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Last active December 16, 2015 15:29
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  • Save cathyjf/5456648 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cathyjf/5456648 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* This is a PHP client for the Pokemon Online server registry.
* Call PORegistry::getServerList() to retrieve the list as an array.
* @author Cathy J. Fitzpatrick <>
* @licence public domain
class POBuffer {
private $buffer;
private $pointer = 0;
public function __construct($buffer) {
$this->buffer = $buffer;
private function read($bytes) {
$d = substr($this->buffer, $this->pointer, $bytes);
$this->pointer += $bytes;
return $d;
private function unpack($bytes, $pattern) {
$d = $this->read($bytes);
$arr = unpack($pattern . 'x', $d);
return $arr['x'];
public function readquint8() {
return $this->unpack(1, 'C');
public function readquint16() {
return $this->unpack(2, 'n');
public function readquint32() {
return $this->unpack(4, 'N');
public function readQString() {
$length = $this->readquint32();
$data = $this->read($length);
return utf8_decode($data);
class POClient {
private $socket;
public function __construct($host, $port) {
$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if (!$this->socket) throw new Exception('Could not create socket');
$ip = gethostbyname($host);
if (!$ip) throw new Exception('Could not resolve hostname');
$res = socket_connect($this->socket, $ip, $port);
if (!$res) throw new Exception('Could not establish connection');
public function recvfully($bytes) {
$received = 0;
$ret = '';
while ($received < $bytes) {
$buf = '';
$b = socket_recv($this->socket, $buf, $bytes - $received, MSG_WAITALL);
if ($b === FALSE) return FALSE;
$received += $b;
$ret .= $buf;
return new POBuffer($ret);
public function recvmessage() {
$header = $this->recvfully(4);
if ($header === FALSE) return FALSE;
$length = $header->readquint32();
return $this->recvfully($length);
public function disconnect() {
class PORegistry {
public static function getServerList() {
$client = new POClient('', 5090);
$active = true;
$servers = array();
while ($active && ($msg = $client->recvmessage())) {
// message type constants are defined in `src/Shared/networkcommands.h`
$type = $msg->readquint8();
switch ($type) {
case 38: // Announcement
// ignore this
case 5: // PlayersList (server entry)
// these array index names are copied from the PO source code
$entry = array();
$entry['name'] = $msg->readQString();
$entry['desc'] = $msg->readQString();
$entry['numplayers'] = $msg->readquint16();
$entry['ip'] = $msg->readQString();
$entry['max'] = $msg->readquint16();
$entry['port'] = $msg->readquint16();
$entry['passwordProtected'] = !!$msg->readquint8();
$servers[] = $entry;
case 57: // ServerListEnd
$active = false;
usort($servers, function(&$a, &$b) {
return $b['numplayers'] - $a['numplayers'];
return $servers;
public static function updateUserStats() {
global $db;
$servers = array();
try {
$servers = PORegistry::getServerList();
} catch (Exception $e) {}
if (count($servers) === 0) return;
$maxusers = $servers[0]['numplayers'];
$time = time() * 1000;
$db->query("INSERT INTO `ntbb_userstatshistory` (`date`, `usercount`, `programid`) VALUES ('" . $db->escape($time) . "', '" . $db->escape($maxusers) . "', 'po')");
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