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Created March 22, 2019 19:57
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#include "ns3/lte-module.h"
#include "ns3/core-module.h"
#include "ns3/network-module.h"
#include "ns3/internet-module.h"
#include "ns3/mobility-module.h"
#include "ns3/applications-module.h"
#include "ns3/point-to-point-module.h"
#include "ns3/config-store.h"
#include <cfloat>
#include <sstream>
#include "ns3/ndnSIM-module.h"
using namespace ns3;
* The topology is the following:
* UE1..........(20 m)..........UE2
* (0.0, 0.0, 1.5) (20.0, 0.0, 1.5)
* Please refer to the Sidelink section of the LTE user documentation for more details.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
Time simTime = Seconds (6);
bool enableNsLogs = false;
bool useIPv6 = false;
CommandLine cmd;
cmd.AddValue ("simTime", "Total duration of the simulation", simTime);
cmd.AddValue ("enableNsLogs", "Enable ns-3 logging (debug builds)", enableNsLogs);
cmd.AddValue ("useIPv6", "Use IPv6 instead of IPv4", useIPv6);
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
//Configure the UE for UE_SELECTED scenario
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUeMac::SlGrantMcs", UintegerValue (16));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUeMac::SlGrantSize", UintegerValue (5)); //The number of RBs allocated per UE for Sidelink
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUeMac::Ktrp", UintegerValue (1));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUeMac::UseSetTrp", BooleanValue (true)); //use default Trp index of 0
//Set the frequency
uint32_t ulEarfcn = 18100;
uint16_t ulBandwidth = 50;
// Set error models
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::SlCtrlErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (true));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::SlDataErrorModelEnabled", BooleanValue (true));
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteSpectrumPhy::DropRbOnCollisionEnabled", BooleanValue (false));
ConfigStore inputConfig;
inputConfig.ConfigureDefaults ();
// parse again so we can override input file default values via command line
cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
if (enableNsLogs)
LogComponentEnable ("LteUeRrc", logLevel);
LogComponentEnable ("LteUeMac", logLevel);
LogComponentEnable ("LteSpectrumPhy", logLevel);
LogComponentEnable ("LteUePhy", logLevel);
//Set the UEs power in dBm
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::LteUePhy::TxPower", DoubleValue (23.0));
//Sidelink bearers activation time
Time slBearersActivationTime = Seconds (2.0);
//Create the helpers
Ptr<LteHelper> lteHelper = CreateObject<LteHelper> ();
//Create and set the EPC helper
Ptr<PointToPointEpcHelper> epcHelper = CreateObject<PointToPointEpcHelper> ();
lteHelper->SetEpcHelper (epcHelper);
////Create Sidelink helper and set lteHelper
Ptr<LteSidelinkHelper> proseHelper = CreateObject<LteSidelinkHelper> ();
proseHelper->SetLteHelper (lteHelper);
//Enable Sidelink
lteHelper->SetAttribute ("UseSidelink", BooleanValue (true));
//Set pathloss model
lteHelper->SetAttribute ("PathlossModel", StringValue ("ns3::Cost231PropagationLossModel"));
// channel model initialization
lteHelper->Initialize ();
// Since we are not installing eNB, we need to set the frequency attribute of pathloss model here
double ulFreq = LteSpectrumValueHelper::GetCarrierFrequency (ulEarfcn);
NS_LOG_LOGIC ("UL freq: " << ulFreq);
Ptr<Object> uplinkPathlossModel = lteHelper->GetUplinkPathlossModel ();
Ptr<PropagationLossModel> lossModel = uplinkPathlossModel->GetObject<PropagationLossModel> ();
NS_ABORT_MSG_IF (lossModel == NULL, "No PathLossModel");
bool ulFreqOk = uplinkPathlossModel->SetAttributeFailSafe ("Frequency", DoubleValue (ulFreq));
if (!ulFreqOk)
NS_LOG_WARN ("UL propagation model does not have a Frequency attribute");
NS_LOG_INFO ("Deploying UE's...");
//Create nodes (UEs)
NodeContainer ueNodes;
ueNodes.Create (2);
NS_LOG_INFO ("UE 1 node id = [" << ueNodes.Get (0)->GetId () << "]");
NS_LOG_INFO ("UE 2 node id = [" << ueNodes.Get (1)->GetId () << "]");
//Position of the nodes
Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAllocUe1 = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator> ();
