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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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"name": "emberfire",
"main": "emberfire.js",
"dependencies": {
"firebase": "2.1.x"
"ignore": [
* EmberFire is the officially supported adapter for using Firebase with
* Ember Data. The DS.FirebaseAdapter provides all of the standard DS.Adapter
* methods and will automatically synchronize the store with Firebase.
* EmberFire 0.0.0
* License: MIT
(function() {
"use strict";
/* Only enable if Ember Data is included */
if (window.DS === undefined) {
var EmberFire = Ember.Namespace.create({
VERSION: '0.0.0'
if (Ember.libraries) {
Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('EmberFire', EmberFire.VERSION);
//Monkeypatch the store until ED gives us a good way to listen to push events
push: function(typeName, data, _partial) {
var record = this._super(typeName, data, _partial);
var adapter = this.adapterFor(record.constructor);
if (adapter.recordWasPushed) {
adapter.recordWasPushed(this, typeName, record);
return record;
recordWillUnload: function(record) {
var adapter = this.adapterFor(record.constructor);
if (adapter.recordWillUnload) {
adapter.recordWillUnload(this, record);
unloadRecord: function() {;
return this._super();
// Shortcuts
var Promise = Ember.RSVP.Promise;
var map =;
var forEach = Ember.EnumerableUtils.forEach;
var fmt = Ember.String.fmt;
var toPromise = function(fn, context, _args, errorMsg) {
var args = _args || [];
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var callback = function(error) {
if (error) {
if (errorMsg && typeof error === 'object') {
error.location = errorMsg;
} else {
fn.apply(context, args);
The Firebase serializer helps normalize relationships and can be extended on
a per model basis.
DS.FirebaseSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.extend(Ember.Evented, {
//We need to account for Firebase turning key/value pairs with ids '1' and '0' into arrays
_normalizeNumberIDs: function(hash, key) {
var newHash = [];
if (hash[key][0] === true) {
if (hash[key][1] === true) {
hash[key] = newHash;
normalizeHasMany: function(type, hash, relationship) {
var key = relationship.key;
if (typeof hash[key] === 'object' && !Ember.isArray(hash[key])) {
hash[key] = Ember.keys(hash[key]);
//We need to account for Firebase turning key/value pairs with ids '1' and '0' into arrays
else if (Ember.isArray(hash[key]) && hash[key].length < 3 && (hash[key][0] === true || hash[key][1] === true)) {
this._normalizeNumberIDs(hash, key);
else if (Ember.isArray(hash[key])) {
throw new Error(fmt('%@ relationship %@(\'%@\') must be a key/value map in Firebase. Example: { "%@": { "%@_id": true } }', [type.toString(), relationship.kind, relationship.type.typeKey, key, relationship.type.typeKey]));
normalizeEmbeddedHasMany: function(type, hash, relationship) {
var key = relationship.key;
var embeddedRecordPayload = hash[key];
var embeddedKey;
if (!hash[key]) {
for (embeddedKey in embeddedRecordPayload) {
var record = embeddedRecordPayload[embeddedKey];
if (record !== null && typeof record === 'object') { = embeddedKey;
}, this.normalize(relationship.type, record));
hash[key] = Ember.keys(hash[key]);
normalizeEmbeddedBelongsTo: function(type, hash, relationship) {
var key = relationship.key;
if (!hash[key]) {
var embeddedRecordPayload = hash[key];
if (typeof !== 'string') {
throw new Error(fmt('Embedded relationship "%@" of "%@" must contain an "id" property in the payload', [relationship.type.typeKey, type]));
}, this.normalize(relationship.type, embeddedRecordPayload));
hash[key] =;
normalizeBelongsTo: Ember.K,
Called after `extractSingle()`. This method checks the model
for `hasMany` relationships and makes sure the value is an object.
