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Regions Unexplored Complete Biome List

Regions Unexplored - Biome List

While the wiki is being created, this is a complete list of all 71 Regions Unexplored biomes as of v0.5.5. Each listing contains the biome name, id, description, and two images. One image is taken without shaders (Vanilla), and the other with Complementary Unbound shaders with default configuration.

As a note, I do not consider myself an amazing photographer. Enjoy the screenshots there are! I hope this list and descriptions are of help to you.


Caves (Overworld)


Alpha Grove


The Alpha Grove is an extremely rare biome, but worth the find. It imitates the early terrain, foliage, and colors of the alpha versions of Minecraft, making it perfect for a nostalgia trip. To acheive the "alpha" look, custom blocks of the grass, foliage, and wood are found here.

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Ancient Delta


Long ago, there once was a river system on the Overworld surface, but it gradully got pushed underground until it became what is now the Ancient Delta. This mystical underground river houses Axolotls and flows through many types of stone, most commonly Andesite, Diorite, Calcite, and Argillite. It also contains new plants, such as the Dropleaf, Dusktrap, and Corpse Flower.

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Arid Mountains


The Arid Mountains are a more mountainous version of traditional Badlands, generating near similar biomes. Small and sparse oak bushes can be found within these dry peaks. Additionally, Stone Buds grow along the terracotta.

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Ashen Woodland


This mysterious, grim, and monochrome biome is on the rarer side, often generating in vast oceans. Its tall trees and earthy ground are all ash gray, likely as remains from some sort of volcano. To acheive this effect, this biome is made of custom ash blocks for the ground, wood, foliage, and vents.

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Autumnal Maple Forest


Reminiscent of a warm fall day, Autumnal Maple Forest is a cozy biome. Beautiful maple and birch trees are strewn about with colorful leaves floating every which way, covering the heads of the peaceful mobs who call this place home. This biome sits upon silt and includes new maple and silver birch wood with their respective leaves and shrubs.

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Bamboo Forest


The Bamboo Forest is a dense and hilly biome chalk-full of bamboo, providing a distinct improvement over Vanilla's bamboo forests. Adventuring through this biome may be a challenge, but may be worth it for its resident Pandas and pretty flowers. Not only can Vanilla bamboo be found here, but also a new bamboo "tree" with bamboo logs, and bamboo leaves at the top.

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Baobab Savanna


The Baobab Savanna is a simple and fulfilling biome to break up the monotony of the surrounding badlands and deserts. Its tall baobab trees provide much-needed shade to sit down and enjoy the view. Making these trees are thew new baobab logs, leaves, and shrubs.

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Barley Fields


The Barley Fields fulfill every prarie-runner's dreams. These smooth rolling hills of barley provide cover for the various pigs, horses, and friends that prance about. Besides the obvious addition of Barley, the biome lays upon Silt.

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Won't you come along with me, to the Mississippi? Maybe not, but the Bayou is close enough. This completely revamped swamp contains extended biodiversity with its many trees and lilypads to hide its Frogs. Cypress trees, Willow trees, Elephant Ears, Lilypads, Peat Mud, Spansih Moss... the list goes on!

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Bioshroom Caves


The Bioshroom Caves are a mysterious and lush underground ecosystem. The very bright green and blue giant mushrooms fill up most of the tall caves, which is a lovely break from the boring stone around it. Additionally, this cave biome contains smaller versions of the bioshrooms, and all sits upon a shining Viridescent Nylium.

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Blackstone Basin


The striking blue and black color scheme fits the odd Blackstone Basin. Tumble over the blackstone base to find the deep blue cobalt that is everywhere. This includes Cobalt Obsidian, Nylium, and Earlight Fruit.

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Blackwood Taiga


The mystical Blackwood Taiga holds many secrets under its dark canopy. The wolves and sheep wander through the pink and blue Bioshrooms that have somehow appeared on the surface. This biome features its Blackwood logs and leaves, which sit upon Peat Dirt and Grass.

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Boreal Taiga


The dense foliage of the coniferous Boreal Taiga provides a muted relaxed vibe for a forest. Occasionally small clearings can be found, with potentially some foxes sleeping beside a fallen log. Larch and Golden Larch trees dominate the forest, with minimal additional ground foliage upon the Peat Dirt.

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Chalk Cliffs


Whether they are gently lining a coast or towering over the water below, Chalk Cliffs provide a clean border between the land and the sea. Often generating in slightly warmer climates, these caves are calk-full of... chalk! Chalk Grass Blocks also generate here.

