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Last active August 6, 2019 05:47
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  • Save cbalint13/3aada2285cad74dc78feeccbd5edd00b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cbalint13/3aada2285cad74dc78feeccbd5edd00b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upgrade TOPHUB winograd entries.
import sys
import json
old_file = 'arm_cpu_v0.04.log'
new_file = 'arm_cpu_v0.05.log'
fn = open(new_file, 'w')
with open(old_file) as fp:
for cnt, line in enumerate(fp):
if "winograd" in line:
# parse as json
d = json.loads(line)
# data info
_, _, H, W = d['i'][2][0][1]
# insert tile_size knob
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", 4])
print("Insert [arm_cpu] H:%i W:%i tile_size=%s" % (H, W, d['i'][5]['e'][0]))
new_line = json.dumps(d, separators=(', ', ': '))
# output to file
fn.write(new_line + "\n")
old_file = 'mali_v0.05.log'
new_file = 'mali_v0.06.log'
fn = open(new_file, 'w')
with open(old_file) as fp:
for cnt, line in enumerate(fp):
if "winograd" in line:
# parse as json
d = json.loads(line)
# data info
_, _, H, W = d['i'][2][0][1]
# insert tile_size knob
if H % 4 == 0:
tile_size = 4
tile_size = 2
if ": 15112" in line:
# replace original (28GFLOPS?) with 22GFLOPS one.
d = json.loads('{"i": ["opencl -model=rk3399 -device=mali", "topi_nn_conv2d", [["TENSOR", [1, 512, 7, 7], "float32"], ["TENSOR", [512, 512, 3, 3], "float32"], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], "NCHW", "float32"], {}, ["conv2d", [1, 512, 7, 7, "float32"], [512, 512, 3, 3, "float32"], [1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1], "NCHW", "float32"], {"i": 15112, "t": "winograd", "c": null, "e": [["tile_size", "ot", 2], ["tile_bna", "ot", 4], ["tile_bnb", "ot", 4], ["tile_t1", "sp", [64, 8]], ["tile_t2", "sp", [256, 2]], ["c_unroll", "sp", [256, 2]], ["yt", "ot", 32]]}], "r": [[0.0104451508], 0, 20.086809873580933, 1565054826.0923486], "v": 0.1}')
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", tile_size])
print("Insert [mali] H:%i W:%i tile_size=%s" % (H, W, d['i'][5]['e'][0]))
new_line = json.dumps(d, separators=(', ', ': '))
# output to file
fn.write(new_line + "\n")
old_file = 'cuda_v0.04.log'
new_file = 'cuda_v0.05.log'
fn = open(new_file, 'w')
with open(old_file) as fp:
for cnt, line in enumerate(fp):
if "winograd" in line:
# parse as json
d = json.loads(line)
# data info
_, _, H, W = d['i'][2][0][1]
# insert tile_size knob
if H % 8 == 0:
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", 4])
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", 2])
print("Insert [cuda] H:%i W:%i tile_size=%s" % (H, W, d['i'][5]['e'][0]))
new_line = json.dumps(d, separators=(', ', ': '))
# output to file
fn.write(new_line + "\n")
old_file = 'opencl_v0.02.log'
new_file = 'opencl_v0.03.log'
fn = open(new_file, 'w')
with open(old_file) as fp:
for cnt, line in enumerate(fp):
if "winograd" in line:
# parse as json
d = json.loads(line)
# data info
_, _, H, W = d['i'][2][0][1]
# insert tile_size knob
if H % 8 == 0:
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", 4])
d['i'][5]['e'].insert(0, ["tile_size", "ot", 2])
print("Insert [cuda] H:%i W:%i tile_size=%s" % (H, W, d['i'][5]['e'][0]))
new_line = json.dumps(d, separators=(', ', ': '))
# output to file
fn.write(new_line + "\n")
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