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Last active March 19, 2017 14:08
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ebdumptext: a tool to dump texts of EPWING dictionary.
Language: Cpp
# BasedOnStyle: Mozilla
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# Created by,emacs,c
### C ###
# Prerequisites
# Object files
# Linker output
# Precompiled Headers
# Libraries
# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
# Executables
# Debug files
# Kernel Module Compile Results
### Emacs ###
# -*- mode: gitignore; -*-
# Org-mode
# flymake-mode
# eshell files
# elpa packages
# reftex files
# AUCTeX auto folder
# cask packages
# Flycheck
# server auth directory
# projectiles files
# directory configuration
### Vim ###
# swap
# session
# temporary
# auto-generated tag files
# End of,emacs,c
#include <eb/eb.h>
#include <eb/error.h>
#include <eb/text.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define debug(fmt, ...) ((void)0)
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
#define LOCATION __FILE__ ":" TOSTRING(__LINE__)
#define debug(fmt, ...) \
fprintf(stderr, "%s: " fmt "\n", LOCATION, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#endif /* NDEBUG */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define ATTR_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#define goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, msg, extra) \
if ((error_code) != EB_SUCCESS) { \
print_eb_error((error_code), (msg), (extra)); \
debug("goto_final_if_eb_fail: %s", msg); \
exit_code = 1; \
goto final; \
static const char* progname = NULL;
static size_t
iconv_convert(const char* from_code, const char* to_code, char* src, char* dst,
size_t dst_length)
iconv_t cd = (iconv_t)-1;
size_t ret;
char* inbuf;
size_t inbytesleft, outbytesleft;
char* outbuf_p;
inbuf = src;
inbytesleft = strlen(src);
outbytesleft = dst_length;
outbuf_p = dst;
cd = iconv_open(to_code, from_code);
if (cd == (iconv_t)-1) {
ret = -1;
debug("failed iconv_open: to_code=\"%s\", from_code=\"%s\"", to_code,
goto final;
ret = iconv(cd, &inbuf, &inbytesleft, &outbuf_p, &outbytesleft);
if (ret == (size_t)-1) {
switch (errno) {
case EILSEQ:
debug("iconv error: Input conversion stopped due to an input byte that "
"does not belong to the input codeset.");
case E2BIG:
debug("iconv error: Input conversion stopped due to lack of space in "
"the output buffer.");
case EINVAL:
debug("iconv error: Input conversion stopped due to an incomplete "
"character or shift sequence at the end of the input buffer.");
} else {
if (outbytesleft == 0) {
debug("iconv error: Cannot terminate outbuf as a character string");
goto final;
*outbuf_p = '\0';
if (cd != (iconv_t)-1) {
return ret;
static void
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(EB_Book* book, const char* format, ...)
va_list args;
char text[BUFSIZ] = { 0 };
va_start(args, format);
vsnprintf(text, sizeof(text), format, args);
if (strlen(text) > 0) {
eb_write_text_string(book, text);
static EB_Error_Code
hook_newline(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "<br />");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_reference(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "<reference>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_reference(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "</reference page=0x%x offset=0x%x>",
argv[1], argv[2]);
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_narrow_font(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "<gaiji code=h%04x />", argv[0]);
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_wide_font(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "<gaiji code=z%04x />", argv[0]);
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_candidate(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "<candidate>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_candidate_leaf(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container,
ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code, ATTR_UNUSED int argc,
ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "</candidate>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_candidate_group(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container,
ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code, ATTR_UNUSED int argc,
const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "</candidate page=0x%x offset=0x%x>",
argv[1], argv[2]);
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_superscript(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container,
ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code, ATTR_UNUSED int argc,
ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "<sup>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_superscript(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "</sup>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_subscript(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "<sub>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_subscript(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "</sub>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_emphasis(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "<emphasis>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_emphasis(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "</emphasis>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_begin_keyword(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string_sprintf(book, "<keyword argv1=%x>", argv[1]);
return EB_SUCCESS;
