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Last active January 4, 2021 19:53
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recurrence - a Rust macro example
// Credit to
macro_rules! count_exprs {
() => (0);
($head:expr $(, $tail:expr)*) => (1 + count_exprs!($($tail),*));
macro_rules! recurrence {
( $seq:ident [ $ind:ident ]: $sty:ty = $recur:expr, $($inits:expr),+) => {
const MEMORY: usize = count_exprs!($($inits),+);
struct Recurrence {
mem: [$sty; MEMORY],
pos: usize,
struct IndexOffset<'a> {
slice: &'a [$sty; MEMORY],
offset: usize,
impl<'a> std::ops::Index<usize> for IndexOffset<'a> {
type Output = $sty;
fn index<'b>(&'b self, index: usize) -> &'b $sty {
let real_index = index + MEMORY - self.offset;
impl Iterator for Recurrence {
type Item = $sty;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<$sty> {
if self.pos < MEMORY {
let next_val = self.mem[self.pos];
self.pos += 1;
} else {
let next_val = {
let $ind = self.pos;
let $seq = IndexOffset { slice: &self.mem, offset: $ind };
use std::mem::swap;
let mut swap_tmp = next_val;
for i in (0..MEMORY).rev() {
swap(&mut swap_tmp, &mut self.mem[i]);
self.pos += 1;
Recurrence { mem: [$($inits),+], pos: 0 }
fn main() {
let fib = recurrence![a[n]: u64 = a[n-1] + a[n-2], 0, 1];
assert_eq!(fib.take(10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]);
let factorial = recurrence![a[n]: usize = a[n-1] * n, 1];
assert_eq!(factorial.take(10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]);
let my = recurrence![a[n]: usize = {
if n % 2 == 0 {
a[n - 1] + 1
} else {
a[n - 1] * 2
}, 3];
assert_eq!(my.take(10).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![3, 6, 7, 14, 15, 30, 31, 62, 63, 126]);
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