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Created August 20, 2012 21:41
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Poker kata
(ns poker-kata.core)
;; Functions to evaluate (5 card) poker hands, based on the code kata
;; at
;; A card is represented by a vector with a numeric rank and a suit.
;; example cards:
;; 5 of diamonds [5 :diamonds]
;; ace of spades [14 :spades]
(def suits [:clubs :diamonds :hearts :spades])
;; define the ordering of different kinds of hands
(def poker-hands-order (zipmap [:high-card :pair :two-pairs :three-of-a-kind :straight :flush :full-house :four-of-a-kind :straight-flush] (iterate inc 0)))
(def to-suit {\C :clubs \D :diamonds \H :hearts \S :spades})
(def to-rank {\2 2 \3 3 \4 4 \5 5 \6 6 \7 7 \8 8 \9 9 \T 10 \J 11 \Q 12 \K 13 \A 14})
(def rank-to-str {2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 10 10,
11 "Jack", 12 "Queen", 13 "King", 14 "Ace"})
(defn card?
"Try to determine if the given object looks like a card"
(sequential? x)
(integer? (first x))
(some #(= % (second x)) suits)))
(defn rank
"get rank for a card or sequence of cards"
(card? cards) (first cards)
(sequential? cards) (map first cards)))
(defn suit
"get suit for a card or sequence of cards"
(card? cards) (second cards)
(sequential? cards) (map second cards)))
(defn card-to-str
(str (rank-to-str (rank card)) " of " (name (suit card))))
(defn sort-cards
"Sort by suit first, then rank within suit"
(sort-by #(vec (reverse %)) cards))
(defn parse-card
"Parse a two character string into a card. The first character represents the
rank (2-9,T,J,Q,K,A) and the second character the suit (C, D, H, S)"
[(to-rank (first card-string))
(to-suit (second card-string))])
(defn parse-hand
"Parse a handful of cards from a whitespace delimited string to a list of cards"
(vec (sort-cards (map parse-card (clojure.string/split hand-string #"\s+")))))
(defn deal
"Deal n cards off the deck"
[deck n]
(vector (take n deck) (drop n deck)))
(defn new-deck
"Return a new 52 card deck"
(for [r (range 2 15)
s suits]
(vector r s)))
(defn highest-rank
"finds card with highest rank"
(apply max (rank cards)))
(defn- consecutive-sorted?
(if (= 1 (count a))
(= (second a) (inc (first a)))
(consecutive-sorted? (rest a)))))
(defn consecutive?
"Determines whether the input is a sequence of consecutive items (eg. [4,5,6,7]).
To avoid resorting input, include :sorted as a parameter."
[a & more]
(if (= 1 (count a))
(if (some #{:sorted} more)
(consecutive-sorted? a)
(consecutive-sorted? (sort a)))))
(defn runs
"Organize cards into runs of the same rank (2-of-a-kind, 2-pairs, full-house, etc.).
(reverse (sort-by #(vector (count %) (rank (first %)))
(partition-by rank (sort cards)))))
(defn condense-runs
"Given some runs, extract the rank of each run"
(map #(rank (first %)) runs))
(defn flush? [hand]
(apply = (suit hand)))
(defn straight? [hand]
(consecutive? (rank hand)))
(defn straight-flush? [hand]
(and (straight? hand) (flush? hand)))
(defn four-of-a-kind?
(= [4 1] (map count (runs hand))))
(defn full-house?
(= [3 2] (map count (runs hand))))
(defn three-of-a-kind?
(= [3 1 1] (map count (runs hand))))
(defn pair?
(= [2 1 1 1] (map count (runs hand))))
(defn two-pairs?
(= [2 2 1] (map count (runs hand))))
(defn classify-hand
"Given a 5-card hand, return what kind of hand it is (full-house, pair, etc.)"
(straight-flush? hand) :straight-flush
(four-of-a-kind? hand) :four-of-a-kind
(full-house? hand) :full-house
(flush? hand) :flush
(straight? hand) :straight
(three-of-a-kind? hand) :three-of-a-kind
(two-pairs? hand) :two-pairs
(pair? hand) :pair
:else :high-card))
(defn- compare-by-rank
"Compare hands by highest ranking card, resolving ties by second highest ranking
card, etc."
[hand1 hand2]
(compare (vec (reverse (sort (rank hand1)))) (vec (reverse (sort (rank hand2))))))
(defn- compare-runs-by-rank
"Compare hands that depend on runs (n-of-kind, full-house, 2-pairs). Note,
this method only compares two hands of the *same* kind."
[hand1 hand2]
(compare (vec (condense-runs (runs hand1))) (vec (condense-runs (runs hand2)))))
(defn compare-hands
"compare two poker hands, returning a negative value, 0 or a positive value"
[hand1 hand2]
(let [class1 (classify-hand hand1)
class2 (classify-hand hand2)]
(not= class1 class2)
(- (poker-hands-order class1) (poker-hands-order class2))
(#{:pair :two-pairs :three-of-a-kind :full-house :four-of-a-kind} class1)
(compare-runs-by-rank hand1 hand2)
(compare-by-rank hand1 hand2))))
(defn count-hands
"Generate n random poker hands, classify them and total up the counts
for each type of hand."