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Clover Plains


While Leprechauns may not lurk in these low lulls of the hills, much is to be discovered here. Clovers speckle the fields, with livestock meandering around. Five different colors of Lupine flowers generate alongside the Clovers.

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Cold Boreal Taiga


As the sun settles over the horizon, the quiet Cold Boreal Taiga provides a winter-esque landscape to enjoy. Other than the snow and a couple of rabbits, not much is found on its floor. Like its non-cold counterpart biome, Larch trees are the main species found here.

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Cold Deciduous Forest


The rose red leaves of the Cold Deciduous Forest are blanketed in a layer of snow, somehow hanging on despite the chilling grasp of Old Man Winter. Unlike its non-cold counterpart, this forest contains more biodiversity with Oak and Maple trees. White Snowbelle can be found peeking through the snow layers.

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Cold River


The Cold River is a simple river that often snakes through other similarly cold biomes. This replacement for the Vanilla River can be home to squids. When butting up to the shore, it often forms miniature gravel coasts.

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Deciduous Forest


The Deciduous Forest is a simple and nicely wooded biome, often generating near Redwoods. While it may seem like a normal Oak forest at first glance, its unique Small Oak varient sets it apart. Many sizes of grass populate the multi-dirt ground, along with Oak Shrubs.

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Dry Bushland


Although it may catch fire at a moment's notice, the Dry Brushland provides a lush break from the deserts around it. Most notably, is red-bleeding Socotra trees share the semi-sparse landscape with Acacia. Splotches of Silt Coarse Dirt are often found among the Silt Dirt, with small shrubs joining the fray.

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Eucalyptus Forest


The Eucalyptus Forest wears its colors with pride, presenting a show to whomever decides to walk under its canopy! Besides its initial flashy colors, this forest often generates nudges between other hot and partly humid biomes. Eucalyptus Shurbs and Elephant Ears grace the jungle underwood.

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Forming over hundreds of years with dead matter and groundwater, the Fen stands as a natural and peaceful filtration area of the rivers that flow into it. Diversity is its strength, boasting a wide selection of flora. This includes the Pine and Dead trees on land, with Cattails and Duckweed among its waters.

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Flower Fields


For some floral fun, come to the Flower Fields! These hills are densely populated with color upon color of short flowers. Tere are too many to list, but some species found include Bleeding Heart, Salmon Poppy Bush, Fireweed, Lupine, Tsubaki, Hyssop, Daisy, Waratah, and more.

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Frozen Pine Taiga


If a winter wonderland frozen in time is what you want, the Frozen Pine Taiga is it. Beautiful Pine trees stretch into the cold sky, scraped by heavy snow fall at its base. The occasional rabbit can be found hiding amongst the custom Frozen Grass.

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Frozen Tundra


Although low to the ground, the life of the Frozen Tundra is curious. A few small oak and spruce bushes are strong enough to peak above the surface, with Frozen and Medium Grass littering wherever it can survive. The Lily of the Valley and Bleeding Heart flowers can also be found clinging to life in small patches.

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Fungal Fen


Not only is this Fen full of fungi, it is a magical location within the waters of your world. The Fungal Fen also has Pine trees like its normal brother, but it contains large Bioshrooms and patches of Mycelium littered with Brown Mushrooms. Although no Duckweed or Cattails can be found here, primarily Pink Bioshrooms and Pine Shrubs can be found instead.

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Glistering Meadow


Pink may be pretty, but the cotton candy Glistering Meadow is dangerous! Endermen and Hoglin roam over the pink ground meddled with magma, with pink vine tendrils from above. The biome is full of new pink blocks, including the Glistering Nylium, Ivy, Sprout, Fern, Spire, Bulb, and Fern; with a pink Overgrown Bone Block topping the fossils!

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Golden Boreal Taiga


If the summer sun was a biome, the Golden Boreal Taiga is what it would be! This is the result of grabbing the regular Boreal Taiga, but inverting its colors so its beautiful golden leaves were dominant over the green ones. Everything else is essentially the same as its regular cousin, just with more Golden Larch Leaves.

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Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam... but the Grassland will do! Horses rule this windswept plains, with tall grass and small oak bushes dotting the fields. Windswept Grass is the special foliage to be found in this biome.

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Grassy Beach


Have you ever thought, "I wonder what it would look like if beaches had grass?" The Grassy Beach answers that: a small biome often bordering large bodies of water with a bit of yellow grass on top. The custom grass found here is the Sandy (Tall) Grass.

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Gravel Beach


Have you ever thought, "I wonder what it would look like if beaches had grass gravel?" The Gravel Beach provides, replacing the typical Vanilla beach biome with a large patch of gravel. Blocks and items of interest here include gravel, gravel, and a bit of gravel.

