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Created January 18, 2014 18:52
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var TILEDMapClass = Class.extend({
// This is where we store the full parsed
// JSON of the map.json file.
currMapData: null,
// tilesets stores each individual tileset
// from the map.json's 'tilesets' Array.
// The structure of each entry of this
// Array is explained below in the
// parseAtlasDefinition method.
tilesets: [],
// This is where we store the width and
// height of the map in tiles. This is
// in the 'width' and 'height' fields
// of map.json, respectively.
// The values 100 here are just set
// so these fields are initialized to
// something, rather than null.
numXTiles: 100,
numYTiles: 100,
// The size of each individual map
// tile, in pixels. This is in the
// 'tilewidth' and 'tileheight' fields
// of map.json, respectively.
// The values 64 here are just set
// so these fields are initialized to
// something, rather than null.
tileSize: {
"x": 64,
"y": 64
// The size of the entire map,
// in pixels. This is calculated
// based on the 'numXTiles', 'numYTiles',
// and 'tileSize' parameters.
// The values 64 here are just set
// so these fields are initialized to
// something, rather than null.
pixelSize: {
"x": 64,
"y": 64
// Counter to keep track of how many tile
// images we have successfully loaded.
imgLoadCount: 0,
// Boolean flag we set once our tile images
// has finished loading.
fullyLoaded: false,
// Load the json file at the url 'map' into
// memory. This is similar to the requests
// we've done in the past using
// XMLHttpRequests.
load: function (map) {
// Perform an XMLHttpRequest to grab the
// JSON file at url 'map'.
xhrGet(map, function (data) {
// Once the XMLHttpRequest loads, call the
// parseMapJSON method.
// Parses the map data from 'mapJSON', then
// stores that data in a number of members
// of our 'TILEDMapClass' that are defined
// above.
parseMapJSON: function (mapJSON) {
// Call JSON.parse on 'mapJSON' and store
// the resulting map data
gMap.currMapData = JSON.parse(mapJSON);
var map = gMap.currMapData;
// Set 'numXTiles' and 'numYTiles' from the
// 'width' and 'height' fields of our parsed
// map data.
gMap.numXTiles = map.width;
gMap.numYTiles = map.height;
// Set the 'tileSize.x' and 'tileSize.y' fields
// from the 'tilewidth' and 'tileheight' fields
// of our parsed map data.
gMap.tileSize.x = map.tilewidth;
gMap.tileSize.y = map.tileheight;
// Set the 'pixelSize.x' and 'pixelSize.y' fields
// by multiplying the number of tiles in our map
// by the size of each tile in pixels.
gMap.pixelSize.x = gMap.numXTiles * gMap.tileSize.x;
gMap.pixelSize.y = gMap.numYTiles * gMap.tileSize.y;
// Loop through 'map.tilesets', an Array...
for(var i = 0; i < map.tilesets.length; i++) {
// ...loading each of the provided tilesets as
// Images...
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function () {
// ...Increment the above 'imgLoadCount'
// field of 'TILEDMap' as each tileset is
// loading...
if (gMap.imgLoadCount === map.tilesets.length) {
// ...Once all the tilesets are loaded,
// set the 'fullyLoaded' flag to true...
gMap.fullyLoaded = true;
// The 'src' value to load each new Image from is in
// the 'image' property of the 'tilesets'.
img.src = map.tilesets[i].image;
// This is the javascript object we'll create for
// the 'tilesets' Array above. First, fill in the
// given fields with the corresponding fields from
// the 'tilesets' Array in 'currMapData'.
var ts = {
"firstgid": gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].firstgid,
// 'image' should equal the Image object we
// just created.
"image": img,
"imageheight": gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].imageheight,
"imagewidth": gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].imagewidth,
"name": gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].name,
// These next two fields are tricky. You'll
// need to calculate this data from the
// width and height of the overall image and
// the size of each individual tile.
// Remember: This should be an integer, so you
// might need to do a bit of manipulation after
// you calculate it.
"numXTiles": Math.floor(gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].imagewidth / gMap.tileSize.x),
"numYTiles": Math.floor(gMap.currMapData.tilesets[i].imageheight / gMap.tileSize.y)
// After that, push the newly created object into
// the 'tilesets' Array above. Javascript Arrays
// have a handy method called, appropriately, 'push'
// that does exactly this. It takes the object
// we'd like to put into the Array as a parameter.
