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Created May 14, 2012 17:02
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interval arithmetic plotting
import sympy.mpmath as mp
from sympy import *
from sympy.utilities import lambdify
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import fractions
import time
#supports the following functions.
MPI = {'sin': mp.iv.sin,
'cos': mp.iv.cos,
'exp': mp.iv.exp,
'log': mp.iv.log,
'sqrt': mp.iv.sqrt,
'log10': mp.iv.log10}
x,y = symbols('x y')
func = lambdify((x, y),(y > 1 / x),MPI)
def plotImplicit(func, left, right, top, bottom):
W = 1024 # No. of horizontal pixels
H = 1024 # No. of vertical pixels
k = fractions.gcd(W, H)
k = int(math.log(fractions.gcd(k, 2**int(math.log(k, 2)))))
IntervalList = []
PlotList = []
a = 0
while a*2**k < W:
b = 0
while b*2**k < H:
xInter = mp.mpi(left + a * 2**k * (right - left)/W, left + (a + 1) * 2**k * (right - left) / W)
yInter = mp.mpi(bottom + b * 2**k * (top - bottom) / H, bottom + (b + 1) * 2**k * (top - bottom) / H)
b += 1
a += 1
while k > 0 and len(IntervalList):
IntervalList, plot = refinePixels(func, IntervalList)
k = k - 1
print k
ylist2 = []
plt.axis([left, right, bottom, top])
plots = PlotList[0]
xlist = []
ylist = []
for plots in PlotList:
s, t = plots[0]._mpi_
s = mp.libmp.to_float(s)
t = mp.libmp.to_float(t)
u, v = plots[1]._mpi_
u = mp.libmp.to_float(u)
v = mp.libmp.to_float(v)
xlist.extend([s, s, t, t, None])
ylist.extend([u, v, v, u, None])
plt.fill(xlist,ylist, facecolor = 'b', alpha = 0.3, edgecolor = 'None')
def refinePixels(func, IntervalList):
tempIntervalList = []
plotList = []
for intervalList in IntervalList:
if func(intervalList[0], intervalList[1]) == True:
plotList.append([intervalList[0], intervalList[1]])
elif func(intervalList[0], intervalList[1]) == None:
#divide into 4 sub regions
s, t = intervalList[0]._mpi_
s = mp.libmp.to_float(s)
t = mp.libmp.to_float(t)
u, v = intervalList[1]._mpi_
u = mp.libmp.to_float(u)
v = mp.libmp.to_float(v)
avgx = (s + t) / 2.0
avgy = (u + v) / 2.0
#create intervals
a = mp.mpi(s, avgx)
b = mp.mpi(avgx, t)
c = mp.mpi(u, avgy)
d = mp.mpi(avgy, v)
return tempIntervalList, plotList
plotImplicit(func, -1.0, 1.0, 5.0, -5.0 )
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Just a quick warning about something that will create problems during the review. You are using camelCase naming conventions when most of sympy is following the pythonic conventions (checkout PEP8). For instance: CamelCase for names of classes, underlines for names of functions and variables.

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Thanks. Will change it.

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