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[4/30/14, 11:12:59 AM] Chris Beams: Hey, did you see this?
[4/30/14, 11:13:48 AM] Chris Beams: Not sure if the ability to specify generic types made its way in (in a way that can be used from within a BDRPP) with the changes for generic collection autowiring...
[4/30/14, 11:14:23 AM] Juergen Hoeller: hmm, that hasn't been made possible... with any of our bean definition styles
[4/30/14, 11:14:41 AM] Chris Beams: yeah, I took a look through the hierarchy and didn't see anything to that effect.
[4/30/14, 11:14:49 AM] Juergen Hoeller: we only match against actually declared generic types in the target bean class or the target factory method's return type
[4/30/14, 11:15:02 AM] Juergen Hoeller: so in that sense, I suppose it is possible with @Bean methods
[4/30/14, 11:15:26 AM] Juergen Hoeller: but only to the extent as it is possible with any kind of factory method
[4/30/14, 11:15:29 AM] Chris Beams: yeah.
[4/30/14, 11:15:54 AM] Juergen Hoeller: in princi