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Last active July 2, 2024 01:00
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Bluetoothctl wrapper in Python
# Based on ReachView code from Egor Fedorov (
# Updated for Python 3.6.8 on a Raspberry Pi
import time
import pexpect
import subprocess
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("btctl")
class Bluetoothctl:
"""A wrapper for bluetoothctl utility."""
def __init__(self):
subprocess.check_output("rfkill unblock bluetooth", shell=True)
self.process = pexpect.spawnu("bluetoothctl", echo=False)
def send(self, command, pause=0):
if self.process.expect(["bluetooth", pexpect.EOF]):
raise Exception(f"failed after {command}")
def get_output(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run a command in bluetoothctl prompt, return output as a list of lines."""
self.send(*args, **kwargs)
return self.process.before.split("\r\n")
def start_scan(self):
"""Start bluetooth scanning process."""
self.send("scan on")
except Exception as e:
def make_discoverable(self):
"""Make device discoverable."""
self.send("discoverable on")
except Exception as e:
def parse_device_info(self, info_string):
"""Parse a string corresponding to a device."""
device = {}
block_list = ["[\x1b[0;", "removed"]
if not any(keyword in info_string for keyword in block_list):
device_position = info_string.index("Device")
except ValueError:
if device_position > -1:
attribute_list = info_string[device_position:].split(" ", 2)
device = {
"mac_address": attribute_list[1],
"name": attribute_list[2],
return device
def get_available_devices(self):
"""Return a list of tuples of paired and discoverable devices."""
available_devices = []
out = self.get_output("devices")
except Exception as e:
for line in out:
device = self.parse_device_info(line)
if device:
return available_devices
def get_paired_devices(self):
"""Return a list of tuples of paired devices."""
paired_devices = []
out = self.get_output("paired-devices")
except Exception as e:
for line in out:
device = self.parse_device_info(line)
if device:
return paired_devices
def get_discoverable_devices(self):
"""Filter paired devices out of available."""
available = self.get_available_devices()
paired = self.get_paired_devices()
return [d for d in available if d not in paired]
def get_device_info(self, mac_address):
"""Get device info by mac address."""
out = self.get_output(f"info {mac_address}")
except Exception as e:
return False
return out
def pair(self, mac_address):
"""Try to pair with a device by mac address."""
self.send(f"pair {mac_address}", 4)
except Exception as e:
return False
res = self.process.expect(
["Failed to pair", "Pairing successful", pexpect.EOF]
return res == 1
def trust(self, mac_address):
self.send(f"trust {mac_address}", 4)
except Exception as e:
return False
res = self.process.expect(
["Failed to trust", "Pairing successful", pexpect.EOF]
return res == 1
def remove(self, mac_address):
"""Remove paired device by mac address, return success of the operation."""
self.send(f"remove {mac_address}", 3)
except Exception as e:
return False
res = self.process.expect(
["not available", "Device has been removed", pexpect.EOF]
return res == 1
def connect(self, mac_address):
"""Try to connect to a device by mac address."""
self.send(f"connect {mac_address}", 2)
except Exception as e:
return False
res = self.process.expect(
["Failed to connect", "Connection successful", pexpect.EOF]
return res == 1
def disconnect(self, mac_address):
"""Try to disconnect to a device by mac address."""
self.send(f"disconnect {mac_address}", 2)
except Exception as e:
return False
res = self.process.expect(
["Failed to disconnect", "Successful disconnected", pexpect.EOF]
return res == 1
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Think you need to B.start_scan()

If that doesn't work I'll post my (simple!) code that works as an example.

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faberast commented Aug 24, 2020

I had the 'Timeout exceeded' error mentioned by @lalten, too, until I added 'pexpect.TIMEOUT' to the pattern list of the expect() calls.
self.process.expect(["bluetooth", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])

Although that helps, I found another issue that was sometimes causing the timeouts. On line 25 (in the 'send' method), this code is looking for the end of output from the previously-executed command by checking for the term 'bluetooth' which typically appears in brackets at the start of the next prompt (within the bluetoothctl utility. In my experience, sometimes the word bluetooth is actually replaced by the name of a connected device, which causes the code to keep waiting for the word bluetooth to appear until the timeout value is reached. In my case, the prompt always starts with '#' so using that as the search time solves the problem:

if self.process.expect(["#", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT]):

I have not seen the pound sign in any of the rest of bluetoothctl's output, so this works.

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santhosh12992 commented Aug 31, 2020

How we can extend this code to support the read and write operations.

Basically we need to "connect" then "menu gatt" to access the bluetoothctl gatt commands.

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NerdboyQ commented Oct 3, 2020

I can discover my devices with no problem, but I need to pair with a pin. I am trying to pair with an arduino that has a HC-05 BT module attached. Is there an option to force the pin to specific number?

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philx17 commented Apr 23, 2021

Can anybody help, if i want to connect to two devices the script runs into a Timeout exceeded.

First device will be connected and the second one brings the Timeout

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@philx17 have you tried doing this manually via bluetoothctl and it works? Just to confirm that your system can even handle multiple simultaneously connected devices.

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philx17 commented Apr 23, 2021

yes i tried it and it works.... i run all i a loop and it works but if i use connect in a loop to connect multiple devices it stucks...

When i try it via bash it works to.... but with the python scrip, no chance =/ and i don't know why....

when i use bluetoothctl in the command line first it looks like [bluetooth] then it takes the name oft the last connected device is this maybe the problem ?


pi@Room:~ $ bluetoothctl
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# connect xx:69:C2:xx:93:3F
Attempting to connect to B8:69:C2:42:93:3F
[CHG] Device xx:69:C2:xx:93:3F Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device xx:69:C2:xx:93:3F ServicesResolved: yes
[Speaker1]# connect xx:5A:5A:xx:A5:2B
Attempting to connect to 5B:5A:5A:A6:A5:2B
[CHG] Device xx:5A:5A:xx:A5:2B Connected: yes
Connection successful
[CHG] Device xx:5A:5A:xx:A5:2B ServicesResolved: yes
[CHG] Device 5B:5A:5A:A6:A5:2B ServicesResolved: yes

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mpiotro4 commented Dec 4, 2021

@NerdboyQ did you manage to provide pin during pairing procedure? I've tried to send pin code but there are some issues with 'expect' line

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