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Last active March 7, 2018 19:43
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testnum = (num) => {
if(num > 10) {
resolve(`${num} is greater than 10, success!`)
} else {
reject(Error(`${num} is less than 10, error!`)
makeAllCaps = (array) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(array.every(value => typeof value === 'string')) {
const allCaps = => value.toUpperCase());
} else {
reject(Error('The array you passed in contained an element that was not a string'))
sortWords = (array) => {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
Writen Questions
1. .then is used to allow developers to manipulate or use the value a promise resolves. .catch is used for error handling
2. Anytime asynchronous js code is being run
3. Node, Q, Bluebird
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