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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Ember snippets


Words separate on commas. See jsbin.

Tags have color support - suffix the tag with :c where c is a color (r, b, g or y)

// basic
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
tempWord: '',
tagArr: function(){
return Ember.A(['this is red:r', 'and this is uncolored'])
currentTag: function(){
var word = this.get('word')
actions: {
newWord: function(word){
this.get('tagArr').pushObject( this.get('tempWord').slice(0, -1).trim() );
this.set('tempWord', '')
previousWord: function(){
var tags = this.get('tagArr')
if ( tags.length > 0 ){
var word = tags.popObject()
this.set('tempWord', word)
removeTag: function(tag){
// input component
App.TagInputComponent = Ember.TextField.extend({
checkKey: function(e,a,b){
var key = e.keyCode
if ( key === 188 ){
// comma was typed
} else if ( key === 8 ){
// backspace was pressed
if ( !this.get('value') ){
} else if ( key === 13 ){
// enter was pressed, finish editting
// tag component
App.InfoTagComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
tagName: 'span',
classNames: ['tag'],
classNameBindings: ['tag.color'],
tag: function(){
var rawTag = this.get('rawTag')
var split = rawTag.split(':');
var tag = { text: split[0] }
if (split[1]){
var color = split[1];
if (color === "r"){
tag.color = "red"
if (color === "g"){
tag.color = "green"
if (color === "b"){
tag.color = "blue"
return tag
actions: {
removeTag: function(){
this.sendAction('removeTag', this.get('rawTag') )
// basic
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
{{#each rawTag in tagArr}}
{{info-tag rawTag=rawTag removeTag="removeTag" }}
{{tag-input value=tempWord newWord="newWord" previousWord="previousWord"}}
// tag
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="components/info-tag">
<button {{action "removeTag"}}>X</button>
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