The object is then converted to an Array using `Ember.keys`
normalize: function(type, hash) {
var serializer = this;
// Check if the model contains any 'hasMany' relationships
type.eachRelationship(function(key, relationship) {
if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
if (relationship.options.embedded) {
serializer.normalizeEmbeddedHasMany(type, hash, relationship);
} else {
serializer.normalizeHasMany(type, hash, relationship);
} else {
if (relationship.options.embedded) {
serializer.normalizeEmbeddedBelongsTo(type, hash, relationship);
} else {
serializer.normalizeBelongsTo(type, hash, relationship);
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
Called on a records returned from `find()` and all records
returned from `findAll()`
This method also checkes for `embedded: true`, extracts the
embedded records, pushes them into the store, and then replaces
the records with an array of ids
extractSingle: function(store, type, payload) {
return this.normalize(type, payload);
Called after the adpter runs `findAll()` or `findMany()`. This method runs
`extractSingle()` on each item in the payload and as a result each item
will have `normalize()` called on it
extractArray: function(store, type, payload) {
return map(payload, function(item) {
return this.extractSingle(store, type, item);
}, this);
Overrides ember-data's `serializeHasMany` to serialize oneToMany
serializeHasMany: function(record, json, relationship) {
var key = relationship.key;
var payloadKey = this.keyForRelationship ? this.keyForRelationship(key, "hasMany") : key;
json[payloadKey] = Ember.A(record.get(key)).mapBy('id');
serializeBelongsTo: function(record, json, relationship) {
this._super(record, json, relationship);
var key = relationship.key;
var payloadKey = this.keyForRelationship ? this.keyForRelationship(key, "belongsTo") : relationship.key;
if (typeof json[key] === "undefined" || json[key] === '') {
delete json[key];
The Firebase adapter allows your store to communicate with the Firebase
realtime service. To use the adapter in your app, extend DS.FirebaseAdapter
and customize the endpoint to point to the Firebase URL where you want this
data to be stored.
The adapter will automatically communicate with Firebase to persist your
records as neccessary. Importantly, the adapter will also update the store
in realtime when changes are made to the Firebase by other clients or
DS.FirebaseAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend(Ember.Evented, {
defaultSerializer: '-firebase',
Endpoint paths can be customized by setting the Firebase property on the
firebase: new Firebase('https://<my-firebase>')
Requests for `App.Post` now target `https://<my-firebase>`.
@property firebase
@type {Firebase}
init: function() {
var firebase = this.get('firebase');
if (!firebase || typeof firebase !== 'object') {
throw new Error('Please set the `firebase` property on the adapter.');
// If provided Firebase reference was a query (eg: limits), make it a ref.
this._ref = firebase.ref();
// Keep track of what types `.findAll()` has been called for
this._findAllMapForType = {};
// Keep a cache to check modified relationships against
this._recordCacheForType = {};
// Used to batch records into the store
this._queue = [];
Uses push() to generate chronologically ordered unique IDs.
generateIdForRecord: function() {
return this._getKey(this._ref.push());
Use the Firebase DataSnapshot's key as the record id
@param {Object} snapshot - A Firebase snapshot
@param {Object} payload - The payload that will be pushed into the store
@return {Object} payload
_assignIdToPayload: function(snapshot) {
var payload = snapshot.val();
if (payload !== null && typeof payload === 'object' && typeof === 'undefined') { = this._getKey(snapshot);
return payload;
Called by the store to retrieve the JSON for a given type and ID. The
method will return a promise which will resolve when the value is
successfully fetched from Firebase.
Additionally, from this point on, the object's value in the store will
also be automatically updated whenever the remote value changes.
find: function(store, type, id) {
var adapter = this;
var ref = this._getRef(type, id);
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
var payload = adapter._assignIdToPayload(snapshot);
adapter._updateRecordCacheForType(type, payload);
if (payload === null) {
var error = new Error(fmt('no record was found at %@', [ref.toString()]));
error.recordId = id;
else {
function(err) {
}, fmt('DS: FirebaseAdapter#find %@ to %@', [type, ref.toString()]));
recordWasPushed: function(store, type, record) {
if (!record.__listening) {
this.listenForChanges(store, type, record);
recordWillUnload: function(store, record) {
var ref = this._getRef(record.typeKey, record.get('id'));'value');
listenForChanges: function(store, type, record) {
record.__listening = true;
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type);
var adapter = this;
var ref = this._getRef(type, record.get('id'));
var called = false;
ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if (called) {
adapter._handleChildValue(store, type, serializer, snapshot);
called = true;
findMany: undefined,
Called by the store to retrieve the JSON for all of the records for a
given type. The method will return a promise which will resolve when the
value is successfully fetched from Firebase.
