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Last active December 27, 2023 23:21
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ASHLAR helper class for stitching large number of tiles together
import subprocess
import shutil
import tifffile
import threading
import queue
import cv2
import time
def ashlar(inputpath, outputpath, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, **kwargs):
:brief Uses subprocess Popen to call ashlar with arguments
:param inputpath: String, path to input file, assumed multipage TIFF
with metadata Pixels DimensionOrder (XYCZT)
defined, as well as ID, SizeC/T/X/Y/Z, and Type
:param outputpath: String, path to output file
:param kwargs: For other arguments to Ashlar, see labsyspharm/ashlar
on Github. All arguments must be given in their "word" form, omitting
the double dash at the start and replacing internal dashes with underscores.
Only use 0 and 1 for False and True values
:param stdin: stdin to pass to subprocess handler, defaults to dev null
:param stdout: stdout to pass to subprocess handler, defaults to dev null
:param stderr: stderr to pass to subprocess handler, defaults to dev null
:return: A subprocess.Popen object representing the ongoing ashlar process.
Can be polled or waited for.
if shutil.which("ashlar") == None: # raise exception if ashlar can't be found
raise RuntimeError("No command found")
cmd_path = shutil.which("ashlar")
cmd_list = [cmd_path, inputpath, "-o", outputpath]
for k in kwargs.keys(): # input other args to ashlar
return subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def default_image_reader(filepath):
:brief: default image reader to pass to the ometiff writer, patterned after
the example with Rinni's example_3x3 data
:param filepath: path to image file
:return: ndarray with image data
img = cv2.imread(filepath)
return img
def queued_ometiff_writer(outputpath, file_queue, bigtiff= True,\
image_reader=default_image_reader, queue_timeout=None):
:brief: receives images in a queue until a termination signal is reached, and
writes each tile to an OME TIFF file
:param outputpath: path to write OME TIFF with tiles to
:param: file_queue: queue.Queue object with objects that are dicts in the form
{"filepath": (string), "metadata": (dict)}, where the dict in
"metadata" is passed to tifffile.TiffWriter. If an object is in the form
{"filepath":0}, this terminates the process
:param bigtiff: Whether to pass bigtiff = True to tiffwriter. Default True
:param image_reader: function that takes a file path as arguments and returns
an ndarray. Defaults to function modeled on the example_3x3 examples
:param queue_timeout: timeout in seconds when waiting for a file to become
available. default None
with tifffile.TiffWriter(outputpath, bigtiff=bigtiff) as tif:
while True:
tile_info = None
tile_info = file_queue.get(timeout=queue_timeout)
except queue.Empty:
if tile_info["filepath"] == 0:
img = image_reader(tile_info["filepath"])
metadata = tile_info["metadata"]
tif.write(img, metadata=metadata)
def queued_ashlar_waiter(ometiff_writer_thread, process_slot, inputpath, outputpath, courtesy_wait=1, **kwargs):
:brief: Wrapper around ashlar to make it wait for a file queue to finish
processing and put the ashlar process in a list. Meant to be run in
a thread
:param ometiff_writer_thread: thread object to wait
:param process_slot: list to put ashlar process (a subprocess.Popen() object)
:param inputpath: OME-TIFF file path to give to ashlar as input
:param outputpath: OME-TIFF file path for ashlar to write its output to
:param courtesy_wait: wait in seconds after which to run ashlar
:param kwargs: all other arguments to pass to ashlar call
ashlar_process = ashlar(inputpath, outputpath, **kwargs)
process_slot[0] = ashlar_process
class Stitcher():
:brief: Spawns a process for combining tiles as they are acquired
into an OME TIFF file, followed by running ashlar to stitch them
def __init__(self, tiled_file_path="", stitched_file_path="", ashlar_args = {},
auto_run_ashlar = False, image_reader = default_image_reader):
:brief: Initializes class, creates control variables.
:param tiled_file_path: output file to write the tiled OME-TIFF to, to
pass to ashlar as an input
:param stitched_file_path: output file to write ashlar's stitching to
:param ashlar_args: dict of additional arguments to ashlar besides I/O file,
will be unpacked and passed to ashlar wrapper. can also put
stdin/stdout/stderr for the ashlar process here
:param auto_run_ashlar: Whether to automatically run ashlar after all tiles
are acquired
:param image_reader: function to pass to queued_ometiff_writer as an image reader
self.file_queue = queue.Queue() # queue_object loaded with dicts in the form
# {"filepath": (string), "metadata": (dict)}, where
# filepath is the path to a tile and metadata is a
# dictionary to be passed to a tifffile.TiffWriter.write
# function
# a dict in the form {"filepath":0} can be put to indicate
# the last tile has been read
self.auto_run_ashlar = auto_run_ashlar # if True, when "all_tiles_acquired" in
# controldict is set to True, after last
# tile has been written with OME tiff, calls
# ashlar wrapper with tiled_file_path as input,
# stitched_file_path as output, and ashlar_args
# as additional keyword arguments
self.tiled_file_path = tiled_file_path
self.stitched_file_path = stitched_file_path
self.ashlar_args = ashlar_args
self.ashlar_process_list = [None] # stores ashlar process, a subprocess.Popen object, at
# index 0. If ashlar has not been started yet, this
# list contains None at index 0
self.ashlar_waiter_thread = None
self.image_reader = image_reader
self.ometiff_writer_thread = None
def add_tile(self, filepath, metadata):
:brief: Adds a tile by path and metadata
:param filepath: file path of tile
:param metadata: dict to be passed to a TiffWriter when writing this
to a combined OME TIFF file
def all_tiles_added(self, auto_run_ashlar= None,\
if auto_run_ashlar == None:
auto_run_ashlar = self.auto_run_ashlar
if inputpath == None:
inputpath = self.tiled_file_path
if outputpath == None:
outputpath = self.stitched_file_path
:brief: Sends signal to queued tiff writer that all tiles have been added,
and blocks until the whole OME TIFF has been written.
:param auto_run_ashlar: Whether to spin up an ashlar instance immediately after.
:param inputpath: input path to give to ashlar
:param outputpath: output path to give to ashlar
:param courtesy_wait: how long for the ashlar waiter to wait after all tiles
have been written
:param kwargs: all other arguments to give to ashlar
if auto_run_ashlar:
self.ashlar_waiter_thread = threading.Thread(target=queued_ashlar_waiter,\
args=[self.ometiff_writer_thread, self.ashlar_process_list, inputpath,outputpath,\
def start_ometiff_writer(self, outputpath=None, bigtiff= True,\
image_reader=None, queue_timeout=None):
:brief: start OME-TIFF writer
:param outputpath: path to write tiled TIFF file to
:param bigtiff: bigtiff argument to pass to TiffWriter
:param image_reader: image reader function to pass to TIFF writer when parsing tiles
:param queue_timeout: queue_timeout parameter to pass to TIFF writer
if outputpath == None:
outputpath = self.tiled_file_path
if image_reader == None:
image_reader = self.image_reader
self.ometiff_writer_thread = threading.Thread(target=queued_ometiff_writer,\
args=[outputpath, self.file_queue, bigtiff, image_reader,queue_timeout])
def run_ashlar(self, inputpath=None,outputpath=None,\
:brief: spin up a thread that waits to run ashlar once all tiles have been run through.
ONLY CALL IF all_tiles_added HAS BEEN CALLED WITH auto_run_ashlar=False
if inputpath==None:
inputpath = self.tiled_file_path
if outputpath == None:
outputpath = self.stitched_file_path
self.ashlar_waiter_thread = threading.Thread(target=queued_ashlar_waiter,\
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