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Created November 21, 2017 00:44
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mines problem
import re
import sys
import numpy as np
def read(stream=sys.stdin):
'''Read some input to get a matrix of mines.
Each row of the mine matrix is a different mine. The first column is the
current gold value. The second column is the decay rate per travel step.
Using a matrix means we can use matrix operations rather than loops.
pat = re.compile('([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]+)')
line = stream.readline()
match = pat.match(line)
n_mines = int(match[1])
travel_time = int(match[2])
mines = np.zeros((n_mines, 2))
for i, line in enumerate(stream):
match = pat.match(line)
g = int(match[1])
d = int(match[2])
mines[i] = (g, d * travel_time)
return mines
def generate(n):
'''Generate a sample problem of size n.
mines = np.ndarray((n, 2), dtype='int')
for m in mines:
m[0] = np.random.randint(2, 100)
m[1] = np.random.randint(1, m[0])
return mines
def advance(mines):
'''Build a new mine matrix one step in the future.
mines = np.copy(mines)
mines[:,0] -= mines[:,1]
return mines
def alive(mines):
'''Returns True if we can move to a new mine.
n_active = (mines[:,0] > 0).sum()
return n_active > 1
def best(mines, exclude=[]):
'''Returns the index of the best mine, excluding some list of indices.
The best mine is the one with the most gold.
Ties are broken by decay rate.
m = np.copy(mines)
m[exclude, 0] = 0
gold = m[:, 0]
decay = m[:, 1]
m = gold * np.max(decay) + decay # combine the main criteria and the tie breaker
i = np.argmax(m)
return i
def solve(mines, start=None):
'''Returns the optimal score you can achieve on some mines problem.
If no starting mine is given, start from the best mine.
if start is None: start = best(mines)
current = start
score = 0
while alive(mines):
score += mines[current, 0]
i = best(mines, exclude=current)
assert current != i
current = i
mines = advance(mines)
return score
if __name__ == '__main__':
mines = read()
x = solve(mines)
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