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Highland Fields


The Highland Fields provide a flowery oasis in the mountainous altitudes of the world. Goats and Sheep prance over the many boulders, flowers, leaves, and luscious green grass. Mossy Stone, Stone Grass Block, Maple Leaves, and (Felicia) Dasies are part of the many blocks of the biome.

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Hyacinth Deeps


Plunging deep below the surface, one can discover the eerie Hyacinth Deeps. The first things to catch the eye are the tall blue obelisks pertruding from the oceans floor, followed by the mysterious flowers. Hyacinth Stock, Bloom, and Flowers make up the content, set upon some Mossy Stone.

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Icy Heights


The Icy Heights lay waiting at the tallest mountain tops of the world, waiting for an explorer to visit. the heights frequently get blasted by blizzards, as is apparent by the weathered bottoms of the Pine trees and the lack of substantial foliage. In addition to the Pine trees, rabbits often hop among the Frozen Grass, just light enough to not fall vicitim to the Powdered Snow traps!

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Infernal Holt


For fire and brimstone, look no further than the Infernal Holt with its fire and brimstone Brimwood! This charred wasteland is filled with magma-infused trees, guarded by Piglins and Hoglins. Watch your step for the prickly Dorcel flower, which is found ontop of Brimsprout Nylium with Brimsprouts.

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Joshua Desert


Named after the Joshua Tree National Park in southern California, the Joshua Desert is one of the most unique desert biomes out there. The distinctive Joshua trees almost resemble a wooden cactus, topped with pointy green leaves and a yellow beard. The trees made of their resective Joshua wood type are set upon sand and Silt, with Sandy Grass, Desert Shrubs, and Mallow covering the land.

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Magnolia Woodland


Like Vanilla's Cherry Grove, the Magnolia Woodland provides a serene (and more colorful) landscape for fauna to thrive in. The differently-shaped Magnolia trees come in green, pink, or white leaves, with cherry-like particles filling the air. A shrub for each color of Magnolia tree can be found here, alongside Tsubaki and Day Lilies.

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Maple Forest


The Maple Forest is one of the most diverse forests in the mod! From towering Spruce trees to medium red and green Maple trees to mossy stone patches in the ground, the biome has it all. In addition to the custom Maple Logs, Leaves, and Shrubs, Mossy Stone, Medium Grass, and Stone Buds can be found here.

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The Marsh is a simple biome, looking like if the Plains met a Swamp. Frogs jump around this quite open version of a Swamp, with moss and ponds gradually filling out to the river or ocean. Duckweed and Dead trees can be found sparsely here.

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Mauve Hills


Living up to its name, the Mauve Hills bring a pretty purple tinge to the world. Bees can be found floating about whilst petals fall around them from the tall Mauve trees, as well as a couple of Enchanted Birch trees. Alongside the Silver Birch and Mauve Logs and Shrubs, Silver Birch Leaf Piles, Aster, and Tassel join the flora of this biome.

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Regions Unexplored's version of the Mountains is a heavily forested Pine mountaintop. Often surrounded by the Pine Slopes biome, this forest is guarded by goats at the very tops of mountains, sometimes with almost fractured-like floating stone chunks. The Pine trees and Shrubs sit ontop of Coarse Dirt with some Ferns.

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Muddy River


The Muddy River is a simple biome, yet provides a nice break from the regular rivers running through the land. Peat Mud lines the bottoms and sides of the rivers, and even sometimes creates small beaches where Cattails can be found. Beyond that, there isn't much more to this biome other than Squids that enjoy beaching themselves.

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Mycotoxic Undergrowth


The legendary Mycotoxic Undergrowth is a blindingly yellow Nether biome full of foliage. There are mini and giant Yellow Bioshrooms, and it seems as if the biome is expelling some toxic chemical in the air from its floating yellow particles. Alongside the Yellow Bioshrooms, the biome is made of Mycotoxic Moss, Mushrooms, Grass, and Daisies.

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Old Growth Bayou


We'll take the boat to the land of dreams, steaming down the river, down to the Old Growth Bayou! This biome is as if the Bayou took some steroids and grew to huge proportions, due to its giant Cypress trees dominating the landscape. Spanish Moss hangs from its leaves; but where there aren't trees, Giant Lily Pads, Elephant Ears, and Green Bioshrooms populate the floor.

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It's always apple picking season in the Orchards! Although it may look like a simple Oak forest, special leaves allow the bonemealing, harvesting, and regrowing of apples without having to chop down trees. This Silt-based biome not only contains the Apple Oak Leaves, but Oak Shrubs, Tassle, Lilacs, as well as being the home to rabbits.