Additionally, from this point on, any records of this type that are added,
removed or modified from Firebase will automatically be reflected in the
findAll: function(store, type) {
var adapter = this;
var ref = this._getRef(type);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// Listen for child events on the type
ref.once('value', function(snapshot) {
if (!adapter._findAllHasEventsForType(type)) {
adapter._findAllAddEventListeners(store, type, ref);
var results = [];
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var payload = adapter._assignIdToPayload(childSnapshot);
adapter._updateRecordCacheForType(type, payload);
}, function(error) {
}, fmt('DS: FirebaseAdapter#findAll %@ to %@', [type, ref.toString()]));
Keep track of what types `.findAll()` has been called for
so duplicate listeners aren't added
_findAllMapForType: undefined,
Determine if the current type is already listening for children events
_findAllHasEventsForType: function(type) {
return !Ember.isNone(this._findAllMapForType[type]);
After `.findAll()` is called on a type, continue to listen for
`child_added`, `child_removed`, and `child_changed`
_findAllAddEventListeners: function(store, type, ref) {
this._findAllMapForType[type] = true;
var adapter = this;
var serializer = store.serializerFor(type);
ref.on('child_added', function(snapshot) {
if (!store.hasRecordForId(type, adapter._getKey(snapshot))) {
adapter._handleChildValue(store, type, serializer, snapshot);
Push a new child record into the store
_handleChildValue: function(store, type, serializer, snapshot) {
//No idea why we need this, we are alredy turning off the callback by
//calling in recordWillUnload. Something is fishy here
if (store.isDestroying) {
var value = snapshot.val();
if (value === null) {
var id = this._getKey(snapshot);
var record = store.getById(type, id);
//TODO refactor using ED
if (!record.get('isDeleted')) {
} else {
var payload = this._assignIdToPayload(snapshot);
this._enqueue(function() {
store.push(type, serializer.extractSingle(store, type, payload));
`createRecord` is an alias for `updateRecord` because calling \
`ref.set()` would wipe out any existing relationships
createRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var adapter = this;
return this.updateRecord(store, type, record).then(function() {
adapter.listenForChanges(store, type, record);
Called by the store when a record is created/updated via the `save`
method on a model record instance.
The `updateRecord` method serializes the record and performs an `update()`
at the the Firebase location and a `.set()` at any relationship locations
The method will return a promise which will be resolved when the data and
any relationships have been successfully saved to Firebase.
We take an optional record reference, in order for this method to be usable
for saving nested records as well.
updateRecord: function(store, type, record, _recordRef) {
var adapter = this;
var recordRef = _recordRef || this._getRef(type,;
var recordCache = Ember.get(adapter._recordCacheForType, fmt('%@.%@', [type.typeKey, record.get('id')])) || {};
var serializedRecord = record.serialize({includeId:false});
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var savedRelationships = Ember.A();
record.eachRelationship(function(key, relationship) {
var save;
if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
if (serializedRecord[key]) {
save = adapter._saveHasManyRelationship(store, type, relationship, serializedRecord[key], recordRef, recordCache);
// Remove the relationship from the serializedRecord because otherwise we would clobber the entire hasMany
delete serializedRecord[key];
} else {
if (relationship.options.embedded === true && serializedRecord[key]) {
save = adapter._saveBelongsToRecord(store, type, relationship, serializedRecord[key], recordRef);
delete serializedRecord[key];
var relationshipsPromise = Ember.RSVP.allSettled(savedRelationships);
var recordPromise = adapter._updateRecord(recordRef, serializedRecord);
Ember.RSVP.hashSettled({relationships: relationshipsPromise, record: recordPromise}).then(function(promises) {
var rejected = Ember.A(promises.relationships.value).filterBy('state', 'rejected');
if (promises.record.state === 'rejected') {
// Throw an error if any of the relationships failed to save
if (rejected.length !== 0) {
var error = new Error(fmt('Some errors were encountered while saving %@ %@', [type,]));
error.errors = rejected.mapBy('reason');
} else {
}, fmt('DS: FirebaseAdapter#updateRecord %@ to %@', [type, recordRef.toString()]));
//Just update the record itself without caring for the relationships
_updateRecord: function(recordRef, serializedRecord) {
return toPromise(recordRef.update, recordRef, [serializedRecord]);
Call _saveHasManyRelationshipRecord on each record in the relationship
and then resolve once they have all settled
_saveHasManyRelationship: function(store, type, relationship, ids, recordRef, recordCache) {
if (!Ember.isArray(ids)) {
throw new Error('hasMany relationships must must be an array');
var adapter = this;
var idsCache = Ember.A(recordCache[relationship.key]);
ids = Ember.A(ids);
var dirtyRecords = [];
// Added