// Grabs a tile from our 'layer' data and returns
// the 'pkt' object for the layer we want to draw.
// It takes as a parameter 'tileIndex', which is
// the id of the tile we'd like to draw in our
// layer data.
getTilePacket: function (tileIndex) {
// We define a 'pkt' object that will contain
// 1) The Image object of the given tile.
// 2) The (x,y) values that we want to draw
// the tile to in map coordinates.
var pkt = {
"img": null,
"px": 0,
"py": 0
// The first thing we need to do is find the
// appropriate tileset that we want to draw
// from.
// Remember, if the tileset's 'firstgid'
// parameter is less than the 'tileIndex'
// of the tile we want to draw, then we know
// that tile is not in the given tileset and
// we can skip to the next one.
var tile = 0;
for(tile = gMap.tilesets.length - 1; tile >= 0; tile--) {
if(gMap.tilesets[tile].firstgid <= tileIndex) break;
// Next, we need to set the 'img' parameter
// in our 'pkt' object to the Image object
// of the appropriate 'tileset' that we found
// above.
pkt.img = gMap.tilesets[tile].image;
// Finally, we need to calculate the position to
// draw to based on:
// 1) The local id of the tile, calculated from the
// 'tileIndex' of the tile we want to draw and
// the 'firstgid' of the tileset we found earlier.
var localIdx = tileIndex - gMap.tilesets[tile].firstgid;
// 2) The (x,y) position of the tile in terms of the
// number of tiles in our tileset. This is based on
// the 'numXTiles' of the given tileset. Note that
// 'numYTiles' isn't actually needed here. Think about
// how the tiles are arranged if you don't see this,
// It's a little tricky. You might want to use the
// modulo and division operators here.
var lTileX = Math.floor(localIdx % gMap.tilesets[tile].numXTiles);
var lTileY = Math.floor(localIdx / gMap.tilesets[tile].numXTiles);
// 3) the (x,y) pixel position in our tileset image of the
// tile we want to draw. This is based on the tile
// position we just calculated and the (x,y) size of
// each tile in pixels.
pkt.px = (lTileX * gMap.tileSize.x); = (lTileY * gMap.tileSize.y);
return pkt;
// Draws all of the map data to the passed-in
// canvas context, 'ctx'.
draw: function (ctx) {
// First, we need to check if the map data has
// already finished loading...
if(!gMap.fullyLoaded) return;
// ...Now, for every single layer in the 'layers' Array
// of 'currMapData'...
for(var layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < gMap.currMapData.layers.length; layerIdx++) {
// Check if the 'type' of the layer is "tilelayer". If it isn't, we don't
// care about drawing it...
if(gMap.currMapData.layers[layerIdx].type != "tilelayer") continue;
// ...Grab the 'data' Array of the given layer...
var dat = gMap.currMapData.layers[layerIdx].data;
// ...For each tileID in the 'data' Array...
for(var tileIDX = 0; tileIDX < dat.length; tileIDX++) {
// ...Check if that tileID is 0. Remember, we don't draw
// draw those, so we can skip processing them...
var tID = dat[tileIDX];
if(tID === 0) continue;
// ...If the tileID is not 0, then we grab the
// packet data using getTilePacket.
var tPKT = gMap.getTilePacket(tID);
// Now we need to calculate the (x,y) position we want to draw
// to in our game world.
// We've performed a similar calculation in 'getTilePacket',
// think about how to calculate this based on the tile id and
// various tile properties that our TILEDMapClass has.
var dx = Math.floor(tileIDX % gMap.numXTiles) * gMap.tileSize.x;
var dy = Math.floor(tileIDX / gMap.numXTiles) * gMap.tileSize.y;
// Now, we're finally drawing the map to our canvas! The 'drawImage'
// method of our 'ctx' object takes nine arguments:
// 1) The Image object to draw,
// 2) The source x coordinate in our Image,
// 3) The source y coordinate in our Image,
// 4) The source width of our tile,
// 5) The source height of our tile,
// 6) The canvas x coordinate to draw to,
// 7) The canvas y coordinate to draw to,
// 8) The destination width,
// 9) The destination height
// Note that we don't want to stretch our tiles at all, so the
// source height and width should be the same as the destination!
ctx.drawImage(tPKT.img, tPKT.px,, gMap.tileSize.x, gMap.tileSize.y, dx, dy, gMap.tileSize.x, gMap.tileSize.y);
var gMap = new TILEDMapClass();
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