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Last active May 29, 2016 21:43
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An experiment to combine hashing with a floating point address space
// This is an experiment to combine hashing with a floating point address space.
// # The Problem:
// In a binary search tree, we wish to assign each node a unique address such
// that nodes which sort to the right have higher addresses than nodes that sort
// to the left. We want to generate the address when the node is inserted, and
// we want addresses to be stable, meaning that new insertions will not effect
// existing addresses. We also want finite bounds on the address space.
// A secondary goal is that we want the low bits to exhibit entropy so that
// assigning addresses can also serve as a hash function.
// # The Naïve Solution:
// One obvious solution is to generate an address for each new node equal to the
// average of the addresses of the nodes to the immediate left and right at
// insertion time.
// We can assess this algorithm as an address generator by reasoning about the
// size of the address space. The address space is fundamentally limited by the
// number of bits in the address representation. In the IEEE 754 binary floating
// point formats, multiplying and dividing a number by two only perturbs the
// minimum possible number of bits. Thus this solution provides the largest
// address space.
// However, this algorithm serves as a poor hash function for the same reason
// that makes it a good address generator: very few bits change between
// addresses.
// See:
// # Our Solution
// We extend the naïve solution to a weighted average and achieve a better hash
// function. We use the formula `x*w + y*(1-w)` to generate an address between
// x and y given some weight w. Note that a weight of 1/2 is the same as the
// naïve solution.
// Weights of 1/p where p is prime and greater than 2 perform best as a hash
// function. However, the size of the address space decreases rapidly as p
// increases because of the requirement for more significant bits. Thus p=3
// seems to be the best balance of entropy and space. Empirical evidence
// suggests the tree can safely grow to a depth greater than 32 and the
// addresses contain enough entropy that I am comfortable using the low bits as
// bucket numbers in hash tables.
// # Future Work
// All of these results we derived empirically, and more theoretical work would
// be appreciated. I would love to have a formula for the maximum depth of the
// tree given the weight, as well as a proof that this method is free from
// address collisions.
package main
import (
const (
weight = 1.0 / 3
trials = 256 // number of walks in the experiment
maxDepth = 32 // depth of each walk
histDepth = 4 // only addresses deeper than this are recorded in the histogram
func addr(lo, hi float64) float64 {
return lo*(weight) + hi*(1-weight)
// The main experiment is simple. We take random walks through the address space
// and record the path we took to reach that address. If we encounter the same
// address from a previous walk, we verify that it is on the same path. We
// record the hash value of deep nodes into a histogram to verify entropy.
func main() {
var (
lo, hi float64 // address bounds of the current subtree
x float64 // root of the current subtree
hist [32]int // histogram for checking entropy
// We record the path to each address we encounter. A path is a list of
// decisions to go left or right. If the same address can be reach by
// multiple paths, our method is incorrect.
paths = make(map[float64][]bool)
fmt.Println("depth\taddress \tbits \thash")
for i := 0; i < trials; i++ {
lo, hi = 0, 1
x = lo/2 + hi/2
var path []bool
for i := 0; i < maxDepth; i++ {
// Check that the current subtree has not been visited by any other path.
seen := paths[x]
if seen == nil {
paths[x] = path
} else {
if len(seen) != len(path) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v visited by two paths:\n\t%v and\n\t%v", x, seen, path))
for i := range path {
if path[i] != seen[i] {
panic(fmt.Errorf("%v visited by two paths:\n\t%v and\n\t%v", x, seen, path))
// Record the low bits of the current node into the histogram.
// We only record nodes from long paths, because there are very few
// short paths and thus the same short paths occur at the beginning
// of most trials.
bits := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&x))
hash := bits % uint64(len(hist))
if i > histDepth {
fmt.Printf("%d\t%0.13f\t%0.64b\t%d\n", i, x, bits, hash)
// Decide which path to take and generate the next address.
if rand.Intn(2) == 1 {
path = append(path, true)
lo = x
x = addr(x, hi)
} else {
path = append(path, false)
hi = x
x = addr(x, lo)
fmt.Printf("Hash distribution for nodes deeper than %v:\n", histDepth)
var mean float64
var variance float64
for i := range hist {
mean += float64(hist[i]) / float64(len(hist))
for i := range hist {
x := float64(hist[i])
variance += (x - mean) * (x - mean) / float64(len(hist))
var sd = math.Sqrt(variance)
fmt.Println("mean:\t", mean)
fmt.Println("sd:\t", sd)
for i := range hist {
x := float64(hist[i])
if math.Abs(x-mean) > 2*sd {
panic("possibly biased distribution")
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