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Last active December 20, 2015 08:29
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LWJGL Timing example in Clojure
;; Java Version:
(ns lwjgl-tutorial.timer-example
(:import [org.lwjgl LWJGLException Sys]
[org.lwjgl.input Keyboard]
[org.lwjgl.opengl Display DisplayMode GL11]))
(defn init-gl! []
(GL11/glMatrixMode GL11/GL_PROJECTION)
(GL11/glOrtho 0 800 0 600 1 -1)
(GL11/glMatrixMode GL11/GL_MODELVIEW))
(defn get-time []
(/ (* (Sys/getTime) 1000)
(defn calc-delta [{:keys [last-frame] :as state}]
(let [time (get-time)]
(assoc state :last-frame time :delta (- time last-frame))))
(def key-velocity-map
{:left [Keyboard/KEY_LEFT -]
:right [Keyboard/KEY_RIGHT]
:up [Keyboard/KEY_UP]
:down [Keyboard/KEY_DOWN -]})
(defn delta-v [delta dir]
(let [[kb-key transform-fn] (key-velocity-map dir)]
(if (Keyboard/isKeyDown kb-key)
((or transform-fn identity) (* 0.35 delta))
(defn new-coord [coord delta bounds dirs]
(let [new-coord (apply + coord (map (partial delta-v delta) dirs))]
(second (sort (conj bounds new-coord)))))
(defn update-fps [{:keys [fps last-fps] :as state}]
(if (> (- (get-time) last-fps)
(Display/setTitle (str "FPS: " fps))
(assoc state :fps 1 :last-fps (+ last-fps 1000)))
(update-in state [:fps] inc)))
(defn update [{:keys [x y rotation delta] :as state}]
(let [rotation (+ rotation (* 0.15 delta))
x (new-coord x delta [0 800] [:left :right])
y (new-coord y delta [0 600] [:up :down])
new-fps (update-fps state)]
(merge state
{:x x :y y :rotation rotation})))
(defn render-gl! [{:keys [x y rotation] :as state}]
(GL11/glColor3f 0.5 0.5 1.0)
(GL11/glTranslatef x y 0)
(GL11/glRotatef rotation 0 0 1)
(GL11/glTranslatef (- x) (- y) 0)
(GL11/glBegin GL11/GL_QUADS)
(GL11/glVertex2f (- x 50) (- y 50))
(GL11/glVertex2f (+ x 50) (- y 50))
(GL11/glVertex2f (+ x 50) (+ y 50))
(GL11/glVertex2f (- x 50) (+ y 50))
(defn start! []
(Display/setDisplayMode (DisplayMode. 800 600))
(loop [quad-state {:x 300.0
:y 400.0
:rotation 0.0
:last-frame (get-time)
:fps 0
:last-fps (get-time)}]
(when-not (Display/isCloseRequested)
(let [updated-state (-> quad-state
(render-gl! updated-state)
(Display/sync 60)
(recur updated-state))))
(defn -main [& args]
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