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Created April 25, 2017 21:21
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module BadukBot.Api
open BadukBot.Telegram
open System
open System.Net.Http
let private client =
let h = new HttpClientHandler()
h.AllowAutoRedirect <- true
h.MaxRequestContentBufferSize <- 1024L * 1024L
h.UseCookies <- false
let c = new HttpClient(h, true)
c.Timeout <- TimeSpan.FromSeconds 10.
open Aether
open Chiron
open FSharpx.Async
open FSharpx.Control
open Serilog
open System
open System.IO
let sendRecieve (cmd : string) (content : HttpContent) =
async {
let cmdLower = (Char.ToLowerInvariant(cmd.[0]).ToString()) + cmd.Substring(1)
let cmdName = Settings.TelegramEndpoint + cmdLower
Log.Debug("Sending {cmd} to endpoint {cmdName}", cmd, cmdName)
use msg = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, cmdName)
msg.Headers.ExpectContinue <- Nullable false
msg.Content <- content
let! r = client.SendAsync(msg)
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> (fun r -> r.EnsureSuccessStatusCode())
let! jsonResp = r.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let res : Response = jsonResp |> (Json.parse >> Json.deserialize)
return Choice1Of2 res
with e ->
Log.Error("Network failure: {@E}", e)
return Choice2Of2 e.Message
let inline sendCommand (cmd : ^T when ^T : (static member ToJson : ^T -> Json<unit>)) =
async {
Log.Debug("Sending msg {@Cmd}", cmd)
let json = cmd |> (Json.serialize >> Json.format)
use content = new StringContent(json, Settings.enc, "application/json")
return! sendRecieve (cmd.GetType().Name) content
with e ->
Log.Error("Command {@Cmd} failed: {@E}", cmd, e)
return Choice2Of2 e.Message
let inline sendContent (cmd : IMultipartMessage) =
async {
Log.Debug("Sending file {@Cmd}", cmd)
use content = new MultipartFormDataContent()
for p in cmd.Fill() |> List.ofSeq do
Log.Debug("Added {@P}", p)
content.Add p
return! sendRecieve (cmd.GetType().Name) content
with e ->
Log.Error("Content {@Cmd} failed: {@E}", cmd, e)
return Choice2Of2 e.Message
let Register (url: string) =
async {
let msg = { Url = url }
let! netReply = sendCommand msg
match netReply with
| Choice1Of2 json ->
if not <| json.Ok then failwithf "Error setting web hook: %A" json.Description
| _ -> return ()
let photoStream() =
File.OpenRead "board9x9.png"
let basicReply _ =
{ ChatId = 0UL
Photo = photoStream()
Caption = Some "board9x9.png"
DisableNotification = None
ReplyTo = None }
let inline processUpdate (upd : Update) =
upd.Message |> (fun u -> { basicReply() with ChatId = u.Chat.Id })
open FSharpx.Async
let ProcessRequest() =
async {
let msg =
{ GetUpdates.Offset = Some 0
Limit = None
Timeout = None }
let! responseChoice = sendCommand msg
match responseChoice with
| Choice1Of2 response ->
if not response.Ok then
Log.Error("Request {@Msg} failed: {Desc}", msg, response.Description.Value)
return Choice2Of2 response.Description.Value
match response.Result with
| Some(Updates ups) when ups.Length > 0 ->
match processUpdate ups.[0] with
| None -> return Choice2Of2 "No messages, reply skipped"
| Some reply ->
let! r = sendContent reply
(reply :> IDisposable).Dispose()
return r
| Some Nothing -> return Choice2Of2 "nothing"
| _ -> return Choice2Of2 "Unexpected"
| Choice2Of2 err -> return Choice2Of2 err
module BadukBot.Telegram
open Chiron
open Chiron.Operators
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Net.Http
let private epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)
let dateFromJson (timeStamp : Json) =
match timeStamp with
| Number x -> epoch.AddSeconds(float x) |> Value
| _ ->
Json.formatWith JsonFormattingOptions.SingleLine timeStamp
|> sprintf "Failed to parse unix time stamp %s"
|> Error
let dateOptionFromJson (timeStamp : Json) =
match timeStamp with
| Number x -> Some(epoch.AddSeconds(float x)) |> Value
| Null _ -> Value None
| _ ->
Json.formatWith JsonFormattingOptions.SingleLine timeStamp
|> sprintf "Failed to parse unix time stamp %s"
|> Error
type User =
{ Id : uint64
FirstName : string
LastName : string option
UserName : string option }
static member FromJson(_ : User) =
(fun i f l u ->
{ Id = i
FirstName = f
LastName = l
UserName = u }) <!> "id" <*> "first_name" <*> Json.tryRead "last_name"
<*> Json.tryRead "username"
type Chat =
{ Id : uint64
Type : string //“private”, “group”, “supergroup” or “channel”
Title : string option
UserName : string option
FirstName : string option
LastName : string option }
static member FromJson(_ : Chat) =
(fun i tp tt u f l ->
{ Id = i
Type = tp
Title = tt
UserName = u
FirstName = f
LastName = l }) <!> "id" <*> "type" <*> Json.tryRead "title"
<*> Json.tryRead "username" <*> Json.tryRead "first_name" <*> Json.tryRead "last_name"
type Location =
{ Lat : float
Lon : float }
static member FromJson(_ : Location) =
(fun lon lat ->
{ Lat = lat
Lon = lon }) <!> "longitude" <*> "latitude"
type MessageEntity =
{ Type : string // Type of the entity. One of mention (@username), hashtag, bot_command, url, email, bold (bold text), italic (italic text), code (monowidth string), pre (monowidth block), text_link (for clickable text URLs
Offset : uint16