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc (%1 %2 0)))
(for [x (range n)]
(take 5 (shuffle (new-deck)))))))
(defn -main
"Let's play some poker."
[& args]
(println (str (first args)) "poker hands coming up!")
(count-hands (read-string (first args))))
(ns poker-kata.core-test
(:use clojure.test
(def hand (parse-hand "KH QS 2C 8D 9S"))
(def equally-bad-hand (parse-hand "KS QH 8S 2D 9H"))
(def better-hand (parse-hand "KS QH 3S 8D 9H"))
(def hand-s (parse-hand "2C 3H 4S 5D 6C"))
(def hand-f (parse-hand "4H KH 6H JH 8H"))
(def hand-sf (parse-hand "4H 5H 6H 7H 8H"))
(def hand-4 (parse-hand "TS TH TC TD 7S"))
(def hand-fh (parse-hand "AS AH AC KD KS"))
(def hand-3 (parse-hand "TS TH TC AD 7S"))
(def hand-2p (parse-hand "TS TH AC AD 7S"))
(def hand-2 (parse-hand "TS 9H AC AD 7S"))
(deftest test-recognition-of-cards
(testing "Testing detection of cards"
(is (not (card? nil)))
(is (not (card? "foo")))
(is (not (card? [])))
(is (not (card? [3 :foo])))
(is (not (card? [\z :hearts])))
(is (card? [10 :hearts]))
(is (card? [2 :spades])) ))
(deftest test-rank-and-suit
(testing "Testing extraction of rank and suit from cards"
(is (= (rank [5 :hearts]) 5))
(is (= (suit [5 :hearts]) :hearts)) ))
(deftest test-sort-cards
(testing "Testing sort cards, which orders by suit then rank"
(is (=
(sort-cards [[10 :clubs] [9 :clubs] [11 :spades] [12 :hearts] [13 :diamonds]])
[[9 :clubs] [10 :clubs] [13 :diamonds] [12 :hearts] [11 :spades]]))))
(deftest test-parse-card
(testing "Testing parsing card"
(is (= (parse-card "TS") [10 :spades]))
(is (= (parse-card "5C") [5 :clubs]))
(is (= (parse-card "2D") [2 :diamonds]))
(is (= (parse-card "AH") [14 :hearts])) ))
(deftest test-parse-hand
(testing "Testing parse hand"
(is (=
(parse-hand "9C TC JS QH KD")
[[9 :clubs] [10 :clubs] [13 :diamonds] [12 :hearts] [11 :spades]]))))
(deftest test-consecutive
(testing "detection of consecutively ordered sequences"
(is (consecutive? [5 6 7 8 9 10]))
(is (not (consecutive? [5 6 7 9 10]))) ))
(deftest test-detecting-runs
(testing "Test detection of runs of like ranks"
(is (=
(runs (parse-hand "3H AS 3C AD 3S"))
'(([3 :clubs] [3 :hearts] [3 :spades]) ([14 :diamonds] [14 :spades])))) ))
(deftest test-hand-classification
(testing "Test hand classification predicates"
(is (not (flush? hand)))
(is (flush? hand-f))
(is (flush? hand-sf))
(is (not (straight? hand)))
(is (straight? hand-s))
(is (not (straight-flush? hand-s)))
(is (not (straight-flush? hand-f)))
(is (straight-flush? hand-sf))
(is (not (pair? hand)))
(is (pair? hand-2))
(is (not (two-pairs? hand-2)))
(is (two-pairs? hand-2p))
(is (not (three-of-a-kind? hand-2p)))
(is (not (three-of-a-kind? hand-2)))
(is (three-of-a-kind? hand-3))
(is (not (full-house? hand-3)))
(is (full-house? hand-fh))
(is (not (four-of-a-kind? hand-3)))
(is (four-of-a-kind? hand-4))
(deftest test-compare-hands
(testing "Test comparison of poker hands"
;; compare different classes of hands
(is (pos? (compare-hands hand-sf hand-f)))
(is (pos? (compare-hands hand-sf hand-s)))
(is (pos? (compare-hands hand-s hand-2p)))
(is (pos? (compare-hands hand-fh hand)))
(is (neg? (compare-hands hand-2p hand-fh)))
(is (neg? (compare-hands hand-3 hand-4)))
(is (neg? (compare-hands hand-2 hand-3)))
(is (neg? (compare-hands hand hand-2)))
;; compare 2 full houses
(is (pos? (compare-hands
(parse-hand "TH TS TC JS JD")
(parse-hand "9C 9S 9H QH QD"))))
;; compare 2 hands containing 2 pairs, different in lesser pair
(is (pos? (compare-hands
(parse-hand "TH TS JS JD 3C")
(parse-hand "9C 9S JH JC 7D"))))
;; compare 2 hands containing 2 pairs, different in last card
(is (pos? (compare-hands
(parse-hand "9H 9D JS JD 4C")
(parse-hand "9C 9S JH JC 3D"))))
(is (neg? (compare-hands hand better-hand)))
;; compare identical hands
(is (zero? (compare-hands hand hand)))
(is (zero? (compare-hands hand equally-bad-hand)))
(is (zero? (compare-hands hand-fh hand-fh)))
(is (zero? (compare-hands hand-s hand-s)))
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