var addedRecords = ids.filter(function(id) {
return !idsCache.contains(id);
// Dirty
dirtyRecords = ids.filter(function(id) {
var type = relationship.type;
return store.hasRecordForId(type, id) && store.getById(type, id).get('isDirty') === true;
dirtyRecords = Ember.A(dirtyRecords.concat(addedRecords)).uniq().map(function(id) {
return adapter._saveHasManyRecord(store, relationship, recordRef, id);
// Removed
var removedRecords = idsCache.filter(function(id) {
return !ids.contains(id);
removedRecords = Ember.A(removedRecords).map(function(id) {
return adapter._removeHasManyRecord(store, relationship, recordRef, id);
// Combine all the saved records
var savedRecords = dirtyRecords.concat(removedRecords);
// Wait for all the updates to finish
return Ember.RSVP.allSettled(savedRecords).then(function(savedRecords) {
var rejected = Ember.A(Ember.A(savedRecords).filterBy('state', 'rejected'));
if (rejected.get('length') === 0) {
// Update the cache
recordCache[relationship.key] = ids;
return savedRecords;
else {
var error = new Error(fmt('Some errors were encountered while saving a hasMany relationship %@ -> %@', [relationship.parentType, relationship.type]));
error.errors = Ember.A(rejected).mapBy('reason');
throw error;
If the relationship is `async: true`, create a child ref
named with the record id and set the value to true
If the relationship is `embedded: true`, create a child ref
named with the record id and update the value to the serialized
version of the record
_saveHasManyRecord: function(store, relationship, parentRef, id) {
var ref = this._getRelationshipRef(parentRef, relationship.key, id);
var record = store.getById(relationship.type, id);
var isEmbedded = relationship.options.embedded === true;
if (isEmbedded) {
return this.updateRecord(store, relationship.type, record, ref);
return toPromise(ref.set, ref, [true]);
Remove a relationship
_removeHasManyRecord: function(store, relationship, parentRef, id) {
var ref = this._getRelationshipRef(parentRef, relationship.key, id);
return toPromise(ref.remove, ref, [], ref.toString());
Save an embedded record
_saveBelongsToRecord: function(store, type, relationship, id, parentRef) {
var ref = parentRef.child(relationship.key);
var record = store.getById(relationship.type, id);
return this.updateRecord(store, relationship.type, record, ref);
Called by the store when a record is deleted.
deleteRecord: function(store, type, record) {
var ref = this._getRef(type, record.get('id'));
return toPromise(ref.remove, ref);
Determines a path fo a given type
pathForType: function(type) {
var camelized = Ember.String.camelize(type);
return Ember.String.pluralize(camelized);
Return a Firebase reference for a given type and optional ID.
_getRef: function(type, id) {
var ref = this._ref;
if (type) {
ref = ref.child(this.pathForType(type.typeKey));
if (id) {
ref = ref.child(id);
return ref;
Return a Firebase reference based on a relationship key and record id
_getRelationshipRef: function(ref, key, id) {
return ref.child(key).child(id);
The amount of time (ms) before the _queue is flushed
_queueFlushDelay: (1000/60), // 60fps
Called after the first item is pushed into the _queue
_queueScheduleFlush: function() {, this._queueFlush, this._queueFlushDelay);
Call each function in the _queue and the reset the _queue
_queueFlush: function() {
forEach(this._queue, function(queueItem) {
var fn = queueItem[0];
var args = queueItem[1];
fn.apply(null, args);
this._queue.length = 0;
Push a new function into the _queue and then schedule a
flush if the item is the first to be pushed
_enqueue: function(callback, args) {
//Only do the queueing if we scheduled a delay
if (this._queueFlushDelay) {
var length = this._queue.push([callback, args]);
if (length === 1) {
} else {
callback.apply(null, args);
A cache of hasMany relationships that can be used to
diff against new relationships when a model is saved
_recordCacheForType: undefined,
_updateRecordCacheForType: function(type, payload) {
if (!payload) { return; }
var adapter = this;
var id =;
var cache = adapter._recordCacheForType;
var typeKey = type.typeKey;
// Only cache relationships for now
type.eachRelationship(function(key, relationship) {
if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
var ids = payload[key];
cache[typeKey] = cache[typeKey] || {};
cache[typeKey][id] = cache[typeKey][id] || {};
cache[typeKey][id][key] = !Ember.isNone(ids) ? Ember.A(Ember.keys(ids)) : Ember.A();
* A utility for retrieving the key name of a Firebase ref or
* DataSnapshot. This is backwards-compatible with `name()`
* from Firebase 1.x.x and `key()` from Firebase 2.0.0+. Once
* support for Firebase 1.x.x is dropped in EmberFire, this
* helper can be removed.
_getKey: function(refOrSnapshot) {
return (typeof refOrSnapshot.key === 'function') ? refOrSnapshot.key() :;
Register the serializer and adapter
Ember.onLoad('Ember.Application', function(Application) {
name: 'firebase',
initialize: function(container, application) {
application.register('adapter:-firebase', DS.FirebaseAdapter);
application.register('serializer:-firebase', DS.FirebaseSerializer);
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