Length : uint16
Url : string option }
static member FromJson(_ : MessageEntity) =
json {
let! t = "type"
let! off = "offset"
let! len = "length"
let! url = Json.tryRead "url"
return { Type = t
Offset = off
Length = len
Url = url }
type PhotoSize =
{ FileId : string
Width : uint16
Height : uint16
FileSize : uint32 option }
static member FromJson(_ : PhotoSize) =
json {
let! fid = "file_id"
let! w = "width"
let! h = "height"
let! fs = Json.tryRead "file_size"
return { FileId = fid
Width = w
Height = h
FileSize = fs }
type Message =
{ Id : uint64
From : User option
Date : DateTime
Chat : Chat
FwdFrom : User option
FwdOriginDate : DateTime option
ReplyTo : Message option
Text : string option
Photo : PhotoSize list option
Entities : MessageEntity list option
Location : Location option
Caption : string option }
static member FromJson(_ : Message) =
(fun id from date chat fwdFrom fwDt replyTo text ph ents loc cap ->
{ Id = id
From = from
Date = date
Chat = chat
FwdFrom = fwdFrom
FwdOriginDate = fwDt
ReplyTo = replyTo
Text = text
Photo = ph
Entities = ents
Location = loc
Caption = cap }) <!> "message_id" <*> Json.tryRead "from"
<*> Json.readWith dateFromJson "date" <*> "chat" <*> Json.tryRead "forward_from"
<*> Json.tryReadWith dateOptionFromJson "forward_date" <*> Json.tryRead "reply_to_message"
<*> Json.tryRead "text" <*> Json.tryRead "photo" <*> Json.tryRead "entities"
<*> Json.tryRead "location" <*> Json.tryRead "caption"
type InlineQuery =
{ Id : string
From : User
Query : string
Offset : string }
static member FromJson(_ : InlineQuery) =
(fun id from query offset ->
{ Id = id
From = from
Query = query
Offset = offset }) <!> "id" <*> "from" <*> "query"
<*> "offset"
type InlineResult =
{ Id : string
From : User
Query : string }
static member FromJson(_ : InlineResult) =
(fun id from q ->
{ Id = id
From = from
Query = q }) <!> "result_id" <*> "from" <*> "query"
type Update =
{ Id : uint64
Message : Message option
InlineQuery : InlineQuery option
ChosenInlineResult : InlineResult option }
static member FromJson(_ : Update) =
(fun id msg iq cir ->
{ Id = id
Message = msg
InlineQuery = iq
ChosenInlineResult = cir }) <!> "update_id" <*> Json.tryRead "message"
<*> Json.tryRead "inline_query" <*> Json.tryRead "chosen_inline_result"
type Result =
| Message of Message
| Updates of Update array
| Nothing
static member FromJson(_ : Result) =
| Array empty as json when empty.IsEmpty -> Json.init Nothing json
| Array arr as json ->
Json.init (Updates(arr
|> Json.deserialize
|> Array.ofList)) json
| Object _ as json -> Json.init (Message(Json.deserialize json)) json
| json -> Json.error (sprintf "Couldn't deserialize %A to Result" json) json
type Response =
{ Ok : bool
Result : Result option
Description : string option
ErrorCode : int option }
static member FromJson(_ : Response) =
(fun k d e r ->
{ Ok = k
Result = r
Description = d
ErrorCode = e }) <!> "ok" <*> Json.tryRead "description"
<*> Json.tryRead "error_code" <*> Json.tryRead "result"
type ParseMode =
| Markdown
type SendMessage =
{ ChatId : uint64
Text : string
DisableNotification : bool option
ReplyTo : uint64 option }
static member ToJson(t : SendMessage) =
Json.write "chat_id" t.ChatId *> Json.write "text" t.Text
*> Json.write "disable_notification" t.DisableNotification
*> Json.write "reply_to_message_id" t.ReplyTo
type IMultipartMessage =
inherit IDisposable
abstract Fill : unit -> HttpContent seq
type SendPhoto =
{ ChatId : uint64
Caption : string option
Photo : Stream
DisableNotification : bool option
ReplyTo : uint64 option }
interface IMultipartMessage with
member x.Fill() =
seq {
let kv =
seq {
yield KeyValuePair("chat_id", x.ChatId.ToString())
if x.Caption.IsSome then yield KeyValuePair("caption", x.Caption.Value)
if x.DisableNotification.IsSome then
yield KeyValuePair("disable_notification", x.Caption.Value)
if x.ReplyTo.IsSome then
yield KeyValuePair("reply_to_message_id", x.ReplyTo.Value.ToString())
let form = new FormUrlEncodedContent(kv)
form.Headers.ContentType.MediaType <- "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
form.Headers.ContentDisposition <- Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue
form.Headers.ContentDisposition.Name <- "params"
yield upcast form
x.Photo.Position <- 0L
let photo = new StreamContent(x.Photo)
photo.Headers.ContentType <- Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/png")
photo.Headers.ContentDisposition <- Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue
photo.Headers.ContentDisposition.Name <- "photo"
photo.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName <- "test.png"
yield upcast photo
member x.Dispose() : unit = () //x.Photo.Dispose()
type SetWebhook =
{ Url : string }
static member ToJson(t : SetWebhook) = Json.write "url" t.Url
type GetUpdates =
{ Offset : int option
Limit : int option
Timeout : uint16 option }
static member ToJson(t : GetUpdates) =
json {
if t.Offset.IsSome then do! Json.write "offset" t.Offset.Value
if t.Limit.IsSome then do! Json.write "limit" t.Limit.Value
if t.Timeout.IsSome then do! Json.write "timeout" t.Timeout.Value
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