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Cathal Garvey cathalgarvey

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cathalgarvey /
Created March 31, 2014 19:16
A quick two-liner that should install Biopython on a Linux-Mint/Ubuntu/Debian system.
# This script installs Python3, ipython, pip, and uses pip to install biopython.
# You'll be asked for your password.
sudo apt-get install python3-dev ipython3 python3-pip build-essential
sudo pip install biopython
# That's it, two lines!
cathalgarvey /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
Python 8-line DNA compression tool. Usage: 'python3 [e/d] <somefile>', output to stdout.
import sys as s, itertools as i
t,u,i2b,o=b'T',b'U',lambda i:i.to_bytes(1,'big'),[s.stdout.buffer.write,lambda s:0]
A,e=s.argv,dict(zip((''.join(x).encode()for x in i.product(*('ACGT',)*4)),map(i2b,range(256))))
with open(A[2],'rb')as I:D,Rr=b''.join(,lambda s:s.replace(t,u)
S,R,M,o,d=D[:-1],D[-1]&4,D[-1]&2,o[::-1]if A[1]=="d"else o,dict(zip(e.values(),e)).get
[o[0](e.get(q.replace(u,t)+(b'A'*(4-len(q)))))for q in(D[i: i+4] for i in range(0,len(D),4))]
o[0](i2b((len( [D[i: i+4] for i in range(0,len(D),4)][-1] )%4)|(4 if u in S else 0)))
o[1](b''.join(Rr(d(i2b(x)))if R else d(x)for x in S)[:-M if M else None]+b'\n')
cathalgarvey /
Created April 10, 2014 13:34
An object for recursively pruning empty containers and Nonetypes from containers or sequences.
class Prune:
'Treat like a function; call Prune.prune on any datatype to prune NoneTypes and empty Tuples/Lists/Dicts.'
_t = tuple() # Empty tuple, as "(,)" literal doesn't work.
def prune(self, some_data):
if isinstance(some_data, (list, tuple)):
return self.prune_sequence(some_data)
elif isinstance(some_data, dict):
return self.prune_tree(some_data)
cathalgarvey /
Created May 1, 2014 14:30
A decorator for when you want strictness in Python3.
def strict(func):
'''A decorator for methods or functions that requires annotations for all
arguments and the return value, throws typeerrors on deviations.
Remember that for more than one return value, the return type is "tuple".
Container-type arguments or return values are only inspected at top-level.
Note that as written, this does not handle catchall argument types "*args", or "**kwargs".
import inspect, collections
NoneType = type(None)
def die_on_untyped_annotation(par, ann_type="argument annotation"):
cathalgarvey /
Created June 16, 2014 10:57
An almost-2048 clone for CLI use, with optional arbitrary grid dimensions (Python 3.3+)
import random
import shutil
import tty
import sys
import termios
def getchar():
'Linux-only: Could not be bothered making arrow-getting code WinMac-compatible.'
fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
cathalgarvey /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
A micro-lisp-like for processing 'formulas' in and upon JSON data, in Python / Coffeescript
# This is a micro-language designed to be embedded in JSON, allowing
# data in the JSON tree to specify a formula for how it should be derived
# based on the rest of the tree. Formulas are constructed of prefix-notation
# lists naming a function and passing arguments, which are recursively
# evaluated.
# Operations are mostly mathematical, with one ternary function that allows
# for simple conditional operations or code-branching.
# An example:
cathalgarvey / chacha20
Created August 15, 2014 14:43
ChaCha20 stream cipher in Python 3
# Pure Python ChaCha20
# Based on Numpy implementation:
# Based on
# I wanted an implementation of ChaCha in clean, understandable Python
# as a way to get a handle on the algorithm for porting to another language.
# There are plenty of bindings but few pure implementations, because
# Pure Python is too slow for normal practical use in Cryptography.
# The preceding implementation used NumPy, which avoided a lot of the
cathalgarvey / biorad_dialogue_killer.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Bookmarklet to remove the goddamed "pick your location" landing dialog from has one of those intensely aggravating landing dialogs that demands
to know where you are so it can forcibly remove you from what you're trying to
view, and perhaps gouge you for more money.
This is annoying, invasive and generally not-cool, so here's a little
bookmarklet to remove the dialog and get on with things.
To use, just copy the below code into a new bookmark using your browser's
bookmark manager. Don't omit the "javascript:" bit or the final empty
parentheses: "()".
cathalgarvey /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
A CSS/JS-fetching and HTML-patching script for correctly archiving sites (well, 4chan at least) using wget, as requested on Reddit.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# by Cathal Garvey, copyright 2015, released under the AGPL:
# Commissioned by a 4chan user on reddit /r/linux who wanted backups but wget couldn't fetch most JS/CSS
# correctly. Only tested on 4chan in keeping with request.
# Usage e.g. (papercraft sub on 4chan):
# wget --recursive --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --no-parent
# cd
# # (Directory contains subdirectory "po/" which contains all HTML)
# # (Provide root domain of crawled site to help resolve relative links, and target folder)
# python3 <this script> po
cathalgarvey /
Created April 12, 2015 10:25
Strictness decorator for Python with optional group-disabling system for debug-only checks
import inspect
import collections
import functools
# NB: For all the "make_x_tester" functions the errors raised should use lowercase
# "argument" to describe the problem, which will be patched to "return value"
# where appropriate!
def make_simple_tester(valuetype):
def testerfunc(tested_val):