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Created December 29, 2017 18:37
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~/kotlin/kobalt $ k assemble
__ __ __ __ __
/ //_/ ____ / /_ ____ _ / / / /_
/ ,< / __ \ / __ \ / __ `/ / / / __/
/ /| | / /_/ / / /_/ // /_/ / / / / /_
/_/ |_| \____/ /_.___/ \__,_/ /_/ \__/ 1.0.93
Regular compilation time: 2459 ms
Parallel build starting
║ Building kobalt-wrapper ║
───── kobalt-wrapper:compile
───── kobalt-wrapper:copyVersionForWrapper
───── kobalt-wrapper:assemble
║ Building kobalt-plugin-api ║
───── kobalt-plugin-api:compile
───── kobalt-plugin-api:copyVersionForWrapper
───── kobalt-plugin-api:assemble
║ Building kobalt ║
───── kobalt:compile
───── kobalt:copyVersionForWrapper
───── kobalt:assemble
Created .\kobaltBuild\libs\
Created .\kobaltBuild\libs\kobalt-1.0.93.pom
Thread report
***** WARNING Couldn't determine project start: kobalt-wrapper
║ Time (sec) ║ Thread 16 ║ Thread 14 ║ Thread 15 ║
║ 0 ║ ║ ║ kobalt-plugin-api ║
║ 0 ║ ║ kobalt-wrapper ║ ║
║ 5 ║ ║ ║ kobalt-plugin-api (5) ║
║ 5 ║ kobalt ║ ║ ║
║ 13 ║ kobalt (7) ║ ║ ║
║ Project ║ Build status║ Time ║
║ kobalt-wrapper ║ SUCCESS ║ 0.04 ║
║ kobalt-plugin-api ║ SUCCESS ║ 5.24 ║
║ kobalt ║ SUCCESS ║ 7.93 ║
PARALLEL BUILD SUCCESSFUL (13 SECONDS), sequential build would have taken 13 seconds
~/kotlin/kobalt $ unzip kobaltBuild/libs/
Archive: kobaltBuild/libs/
inflating: kobalt-1.0.93/bin/kobaltw
inflating: kobalt-1.0.93/bin/kobaltw.bat
inflating: kobalt-1.0.93/kobalt/wrapper/kobalt-1.0.93.jar
inflating: kobalt-1.0.93/kobalt/wrapper/kobalt-wrapper.jar
inflating: kobalt-1.0.93/kobalt/wrapper/kobalt-1.0.93-sources.jar
~/kotlin/kobalt $ od -ah kobalt-1.0.93/bin/kobaltw|head
0000000 # ! / u s r / b i n / e n v sp s
2123 752f 7273 622f 6e69 652f 766e 7320
0000020 h cr nl cr nl c a s e sp " $ ( u n a
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