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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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A micro-lisp-like for processing 'formulas' in and upon JSON data, in Python / Coffeescript
# This is a micro-language designed to be embedded in JSON, allowing
# data in the JSON tree to specify a formula for how it should be derived
# based on the rest of the tree. Formulas are constructed of prefix-notation
# lists naming a function and passing arguments, which are recursively
# evaluated.
# Operations are mostly mathematical, with one ternary function that allows
# for simple conditional operations or code-branching.
# An example:
# yuri1 = {'name': 'Yuri', 'age': 15, 'years_from_voting': ['sub', 18, 'age']}
# Example exploiting a nested query:
# yuri2 = {'name': 'Yuri', 'age': 15, 'grades': {'maths': 50, 'English': 70, 'Cantonese': 66},
# 'avg_grade': ['div', ['sum', 'grades/maths', 'grades/English', 'grades/Cantonese'], 3] }
# To use, pass the data as first argument, and the actual formula as second arg,
# so to evaluate the second example: exec_formula(yuri2, yuri2['avg_grade')]
# This runs on input imported from JSON in either Python or Coffeescript, but is NOT designed
# for web use! It will crash on faulty input, it can be tricked into performing expensive
# operations, etcetera; I created it as a common specification for two apps that have mutual
# trust, not for interaction with the outside world! Also, it's poorly tested right now.
# Anyways, enjoy!
import functools
import operator
import math
_formula_ops = {
'div': operator.truediv,
'mul': lambda *ns: functools.reduce(lambda a,b: a*b, ns),
'sum': sum,
'sub': operator.sub,
'pow': operator.pow,
'abs': operator.abs,
'floor': math.floor,
'ceil': math.ceil,
'sqrt': math.sqrt,
'tern': lambda cond, a, b: a if cond != 0 else b
def exec_formula(data, formula):
if isinstance(formula, list):
func = _formula_ops[formula[0]]
return func(*[_parse_formula(data, x) for x in formula[1:]])
elif isinstance(formula, str):
keys = formula.split("/")
retv = data[keys.pop(0)]
while keys:
retv = retv[keys.pop(0)]
return retv
elif isinstance(formula, (float, int)):
return formula
raise ValueError("Cannot parse item of type {}: {}".format(type(formula), formula))
coffee_formula = """\
formula_ops =
div: (a, b) -> a / b
sum: (ns...) ->
res = 0
for n in ns
res += n
return res
mul: (ns...) ->
res = 1
for n in ns
res *= n
return res
sub: (a, b) -> a - b
tern: (cond, a, b) -> if cond isnt 0 then a else b
pow: Math.pow
abs: Math.abs
floor: Math.floor
ceil: Math.ceil
sqrt: Math.sqrt
exec_formula = (data, formula) ->
if Array.isArray(formula)
formula = (i for i in formula) # Copy the array before destructive ops!
funcn = formula.shift()
func = _formula_ops[funcn]
args = (exec_formula(data, x) for x in formula)
retval = func(args...)
return retval
else if "string" == typeof formula
keys = formula.split("/")
retv = data[keys.shift()]
while keys.length > 0
retv = retv[keys.shift()]
return retv
else if formula instanceof Object
throw Error("Wat")
return formula
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