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Created October 5, 2022 04:34
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Chapter 2, Problem 2: Structural Ambiguity

Show that the grammar in (23) can account for the ambiguity of each of the following sentences by providing at least two trees licensed for each one, and explain briefly which interpretation goes with which tree:

  • (i) Bo saw the group with the telescope.
  • (ii) Most dogs and cats with fleas live in this neighborhood.
  • (iii) The pictures show Superman and Lois Lane and Wonder Woman.

[Note: We haven’t provided a lexicon, so technically, (23) doesn’t generate any of these. You can assume, however, that all the words in them are in the lexicon, with the obvious category assignments.]


  • S → NP VP
  • NP → (D) NOM
  • VP → V (NP) (NP)
  • NOM → N
  • NOM → NOM PP
  • VP → VP PP
  • PP → P NP
  • X → X+ CONJ X

Chapter 3, Problem 3: Determiner-Noun Agreement

The Chapter 3 grammar declares AGR to be a feature appropriate for the types noun, verb, and det, but so far we haven’t discussed agreement involving determiners. Unlike the determiner the, most other English determiners do show agreement with the nouns they combine with:

  • (i) a bird/*a birds
  • (ii) this bird/*this birds
  • (iii) that bird/*that birds
  • (iv) these birds/*these bird
  • (v) those birds/*those bird
  • (vi) many birds/*many bird

A. Formulate lexical entries for this and these.

B. Modify Head-Specifier Rule 2 so that it enforces agreement between the noun and the determiner just like Head-Specifier Rule 1 enforces agreement between the NP and the VP.

C. Draw a tree for the NP these birds. Show the value for all features of every node and use tags to indicate the effects of any identities that the grammar (including your modified HSR2 and the Head Feature Principle) requires.

Chapter 3, Problem 5: Identifying the Head of a Phrase

The head of a phrase is the element inside the phrase whose properties determine the distribution of that phrase, i.e. the environments in which it can occur. We say that nouns head noun phrases, since (ii)-(v) can all show up in the same environments as (i): e.g. as the specifier of a verb, as a complement of a transitive verb and as the complement of prepositions like of or on.

  • (i) giraffes
  • (ii) tall giraffes
  • (iii) giraffes with long necks
  • (iv) all giraffes
  • (v) all tall giraffes with long necks

On the other hand (vi)–(ix) do not have the same distribution as the phrases in (i)–(v).

  • (vi) tall
  • (vii) with long necks
  • (viii) all
  • (ix) all tall

Thus it appears to be the noun in (i)–(v) that defines the distributional properties of the whole phrase, and it is the noun that we call the head.

In this problem we apply this criterion for identifying heads to a domain that is off the beaten path of grammatical analysis: English number names.1 The goal of this problem is to identify the head in expressions like two hundred and three hundred. That is, which is the head of two hundred: two or hundred? In order to answer this, we are going to compare the distribution of two hundred with that of two minimally different phrases: three hundred and two thousand.

Now, many environments that allow two hundred also allow three hundred and two thousand:

  • (x) There were two hundred/three hundred/two thousand.
  • (xi) Two hundred/three hundred/two thousand penguins waddled by.

Some environments do distinguish between them, however. One such environment is the environment to the right of the word thousand:

  • (xii) four thousand two hundred
  • (xiii) four thousand three hundred
  • (xiv)*four thousand two thousand

A. Based on the data in (xii)–(xiv), which phrase has the same distribution as two hundred: three hundred or two thousand?

B. Does your answer to part (A) support treating two or hundred as the head of two hundred? Explain your answer in a sentence or two.

Similarly, we can compare the distribution of two hundred five to the two minimally different phrases two hundred six and two thousand five. Once again, the environment to the right of thousand will do:

  • (xv) four thousand two hundred five
  • (xvi) four thousand two hundred six
  • (xvii)*four thousand two thousand five

C. Based on the data in (xv)–(xvii), which phrase has the same distribution as two hundred five: two hundred six or two thousand five?

D. Does your answer to part (C) support treating five as the head of two hundred five? Briefly explain why


  1. This problem is based on the analysis of English number names in Smith 1999.

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