positionAllocUe1->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 1.5));
Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAllocUe2 = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator> ();
positionAllocUe2->Add (Vector (20.0, 0.0, 1.5));
//Install mobility
MobilityHelper mobilityUe1;
mobilityUe1.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
mobilityUe1.SetPositionAllocator (positionAllocUe1);
mobilityUe1.Install (ueNodes.Get (0));
MobilityHelper mobilityUe2;
mobilityUe2.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
mobilityUe2.SetPositionAllocator (positionAllocUe2);
mobilityUe2.Install (ueNodes.Get (1));
//Install LTE UE devices to the nodes
NetDeviceContainer ueDevs = lteHelper->InstallUeDevice (ueNodes);
//Sidelink pre-configuration for the UEs
Ptr<LteSlUeRrc> ueSidelinkConfiguration = CreateObject<LteSlUeRrc> ();
ueSidelinkConfiguration->SetSlEnabled (true);
LteRrcSap::SlPreconfiguration preconfiguration;
preconfiguration.preconfigGeneral.carrierFreq = ulEarfcn;
preconfiguration.preconfigGeneral.slBandwidth = ulBandwidth;
preconfiguration.preconfigComm.nbPools = 1;
LteSlPreconfigPoolFactory pfactory;
pfactory.SetControlPeriod ("sf40");
pfactory.SetControlBitmap (0x00000000FF); //8 subframes for PSCCH
pfactory.SetControlOffset (0);
pfactory.SetControlPrbNum (22);
pfactory.SetControlPrbStart (0);
pfactory.SetControlPrbEnd (49);
pfactory.SetDataBitmap (0xFFFFFFFFFF);
pfactory.SetDataOffset (8); //After 8 subframes of PSCCH
pfactory.SetDataPrbNum (25);
pfactory.SetDataPrbStart (0);
pfactory.SetDataPrbEnd (49);
preconfiguration.preconfigComm.pools[0] = pfactory.CreatePool ();
ueSidelinkConfiguration->SetSlPreconfiguration (preconfiguration);
lteHelper->InstallSidelinkConfiguration (ueDevs, ueSidelinkConfiguration);
InternetStackHelper internet;
internet.Install (ueNodes);
uint32_t groupL2Address = 255;
Ipv4Address groupAddress4 (""); //use multicast address as destination
Ipv4InterfaceContainer ueIpIface;
ueIpIface = epcHelper->AssignUeIpv4Address (NetDeviceContainer (ueDevs));
// set the default gateway for the UE
Ipv4StaticRoutingHelper ipv4RoutingHelper;
for (uint32_t u = 0; u < ueNodes.GetN (); ++u) {
Ptr<Node> ueNode = ueNodes.Get(u);
// Set the default gateway for the UE
Ptr<Ipv4StaticRouting> ueStaticRouting = ipv4RoutingHelper.GetStaticRouting(ueNode->GetObject<Ipv4>());
ueStaticRouting->SetDefaultRoute (epcHelper->GetUeDefaultGatewayAddress(), 1);
Address remoteAddress = InetSocketAddress (groupAddress4, 8000);
Address localAddress = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 8000);
Ptr<LteSlTft> tft = Create<LteSlTft> (LteSlTft::BIDIRECTIONAL, groupAddress4, groupL2Address);
// ///*** Configure applications ***///
// //Set Application in the UEs
// OnOffHelper sidelinkClient ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", remoteAddress);
// sidelinkClient.SetConstantRate (DataRate ("16kb/s"), 200);
// ApplicationContainer clientApps = sidelinkClient.Install (ueNodes.Get (0));
// //onoff application will send the first packet at :
// //(2.9 (App Start Time) + (1600 (Pkt size in bits) / 16000 (Data rate)) = 3.0 sec
// clientApps.Start (slBearersActivationTime + Seconds (0.9));
// clientApps.Stop (simTime - slBearersActivationTime + Seconds (1.0));
// ApplicationContainer serverApps;
// PacketSinkHelper sidelinkSink ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory", localAddress);
// serverApps = sidelinkSink.Install (ueNodes.Get (1));
// serverApps.Start (Seconds (2.0));
//Set Sidelink bearers
proseHelper->ActivateSidelinkBearer (slBearersActivationTime, ueDevs, tft);
///*** End of application configuration ***///
::ns3::ndn::StackHelper helper;
// Consumer
::ns3::ndn::AppHelper consumerHelper("ns3::ndn::ConsumerCbr");
// Consumer will request /prefix/0, /prefix/1, ...
consumerHelper.SetAttribute("Frequency", StringValue("1")); // 10 interests a second
consumerHelper.Install(ueNodes.Get(0)); // first node
// Producer
::ns3::ndn::AppHelper producerHelper("ns3::ndn::Producer");
// Producer will reply to all requests starting with /prefix
producerHelper.SetAttribute("PayloadSize", StringValue("1024"));
producerHelper.Install(ueNodes.Get(1)); // last node
Simulator::Stop (Seconds(20));
Simulator::Run ();
Simulator::Destroy ();
return 0;
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