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Created August 15, 2015 23:28
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Clojure lazy concat without stack overflow
* Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
* Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
* which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
* By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
* the terms of this license.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
package clojure.lang;
/* Jon Distad, August 15, 2015 */
public final class Concat extends ALazySeq {
private final Object head;
private final Object tail;
private ISeq _seq;
public Concat(Object head, Object tail) {
this(null, head, tail);
private Concat(IPersistentMap meta, Object head, Object tail) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
public Obj withMeta(IPersistentMap meta) {
return new Concat(meta, head, tail);
private static Concat extrude(Concat conc) {
if (conc.isRealized()) return conc;
Object h = conc.head;
Object t = conc.tail;
while (h instanceof Concat) {
Concat c = (Concat)h;
if (c.isRealized())
return new Concat(c.seq(), t);
t = new Concat(c.tail, t);
h = c.head;
return new Concat(h, t);
private static ISeq headSeq(Concat conc) {
if (conc.isRealized()) return conc.seq();
ISeq s = RT.seq(conc.head);
if (s != null) {
if (s instanceof IChunkedSeq) {
IChunkedSeq cs = (IChunkedSeq)s;
IChunk f = cs.chunkedFirst();
if (RT.count(f) == 0)
return new Concat(cs.chunkedMore(), conc.tail);
return new ChunkedCons(f, new Concat(cs.chunkedMore(), conc.tail));
} else {
return new Cons(s.first(), new Concat(s.more(), conc.tail));
return null;
private final synchronized ISeq doSeq() {
if (_seq != null) return _seq;
Concat c = extrude(this);
_seq = headSeq(c);
while (_seq == null && c.tail instanceof Concat) {
c = extrude((Concat)c.tail);
_seq = headSeq(c);
if (_seq == null)
_seq = RT.seq(c.tail);
if (_seq == null)
_seq = PersistentList.EMPTY;
return _seq;
public final synchronized ISeq seq() {
return _seq.seq();
public final synchronized boolean isRealized() {
return _seq != null;
;; The redefinition of clojure.core/concat
(defn concat
"Returns a lazy seq representing the concatenation of the elements in the supplied colls."
{:added "1.0"
:static true}
([] (lazy-seq nil))
([x] (lazy-seq x))
([x y]
(clojure.lang.Concat. x y))
([x y & zs]
(clojure.lang.Concat. x (clojure.lang.Concat. y (lazy-seq (apply concat zs))))))
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