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You don't have to hang upsidedown to find this Outback, but rather explore your local deserts! This barren wasteland is quite flat, with a lot of random small vegition and a collage of red and green blocks. The ground is made of Red Sand, Grass/Dirt, and Terracotta; while to foliage consists of tiny Acacia trees, Cacti, Grass, (Dead) Steppe Shurbs, and Desert Shrubs.

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Pine Slopes


The Pine Slopes border the high Mountains, provided a beautiful wooded slope leading up to them. In fact, the Pine Slopes have practically the same content as the Mountains, just on a slope! Pine trees are the main focus, eroded away at the trunks presumably due to long wind exposure; Pine Shurbs and other grasses cover the rest of the Coarse Dirt.

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Pine Taiga


The Pine Taiga is a beautiful and rustic heavily wooded biome. It's tall Pine trees provide cover for a few foxes, who scamper among light foliage. The entire biome is set upon a dark brown Peat Coarse Dirt and Peat Podzol, as well as the Pine Logs, Leaves, Shrubs, and Branches.

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Poppy Fields


Fit for the Poppy King, the Poppy Fields are filled to the brim with poppies! These rolling hills contain both Poppy and Salmon Poppy Bushes, alongside a bit of livestock to tend to them. The biome sits upon Silt Dirt and Silt Corase Dirt, with various levels of grass.

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Altough it may be simple, the Prairie is a lovely classic biome helping bring life to the world. The biome is very similar to - and often borders - the Grasslands, except it offers occasional Barley, tons of Tall Grass, and sparse clumps of Oak trees. The biome sits upon Silt, but otherwise is quite standard.

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Why spend time wishing for a rainbow, when the Prismachasm can bring the rainbow to you? This beautiful gay cave biome features a full spectrum of colors on the ground and hanging from the ceiling. The colorfulness is provided by the Prismoss, Prismartie Clusters, Hanging Prismarite, and Prismoss Sprouts, but if you can look past it, you can also find Cave Hyssop!

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Pumpkin Fields


Grab some apples, donuts, apple cider, and a jacket: it is time to adventure into the Pumpkin Fields! Often bordering Autumnal Maple Forests, picturesque pumpkins lay strewn across the fields covered with Maple Leaf piles. The whole biome lays upon Silt and Silt Podzol, with the occasional Maple and Silver Birch Tree clumps to merge well with its neighbors.

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Although there are no monkeys swinging through the Rainforest, that could be you! This lush biome contains two trees: the Palm and the Kapok tree, both of which are quite tall with large bases, and have Kapok Vines hanging from their canopies. On the jungle floor, moss can be found in some small ponds, with Palm/Kapok Shrubs, Palm Beards, Elephant Ears, and Flowering Leaves found in various spots in the biome.

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Redstone Abyss


If a redstoner and adventurer merged into one, they would love the Redstone Abyss in the Nether! This spiky and evil looking biome is filled to the brim with all things Redstone, except for Redstone itself. Alongside the red Netherrack, the biome consists of Raw Redstone Blocks, Pointed Redstone, Redstone Blubs, Redstone Bulbs, and even Yellow Bioshrooms.

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Redstone Caves


Love Redstone, but the Nether is too scary to go searching for the Redstone Abyss? One can them simply head underground to find the Redstone Caves, which are similarly filled with everything Redstone, including Redstone Ore! Although this base is stone/deepslate, the biome consists of Raw Redstone Blocks, Pointed Redstone, Redstone Blubs, Redstone Bulbs; but no Yellow Bioshrooms.

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Truly living up to their Californian real life equivalents, the Redwoods display jaw-droppingly tall and thick trees. While their beautiful leaves touch the skies, mossy boulders and various grasses and bushes litter the ground. While the trees are created by their custom Redwood Logs and Leaves, most other things like the Podzol and Mossy Cobblestone are Vanilla, but the elusive Salmonberry can also be found in the biome.

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Rocky Meadow


If there was ever a meadow to frolick in, the Rocky Meadow would be it. A perfect amount of purple covers the fields, extending to its flower and its sparse trees. The trees are Mauve trees, and the flowers consist of Hyssop, Fireweed, Daisies, and the rare Meadow Sage.

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Rocky Reef


Every tropical islander's dream is to sail through the Rocky Reef! Beautiful natural small - but tall - jut out from the ocean surface, creating personalized tropical paradises. The islands are composed of Stone and Stone Grass Blocks, with both Jungle and Palm trees, and Blue/Pink Magnolia Flowers tying everything together.

