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Created August 24, 2018 17:04
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Conditional caching in ScalaCache
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scalacache._
import scalacache.caffeine._
import scalacache.modes.scalaFuture._
type Error = String
type Token = Int
implicit val tokenCache: Cache[Token] = CaffeineCache[Token]
def fetchToken(credentials: String): Future[Either[Error, Token]] = {
if (credentials == "sesame")
def handleCacheMiss(credentials: String): Future[Either[Error, Token]] =
for {
tokenOrError <- fetchToken(credentials)
_ <- tokenOrError match {
case Left(_) => Future.successful(()) // do not write to cache
case Right(token) => put(credentials)(token, ttl = None) // write to cache
} yield tokenOrError
def authenticate(credentials: String): Future[Either[Error, Token]] =
for {
cachedToken <- get(credentials)
result <- cachedToken match {
case Some(token) => Future.successful(Right(token))
case None => handleCacheMiss(credentials)
} yield result
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
Await.result(authenticate("incorrect credentials"), Duration.Inf)
// res0: Either[Error,Token] = Left(nope)
Await.result(authenticate("sesame"), Duration.Inf)
// res1: Either[Error,Token] = Right(123)
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