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Last active April 10, 2023 07:33
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Santa-Fe regression with matlab
%% Kernel Recursive Least Square demo on Santa-fe laser series
% using krls resources on this page
%% load data and prepare inputs
ydat = [urlread('') urlread('')];
y = textscan(ydat,'%f');
% y = (sin((1:115)*pi/5)+0.05*randn(1,115))';
% set an auto-regressive matrix for the inputs
X = zeros(length(y), 40);
for i=1:size(X,2)
X(:,i) = [ repmat(NaN, i, 1); y(1:end-i)];
%% kernel-rls regression
% - here we test them directly, normally we must allocate room for
% cross-validation in order to find optimal paramaters in a grid.
% Once the best parameters are assessed they can evaluated on the
% training+validation set
kernel_func = @rbf4nn; % the Gaussian kernel
kparam = 0.9; % the variance of the Gaussian
ald_thresh = 0.01; % the linear dependence threshold
n = 40; % uto-regressive window size
ltest = 100;
Ytest = y(end-ltest+1:end);
X_ = X(n+1:end-ltest, 1:n);
Y_ = y(n+1:end-ltest);
%we could try to train with missing values, starting at 2 instead of n+1
ltraining = size(X_,1);
lvalidation= 0;
kp = krls_init( kernel_func, kparam, ald_thresh, X_(1,:)', Y_(1) );
for i = 2:ltraining
kp = krls( kp, X_(i,:)', Y_(i) );
v = [Y_(ltraining) X_(ltraining, 1:n-1)];
prediction = zeros(ltest, 1);
for j=1:ltest
prediction(j) = krls_query( kp, v' );
v = [prediction(j) v(1:n-1)];
testNMSE = 1-goodnessOfFit(Ytest, prediction, 'NMSE')
%% reinforce training
% detailled p:28 of
ireinforce = 10;
nmses = repmat(testNMSE,1,ireinforce);
predictions = repmat(prediction,1,ireinforce);
for i=2:ireinforce
% make new inputs, by injecting the fitted values
fitted = zeros(ltraining,1);
for j = i:ltraining
fitted(j)=krls_query( kp, X_(j,:)' );
X_(2:end,2:end) = X_(1:end-1,1:end-1);
X_(i:end,1) = fitted(1:end-i+1);
for j = i:ltraining
kp = krls( kp, X_(j,:)', Y_(j) );
v = [Y_(ltraining) X_(ltraining, 1:n-1)];
prediction = zeros(ltest, 1);
for j=1:ltest
prediction(j) = krls_query( kp, v' );
v = [prediction(j) v(1:n-1)];
nmses(i) = 1-goodnessOfFit(Ytest, prediction, 'NMSE');
predictions(:,i) = prediction;
%% plot best reinforcement
[minNMSE, iNMSE] = min(nmse);
fprintf('nmse= %f', minNMSE);
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7mxd commented Mar 24, 2023

Hello Cyril,
I am trying to access the data, but I believe the link is not working. Do you have any idea how I can access the data?

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caub commented Mar 24, 2023

Hi sadly no, I've no backup of the data

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caub commented Mar 24, 2023

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7mxd commented Apr 8, 2023

Hello Cyril,
I hope you are doing well.

So I am still looking at the KRLS algorithm, and I have few questions if you can help me.

So you wrote above that the nmse = 0.042, but I am not getting that value for the "testNMSE". Shouldn't they be the same?

Also, for the last of the code entitled "plot best reinforcement", I am getting the error "Unrecognized function or variable 'nmse'." However, I got the same plot you got.

Can you please help me with those two inquiries? And is there any way that I can cite your work here?

I would really appreciate your help!

Thank you

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caub commented Apr 10, 2023

I don't remember at all about this (it's 10 years old), done with matlab I think, I can see nmses is defined, but not nmse, that's strange, try testing out, replace nmse by nmses or something

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7mxd commented Apr 10, 2023

Thank you for your response.
Actually I tried to rewrite the code line-by-line to understand what is happening at each line. And finally, I was able to achieve the results you got. However, I am not sure why the “KRLS paper” was able to achieve a lower error (NMSE = 0.026)

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caub commented Apr 10, 2023

me too, that's the best I could achieve

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