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Created February 28, 2024 17:50
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fnMegaStDevSample =
(l as list)=>
// function for trimmed average
fnGetTrimmed =
(lst as list)=>
// figure out 1st and 3rd quartiles
Percentile = List.Percentile(lst, {0.25, 0.75}, [PercentileMode=PercentileMode.ExcelInc]),
// get the interquartile range
IQR = Percentile{1} - Percentile{0},
// get the upper limit
Upper = Percentile{1} + (1.5 * IQR),
// get the lower limit
Lower = Percentile{0} - (1.5 * IQR),
// trim outliers
Select = List.Select(lst, each _ < Upper and _ > Lower),
// get the average of the rest
Trimmed = List.Average(Select)
fnGetGeomAvg =
// function for the geometric average
(lst as list, n as number)=>
// get the natural log of each number
log = List.Transform(lst, each Number.Ln(_)),
// take the average, then apply Number.Exp
log_avg = Number.Exp(List.Sum(log)/ n )
fnGetWinsorAvg =
// function for winsorized average
(lst as list)=>
// get the 0.05 and 0.95 percentiles
pcntl = List.Percentile(lst, {0.05, 0.95}, [PercentileMode=PercentileMode.ExcelInc]),
// if the values are outside of these percentiles, replace them
replace = List.Transform(lst, each if _ < pcntl{0} then pcntl{0} else if _ > pcntl{1} then pcntl{1} else _),
// take the average of the list with replacements
winsor_avg = List.Average(replace)
fnGetHarmonicAvg =
// function for harmonic mean
(lst as list, n as number)=>
// convert each value to reciprocals
reciprocals = List.Transform(lst, each 1/_),
// sum the reciprocals
sum_reciprocals = List.Sum(reciprocals),
// divide the sum by the count
harmonic = n / sum_reciprocals
fnStDevSample =
// function to manually calculate the standard deviation for a sample population
(lst as list, rcd as text, degrees as number) =>
stdev = Number.Sqrt(
each Record.Field(_,rcd)
/ degrees
// call the functions
count = List.Count(l),
arith = List.Average(l),
trim = fnGetTrimmed(l),
geom = fnGetGeomAvg(l, count),
wins = fnGetWinsorAvg(l),
harm = fnGetHarmonicAvg(l, count),
dof = count -1,
loop =
i = 0,
a = Number.Power(l{0} - arith, 2),
t = Number.Power(l{0} - trim, 2),
g = Number.Power(l{0} - geom, 2),
w = Number.Power(l{0} - wins, 2),
h = Number.Power(l{0} - harm, 2)
each [i] <= dof,
each [
a = Number.Power(l{[i]+1} - arith, 2),
t = Number.Power(l{[i]+1} - trim, 2),
g = Number.Power(l{[i]+1} - geom, 2),
w = Number.Power(l{[i]+1} - wins, 2),
h = Number.Power(l{[i]+1} - harm, 2)
// return as a record
arithmetic = List.StandardDeviation(l),
trimmed = fnStDevSample(loop, "t", dof),
geometric = fnStDevSample(loop, "g", dof),
winsor = fnStDevSample(loop, "w", dof),
harmonic = fnStDevSample(loop, "h", dof),
usage = "Arithmetic: Standard deviation for sample population based on arithmetic mean #(lf)" &
"Trimmed: Consider using when you want to minimize standard error in a dataset with small deviations from normality #(lf)" &
"Geometric: Consider when numbers are positive, exponential, and meant to be multiplied together. Example: Average growth rate, interest rates. #(lf)" &
"Winsor: Consider using when outliers are present and you want to limit their effect #(lf)" &
"Harmonic: Consider using on ratios or fractions, like miles per hour #(lf)"
fnType = type function (l as list) as record
meta [
Documentation.Name = "fnMegaStDevSample",
Documentation.LongDescription = "This function operates on a list and calculates different means and uses those means as part of a sample standard deviation calculation.",
Documentation.Examples = {
[Description = "This provides the different values for an example list.",
Code = "= fnMegaStDevSample({1, 5, 10, 20, 22})",
Result="[arithmetic = 9.18, trimmed = 9.18, geometric = 10.32, winsor = 9.18, harmonic= 12.83]"]
Value.ReplaceType(fnMegaStDevSample, fnType)
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