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Saguaro Desert


Another biome that lives up to its real life equivalent, the Saguaro Desert encapsulates the Arizonian Saguaro National Park perfectly. The park is known for its giant cacti, in which this biome delivers perfectly on, making sure its topped with Cactus Flowers. Other than the special Saguaro Cactus block used, Sandy Grass and cute little Barrel Cacti can be found along the sandy dunes.

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Scorching Caves


When you hear something boiling and rumbling from below the surface, chances are its the Scorching Caves at work. Likely left over from old volcanic activity, these caves release tons of heat and smoke into the area. They consist primarily of Basalt and Ash Vents, with Volcanic Ash left as remainder.

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The Shrubland represents the temperate medium of all sparesly-populated grassland-like biomes. Many a livestock roam through the various sized grasses, with the occasional Spruce Shrub, bush, and tree giving the biome character. Other than the small Spruce and Oak trees, there is nothing special added to this biome.

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Silver Birch Forest


Golden Leaves are raised to the sky by the tall trees of the Silver Birch Forest. While many heckle the Birch for being the worst tree, this biome shows them wrong with the beautiful texture of the Silver Birch being displayed with the perfect complement of leaves and other flora. Alongside the Silver Birch Logs Leaves, and Leaf Piles, the Tassle and Orange Coneflowers populate the forest.

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Sparse Rainforest


If the Rainforest is too much of a challenge, perhaps the Sparse Rainforest would provide a nice balance. It looks the same as a normal Rainforest, with the tall Kapok and Palm trees, Melons, and other foliage; but it's slightly easier to navigate through. Elephant Ears, Palm Beards, and Palm Shrubs generate as well, along with very rarely a Hibiscus.

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Sparse Redwoods


If the Rainforest Redwoods are too much of a challenge, perhaps the Sparse Redwoods would provide a nice balance. It functions just like the regular Redwoods, except the tall trees are more spread out, allowing the ground vegitation and animal inhabitants to shine a bit more. As per usual, along with the Redwood Logs and Leaves, Mossy Cobblestone boulders, Foxes, and Wolves can be found here.

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Ice Spikes, step aside: the stunning Spires biome is here to take everyone off their feet! What appears to be a normal Snowy Taiga biome at first, quickly morphs into the Spires with its tall spikes of ice everywhere. Among the giant ice spikes are Icicles, wih giant Spruce trees, Frozen Grass, and Bleeding Hearst making up the foliage.

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What appears to be a "belnding" biome, the Steppe merges the low-lying hot deserts with the more hilly or mountainous hot or humid forests and jungles. While it looks quite sparce, it has lots of small plants to add to its muted color scheme. These grasses include the Steppe (Tall) Grass, (Dead) Steppe Shrub, and Small Desert Shrub; all placed upon Silt.

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Temperate Grove


The Temperate Grove is a forest biome with sparse tree coverage, showing off its unique selection of flowers and features. This biome is full of fallen logs, boulders, flower patches, and the occasional pond. While the Purple Coneflower is the primary occupant of the flower space, Rose Bushes, Lilacs, Peonies, and Lilies of the Valley join it.

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Towering Cliffs


For lack of a better word, the Towering Cliffs tower over the surrounding biomes. Its entire cliff face, top, and bottom is composed of Stone, Cobblestone, and Gravel. To give a reason to visit other than the nice views, the cliffs provide many exposed ores, such as Coal, Iron, Copper, and even Emerald.

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Tropical River


In antithesis to its brother Cold River, the Tropical River is a warmer varient of the regular Vanilla River. It often snakes through the hotter biomes, matching them by having a slightly warmer water tint that usual. They can also be recognized by the greater than normal quantities of Kelp and Seagrass on a primarily sandy floor.

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For those who thought the Rocky Reef islands were too small, then the Tropics are a dream come true. This is a giant island in the middle of a vast ocean, complete with all the cliché tropical contents. This includes the Palm and Jungle Trees and Shrubs, Palm Beards, Elephant Ears, Flowering Leaves, and the beautiful Hibiscus; all ontop of Silt.

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Willow Forest


The Willow Forest is a more mellow biome, providing a reasonably relaxed home for a diverse selection of fauna. THe large overreaching Willow trees set the calm mood, with the occasional Magnolia tree providing a fun flair. The trees consist of Magnolia (blue Leaves), Small Oak, and Willow; with Willow and Magnolia Shrubs, Blue Lupine, and Felicia Daisies.

2023-09-16_01 14 08 2023-09-16_01 14 48

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