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Last active March 5, 2019 13:09
"routes": [ # Sorted with 'family', 'table-id' then 'destination'
"status": "up", # Set 'absent' to remove routes
"family": "ipv4",
# When applying state, this could be ignored, will guss it out
# base on 'destination' format.
"table-name": "main", # Empty if no name attached
"table-id": 254,
"origin": "dhcp", # "static" or "dhcp"
"metric": 100,
"destination": "", # Mandatory
"next-hop-iface": "eth0", # Mandatory
"next-hop-address": ""
# ^ Empty on point-to-point link
"status": "up", # Set 'absent' to remove routes
"family": "ipv6",
# When applying state, this could be ignored, will guss it out
# base on 'destination' format.
"table-name": "main", # Empty if no name attached
"table-id": 254,
"origin": "ipv6-ra", # "static" or "ipv6-ra"
"metric": 100,
"destination": "::/0", # Mandatory
"next-hop-iface": "eth0", # Mandatory
"next-hop-address": "fe80::1"
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