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Created February 3, 2015 21:12
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Save cberzan/104bd16e7201114dd4c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 2015-02-03
// Dynamics model:
// Car parameters:
random Real car_a ~ DontCare();
random Real car_b ~ DontCare();
random Real car_h ~ DontCare();
random Real car_L ~ DontCare();
// Initial car pose:
random Real init_x ~ DontCare();
random Real init_y ~ DontCare();
random Real init_theta ~ DontCare();
// Controls:
random Real velocity(Timestep t) ~ DontCare();
random Real steering(Timestep t) ~ DontCare();
// Time at every timestep:
random Real time(Timestep t) ~ DontCare();
random Real delta_t(Timestep t) ~ time(t) - time(t - 1);
// Car pose:
random Real car_x(Timestep t) ~
if t == @0 then init_x
else UnivarGaussian(car_x(t - 1) + delta_t(t) * car_xdot(t), 0.00001);
random Real car_y(Timestep t) ~
if t == @0 then init_y
else UnivarGaussian(car_y(t - 1) + delta_t(t) * car_ydot(t), 0.00001);
random Real car_theta(Timestep t) ~
if t == @0 then init_theta
else normalize_radians(car_theta_unnorm(t));
random Real car_theta_unnorm(Timestep t) ~
UnivarGaussian(car_theta(t - 1) + delta_t(t) * car_thetadot(t), 0.00001);
random Real car_xdot(Timestep t) ~
velocity(t) * cos(car_theta(t)) -
(velocity(t) / car_L) * tan(steering(t)) *
(car_a * sin(car_theta(t)) + car_b * cos(car_theta(t)));
random Real car_ydot(Timestep t) ~
velocity(t) * sin(car_theta(t)) -
(velocity(t) / car_L) * tan(steering(t)) *
(car_a * cos(car_theta(t)) - car_b * sin(car_theta(t)));
random Real car_thetadot(Timestep t) ~
(velocity(t) / car_L) * tan(steering(t));
// Car pose as a matrix, for querying.
// (Otherwise we get marginals on x, y, theta, instead of the joint.)
random RealMatrix car_pose(Timestep t) ~ vstack(car_x(t), car_y(t), car_theta(t));
// Laser pose:
random Real laser_x(Timestep t) ~
car_x(t) + car_a * cos(car_theta(t)) +
car_b * cos(car_theta(t) + pi / 2.0);
random Real laser_y(Timestep t) ~
car_y(t) + car_a * sin(car_theta(t)) +
car_b * sin(car_theta(t) + pi / 2.0);
random Real laser_theta(Timestep t) ~ car_theta(t);
// Convert angle to the range [-pi, pi).
// Currently works only for angles that are at most 2*pi off.
random Real normalize_radians(Real theta) ~
if theta < -pi then theta + 2 * pi
else if theta >= pi then theta - 2 * pi
else theta;
// Observation model:
// There are some landmarks on the map.
type Landmark;
#Landmark ~ Poisson(6);
// Absolute position of a landmark on the map.
random Real abs_x(Landmark o) ~ UniformReal(-7.0, 7.0);
random Real abs_y(Landmark o) ~ UniformReal(-7.0, 7.0);
// Laser-relative position of a landmark.
random Real rel_x(Landmark o, Timestep t) ~
cos(laser_theta(t)) * abs_x(o) + sin(laser_theta(t)) * abs_y(o)
- laser_x(t) * cos(laser_theta(t)) - laser_y(t) * sin(laser_theta(t));
random Real rel_y(Landmark o, Timestep t) ~
-sin(laser_theta(t)) * abs_x(o) + cos(laser_theta(t)) * abs_y(o)
+ laser_x(t) * sin(laser_theta(t)) - laser_y(t) * cos(laser_theta(t));
// At every laser timestep, each visible landmark generates zero or one blips.
// (We do not model false positives for now.)
type Blip;
origin Landmark source(Blip);
origin Timestep time(Blip);
#Blip(source=o, time=t) ~
if is_laser_timestep(t) & within_range(o, t) then Bernoulli(0.95)
else 0;
random Boolean is_laser_timestep(Timestep t) ~ DontCare();
// Return true iff landmark is visible laser range at the given timestep.
random Boolean within_range(Landmark o, Timestep t) ~
rel_distance(o, t) <= 10.0 &
rel_angle(o, t) >= -pi/2 &
rel_angle(o, t) <= pi/2;
random Real rel_distance(Landmark o, Timestep t) ~
(rel_x(o, t)^2 + rel_y(o, t)^2)^0.5;
random Real rel_angle(Landmark o, Timestep t) ~
atan2(rel_y(o, t), rel_x(o, t));
// Blip position.
random Real obs_x(Blip b) ~
UnivarGaussian(rel_x(source(b), time(b)), 0.01);
random Real obs_y(Blip b) ~
UnivarGaussian(rel_y(source(b), time(b)), 0.01);
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