static EB_Error_Code
hook_end_keyword(EB_Book* book, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Appendix* appendix,
ATTR_UNUSED void* container, ATTR_UNUSED EB_Hook_Code code,
ATTR_UNUSED int argc, ATTR_UNUSED const unsigned int* argv)
eb_write_text_string(book, "</keyword>");
return EB_SUCCESS;
static void
print_eb_error(EB_Error_Code error_code, const char* msg, const char* extra_msg)
if (extra_msg != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, %s: %s\n", progname, eb_error_message(error_code),
msg, extra_msg);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s, %s\n", progname, eb_error_message(error_code),
static int
process_subbook(EB_Book* book, EB_Hookset* hookset, const char* output_file)
int exit_code = 0;
EB_Error_Code error_code;
EB_Position text_position;
char title[EB_MAX_TITLE_LENGTH + 1] = { 0 };
char title_conv[EB_MAX_TITLE_LENGTH * 2 + 1] = { 0 };
FILE* output_fp = NULL;
error_code = eb_subbook_title(book, title);
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get subbook title", NULL);
iconv_convert("euc-jp", "utf-8", title, title_conv, sizeof(title_conv));
debug("read subbook: %s", title_conv);
error_code = eb_text(book, &text_position);
if ((error_code != EB_ERR_NO_TEXT) && (error_code != EB_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEARCH)) {
char output_file_path[BUFSIZ] = { 0 };
int output_file_path_length;
char text[BUFSIZ];
char text_conv[BUFSIZ * 2 + 1];
ssize_t text_length;
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get text information", NULL);
error_code = eb_seek_text(book, &text_position);
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get seek text", NULL);
output_file_path_length =
snprintf(output_file_path, sizeof(output_file_path), "%s_%s.txt",
output_file, title_conv);
if (output_file_path_length < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname,
"could not generate output file for", title_conv);
goto final;
output_fp = fopen(output_file_path, "w");
if (output_fp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: %s\n", progname,
"could not generate output file", output_file_path);
goto final;
while (1) {
do {
error_code = eb_read_text(book, NULL, hookset, NULL, sizeof(text), text,
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get text", NULL);
iconv_convert("euc-jp", "utf-8", text, text_conv, sizeof(text_conv));
fprintf(output_fp, "%s\n", text_conv);
} while (eb_is_text_stopped(book) == 0);
error_code = eb_forward_text(book, NULL);
if (error_code == EB_ERR_END_OF_CONTENT) {
} else {
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to forward next", NULL);
} else {
debug("skip subbook (no text): %s", title_conv);
if (output_fp != NULL) {
return exit_code;
static int
process_eb(const char* source_dir, const char* output_file)
int exit_code = 0;
EB_Hookset hookset;
const EB_Hook hooks[] = {
{ EB_HOOK_NEWLINE, hook_newline },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_REFERENCE, hook_begin_reference },
{ EB_HOOK_END_REFERENCE, hook_end_reference },
{ EB_HOOK_NARROW_FONT, hook_narrow_font },
{ EB_HOOK_WIDE_FONT, hook_wide_font },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_CANDIDATE, hook_begin_candidate },
{ EB_HOOK_END_CANDIDATE_LEAF, hook_end_candidate_leaf },
{ EB_HOOK_END_CANDIDATE_GROUP, hook_end_candidate_group },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_SUPERSCRIPT, hook_begin_superscript },
{ EB_HOOK_END_SUPERSCRIPT, hook_end_superscript },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_SUBSCRIPT, hook_begin_subscript },
{ EB_HOOK_END_SUBSCRIPT, hook_end_subscript },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_EMPHASIS, hook_begin_emphasis },
{ EB_HOOK_END_EMPHASIS, hook_end_emphasis },
{ EB_HOOK_BEGIN_KEYWORD, hook_begin_keyword },
{ EB_HOOK_END_KEYWORD, hook_end_keyword },
EB_Book book;
EB_Error_Code error_code;
// EB_Character_Code character_code;
EB_Subbook_Code sub_codes[EB_MAX_SUBBOOKS];
int sub_count;
int i;
error_code = eb_set_hooks(&hookset, hooks);
if (error_code != EB_SUCCESS) {
exit_code = 1;
return exit_code;
error_code = eb_bind(&book, source_dir);
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to bind the book", source_dir);
// error_code = eb_character_code(&book, &character_code);
// goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get character code",
// NULL);
error_code = eb_subbook_list(&book, sub_codes, &sub_count);
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to get subbook list", NULL);
for (i = 0; i < sub_count; i++) {
error_code = eb_set_subbook(&book, sub_codes[i]);
goto_final_if_eb_fail(error_code, "failed to set subbook", NULL);
exit_code = process_subbook(&book, &hookset, output_file);
if (exit_code != 0) {
goto final;
return exit_code;
main(int argc, char* argv[])
EB_Error_Code error_code;
int exit_code = 0;
progname = argv[0];
if (argc != 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s source-dir output.txt\n\n", argv[0]);
" source-dir: path to top directory of Book (directory which "
"contains catalogs file.)\n");
" output.txt: path to output file. (if exists, overwrite existing "
return 1;
error_code = eb_initialize_library();
if (error_code != EB_SUCCESS) {
print_eb_error(error_code, "failed to initialize EB Library", argv[1]);
return 1;
exit_code = process_eb(argv[1], argv[2]);
return exit_code;
CFLAGS=-O3 -g -W -Wall
SRC = main.c
OBJ = $(SRC:%.c=%.o)
all: ebdumptext
\rm $(OBJ) ebdumptext
.PHONY: all clean
ebdumptext: $(OBJ)
$(CC) -o $@ $(OBJ) $(LIBS)
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