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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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  • Save cbeck88/c34f11efb06e6d3c7284 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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temp temp temp
require 'formula'
class Wesnoth < Formula
homepage ''
head ''
stable do
url ''
sha1 '86e329585244c377a1863f64dd534bc7bbcc7acf'
patch do
# This adds pkg_config_libdir to scons/pkgconfig py file
url ''
sha1 '8fb0de0af39075b249493e948dabe5868ecb681c'
patch do
# This adds OS_ENV option to SConstruct
url ''
sha1 '5f4b1d05d9a76495f102efc8e7522c825e94b5a0'
devel do
url ''
sha1 'd2d1e95cbc660adbc54b8b11b5d36ba73977b54c'
patch do
# This adds pkg_config_libdir to scons/pkgconfig py file
url ''
sha1 '8fb0de0af39075b249493e948dabe5868ecb681c'
patch do
# This adds OS_ENV option to SConstruct
url ''
sha1 '0660e6f68e75d1f27a17e15ccebf55846c7b44dc'
patch do
# This fixed up the issue with TERM being empty
url ''
sha1 '9f2c3a581eb2f32dc9efa56c4196f94a1a398774'
depends_on 'scons' => :build
depends_on 'gettext' #This is only needed to generate translation catalogues at compile time (MSGFMT), and for wesnoth 1.10. In 1.12+ we use boost locale for actual runtime translations, as libintl does not support unicode in filepaths when used with mingw32 compiler
depends_on 'fribidi'
depends_on 'boost'
depends_on 'libpng' #This gets included when compiling wesnoth binary, when saving screenshots as png
depends_on 'fontconfig'
depends_on 'cairo'
depends_on 'pango'
if OS.linux?
# On linux, x11 driver is needed or the clipboard code doesn't work, images don't load
depends_on 'sdl' => 'with-x11-driver'
depends_on 'sdl'
# The images are pngs. sdl_image must have png support, and on linux brew must link with brew libpng not system libpng
depends_on 'sdl_image'
# The music is in .ogg format
depends_on 'sdl_mixer' => 'with-libvorbis'
depends_on 'sdl_net'
depends_on 'sdl_ttf'
depends_on 'ccache' => :optional
option "with-ccache", "speeds recompilation, convenient for beta testers"
option "with-debug", "build with debugging symbols"
def install
gettext = Formula["gettext"].opt_prefix
args = %W[prefix=#{prefix} docdir=#{doc} mandir=#{man} fifodir=#{var}/run/wesnothd]
args << "gettextdir=#{gettext}" unless OS.linux? #use system-installed gettext on linux, the gettext formula doesn't provide libintl.h on linux. note: when 1.12 is released, this exception can be removed as we don't depend on libintl anymore after that
args << "OS_ENV=true"
args << "install"
args << "wesnoth"
args << "wesnothd"
args << "-j#{ENV.make_jobs}"
args << "ccache=true" if build.with? "ccache"
args << "build=debug" if build.with? "debug"
scons *args
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