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Last active February 27, 2017 13:56
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Activity Callbacks
"Packages": [
"Includes": [
<Button Text="Play" Clicked="ClickPlay" />
using Uno;
using Uno.Graphics;
using Uno.Platform;
using Uno.Collections;
using Fuse;
using Fuse.Controls;
using Fuse.Triggers;
using Fuse.Resources;
using Android;
using Uno.Compiler.ExportTargetInterop;
public partial class MainView
void ClickPlay(object a1, EventArgs a2)
var intent = makeMyIntent();
if (intent!=null)
ActivityUtils.StartActivity(intent, OnResult);
} else {
debug_log "Didnt make intent. boooo";
extern(android) void OnResult(int resultCode, Java.Object intent, object info)
debug_log "\nblam!: "+resultCode+" - "+intent + "\n";
static extern(android) Java.Object makeMyIntent()
try {
String fileName = "JPEG_TEST";
String ext = ".jpg";
File storageDir = com.fuse.Activity.getRootActivity().getExternalFilesDir(null);
File photoFile = File.createTempFile(fileName, ext, storageDir);
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
Bundle bdl = new Bundle();
bdl.putParcelable(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile((File)photoFile));
return takePictureIntent;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
extern(!android) void OnResult(int resultCode, object intent)
static extern(!android) object makeMyIntent()
return null;
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The important methods in the ActivityUtils class are

public static Java.Object GetRootActivity() {..}

public static void StartActivity(Java.Object _intent)
public static void StartActivity(Java.Object intent, ActivityResultCallback callback)

where ActivityResultCallback is defined as

public extern(android) delegate void ActivityResultCallback(int resultCode, Java.Object intent, object info);

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