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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save catm705/3b4cfc2cc227b3b04b10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save catm705/3b4cfc2cc227b3b04b10 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GIT adding and committing files.
Whenever you make any changes:
(You must add and commit all changes BEFORE trying to pull or else it won't work)
1.) cd into that folder where the changes are located.
2.) git add . (This will add all changes, if that doesn't work git add -A)
3.) git commit -m "Your commit message goes here...blah, blah."
4.) git pull upstream master --> This will make sure that you have the most recent files.
5.) git push origin master (This pushes up all your changes to your repo)
*** If for some reason you get thrown into VIM -->
******* If for some reason your repo is NOT pulling in changes *************
- You might have added your OWN repo as the upstream vs the gastudents repo.
So type:
git remote -v
Check the name: --> (See this one says 'catm705' in the path - it should say 'gastudents'
So then you must rename your upstream
1.) git remote remove upstream
2.) git remote add
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