfc-color {
background: #ed2cd6;
.common-lisp-color {
background: #3fb68b;
.component-pascal-color {
background: #b0ce4e;
.d-color {
background: #fcd46d;
.dm-color {
background: #075ff1;
.dart-color {
background: #98BAD6;
.dogescript-color {
background: #cca760;
.dylan-color {
background: #3ebc27;
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background: #ccce35;
.ecl-color {
background: #8a1267;
.eagle-color {
background: #3994bc;
.eiffel-color {
background: #946d57;
.elixir-color {
background: #6e4a7e;
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background: #60B5CC;
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background: #c065db;
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background: #f64e3e;
.erlang-color {
background: #0faf8d;
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background: #b845fc;
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background: #33CCFF;
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background: #4d41b1;
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background: #636746;
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background: #7b9db4;
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background: #dbded5;
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background: #341708;
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background: #00cafe;
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background: #8ad353;
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background: #e4cc98;
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background: #f0a9f0;
.go-color {
background: #375eab;
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background: #f6a51f;
.gosu-color {
background: #82937f;
.grammatical-framework-color {
background: #ff0000;
.groovy-color {
background: #e69f56;
.harbour-color {
background: #0e60e3;
.haskell-color {
background: #29b544;
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background: #f7941e;
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background: #7891b1;
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background: #e3592c;
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background: #a9188d;
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background: #078193;
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background: #fdcd00;
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background: #b07219;
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background: #f1e05a;
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background: #a270ba;
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background: #f5c800;
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background: #004200;
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background: #cc9900;
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background: #3d9970;
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background: #2584c3;
.latte-color {
background: #A8FF97;
.livescript-color {
background: #499886;
.lookml-color {
background: #652B81;
.lua-color {
background: #fa1fa1;
.mtml-color {
background: #0095d9;
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background: #f97732;
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background: #bb92ac;
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background: #ce279c;
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background: #abcdef;
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background: #c7a938;
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background: #0d3c6e;
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background: #ff2b2b;
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background: #37775b;
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background: #0d8921;
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background: #7070ff;
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background: #c9df40;
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background: #3be133;
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background: #438eff;
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background: #4886FC;
.objective-j-color {
background: #ff0c5a;
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background: #cabbff;
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background: #f7ede0;
.oxygene-color {
background: #5a63a3;
.oz-color {
background: #fcaf3e;
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background: #dbb284;
.php-color {
background: #4F5D95;
.pan-color {
background: #cc0000;
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background: #6600cc;
.parrot-color {
background: #f3ca0a;
.pascal-color {
background: #b0ce4e;
.perl-color {
background: #0298c3;
.perl6-color {
background: #0298c3;
.piglatin-color {
background: #fcd7de;
.pike-color {
background: #066ab2;
.pogoscript-color {
background: #d80074;
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background: #2779ab;
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background: #74283c;
.propeller-spin-color {
background: #2b446d;
.puppet-color {
background: #cc5555;
.pure-data-color {
background: #91de79;
.purebasic-color {
background: #5a6986;
.purescript-color {
background: #bcdc53;
.python-color {
background: #3581ba;
.qml-color {
background: #44a51c;
.r-color {
background: #198ce7;
.raml-color {
background: #77d9fb;
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background: #ae17ff;
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background: #ff9c2e;
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background: #358a5b;
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background: #ee0000;
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background: #cc0088;
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background: #701516;
.rust-color {
background: #dea584;
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background: #1E90FF;
.sqf-color {
background: #FFCB1F;
.scala-color {
background: #7dd3b0;
.scheme-color {
background: #1e4aec;
.self-color {
background: #0579aa;
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background: #89e051;
.shen-color {
background: #120F14;
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background: #007eff;
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background: #ff8877;
.smalltalk-color {
background: #596706;
.sourcepawn-color {
background: #f69e1d;
.standard-ml-color {
background: #dc566d;
.supercollider-color {
background: #46390b;
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background: #ffac45;
.systemverilog-color {
background: #343761;
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background: #e4cc98;
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background: #3D6117;
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background: #45f715;
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background: #31859c;
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background: #755223;
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background: #a54c4d;
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background: #0298c3;
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background: #543978;
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background: #ee7d06;
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background: #848bf3;
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background: #199c4b;
.visual-basic-color {
background: #945db7;
.volt-color {
background: #0098db;
.xquery-color {
background: #2700e2;
.zephir-color {
background: #118f9e;
.edn-color {
background: #db5855;
.nesc-color {
background: #ffce3b;
.ooc-color {
background: #b0b77e;
.wisp-color {
background: #7582D1;
.xbase-color {
background: #3a4040;
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